Publikationen von J.-C. Mayer

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Plake, D.; Stella, P.; Moravek, A.; Mayer, J.-C.; Ammann, C.; Held, A.; Trebs, I.: Comparison of ozone deposition measured with the dynamic chamber and the eddy covariance method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 206, S. 97 - 112 (2015)
Ermel, M.; Oswald, R.; Mayer, J. C.; Moravek, A.; Song, G.; Beck, M.; Meixner, F. X.; Trebs, I.: Preparation Methods to Optimize the Performance of Sensor Discs for Fast Chemiluminescence Ozone Analyzers. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (4), S. 1930 - 1936 (2013)
Chi, X.; Winderlich, J.; Mayer, J.-C.; Panov, A. V.; Heimann, M.; Birmili, W.; Heintzenberg, J.; Cheng, Y.; Andreae, M. O.: Long-term measurements of aerosol and carbon monoxide at the ZOTTO tall tower to characterize polluted and pristine air in the Siberian taiga. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (24), S. 12271 - 12298 (2013)
Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.; Falge, E.; Zetzsch, C.; Serafimovich, A.; Bargsten, A.; Behrendt, T.; Biermann, T.; Breuninger, C.; Dix, S. et al.; Gerken, T.; Hunner, M.; Lehmann-Pape, L.; Hens, K.; Jocher, G.; Kesselmeier, J.; Lüers, J.; Mayer, J. C.; Moravek, A.; Plake, D.; Riederer, M.; Rütz, F.; Scheibe, M.; Siebicke, L.; Sörgel, M.; Staudt, K.; Trebs, I.; Tsokankunku, A.; Welling, M.; Wolff, V.; Zhu, Z.: Coupling processes and exchange of energy and reactive and non-reactive trace gases at a forest site - results of the EGER experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (4), S. 1923 - 1950 (2012)
Mayer, J. C.; Bargsten, A.; Rummel, U.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: Distributed Modified Bowen Ratio method for surface layer fluxes of reactive and non-reactive trace gases. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (6 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 655 - 668 (2011)
Vasileva, A. V.; Moiseenko, K. B.; Mayer, J.-C.; Jürgens, N.; Panov, A.; Heimann, M.; Andreae, M. O.: Assessment of the regional atmospheric impact of wildfire emissions based on CO observations at the ZOTTO tall tower station in central Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 116, D07301 (2011)
Heintzenberg, J.; Birmili, W.; Otto, R.; Andreae, M. O.; Mayer, J.-C.; Chi, X.; Panov, A.: Aerosol particle number size distributions and particulate light absorption at the ZOTTO tall tower (Siberia), 2006-2009. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (16), S. 8703 - 8719 (2011)
Mayer, J. C.; Hens, K.; Rummel, U.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: Moving measurement platforms - specific challenges and corrections. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18 (5), S. 477 - 488 (2009)
Mayer, J.-C.; Gilge, S.; Staudt, K.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: Freie Konvektion im Vorderland des Hohen Peißenbergs – Einfluss auf Spurengasmessungen. GAW Brief des Deutschen Wetterdienstes 42, S. 1 - 2 (2008)
Mayer, J. C.; Staudt, K.; Gilge, S.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: The impact of free convection on late morning ozone decreases on an Alpine foreland mountain summit. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (19), S. 5941 - 5956 (2008)
Thomas, C.; Mayer, J. C.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: Analysis of low-frequency turbulence above tall vegetation using a Doppler sodar. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 119 (3), S. 563 - 587 (2006)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Mayer, J.-C.: Transport processes of reactive trace gases in the atmospheric boundary layer. Dissertation, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth (2009)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Mayer, J. C.: Characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer in a complex terrain using SODAR-RASS. Diplom, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth (2005)
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