Publikationen von E. Falge

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Gatzsche, K.; Babel, W.; Falge, E.; Pyles, R. D.; Paw, K. T. U.; Raabe, A.; Foken, T.: Footprint-weighted tile approach for a spruce forest and a nearby patchy clearing using the ACASA model. Biogeosciences 15 (9), S. 2945 - 2960 (2018)
Babel, W.; Biermann, T.; Coners, H.; Falge, E.; Seeber, E.; Ingrisch, J.; Schleuß, P.-M.; Gerken, T.; Leonbacher, J.; Leipold, T. et al.; Willinghöfer, S.; Schützenmeister, K.; Shibistova, O.; Becker, L.; Hafner, S.; Spielvogel, S.; Li, X.; Xu, X.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, L.; Yang, Y.; Ma, Y.; Wesche, K.; Graf, H. F.; Leuschner, C.; Guggenberger, G.; Kuzyakov, Y.; Miehe, G.; Foken, T.: Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands. Biogeosciences 11, S. 6633 - 6656 (2014)
Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.; Falge, E.; Zetzsch, C.; Serafimovich, A.; Bargsten, A.; Behrendt, T.; Biermann, T.; Breuninger, C.; Dix, S. et al.; Gerken, T.; Hunner, M.; Lehmann-Pape, L.; Hens, K.; Jocher, G.; Kesselmeier, J.; Lüers, J.; Mayer, J. C.; Moravek, A.; Plake, D.; Riederer, M.; Rütz, F.; Scheibe, M.; Siebicke, L.; Sörgel, M.; Staudt, K.; Trebs, I.; Tsokankunku, A.; Welling, M.; Wolff, V.; Zhu, Z.: Coupling processes and exchange of energy and reactive and non-reactive trace gases at a forest site - results of the EGER experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (4), S. 1923 - 1950 (2012)
Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.; Falge, E.: Special Issue on Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry in Forest Ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (6 Sp. Iss. SI), S. V - V (2011)
Staudt, K.; Serafimovich, A.; Siebicke, L.; Pyles, R. D.; Falge, E.: Vertical structure of evapotranspiration at a forest site (a case study). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (6 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 709 - 729 (2011)
Bargsten, A.; Falge, E.; Pritsch, K.; Huwe, B.; Meixner, F. X.: Laboratory measurements of nitric oxide release from forest soil with a thick organic layer under different understory types. Biogeosciences 7 (5), S. 1425 - 1441 (2010)
Luyssaert, S.; Reichstein, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Janssens, I. A.; Law, B. E.; Papale, D.; Dragoni, D.; Goulden, M. L.; Granier, A.; Kutsch, W. L. et al.; Linder, S.; Matteucci, G.; Moors, E.; Munger, J. W.; Pilegaard, K.; Saunders, M.; Falge, E. M.: Toward a consistency cross-check of eddy covariance flux-based and biometric estimates of ecosystem carbon balance. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23, GB3009 (2009)
Desai, A. R.; Richardson, A. D.; Moffat, A. M.; Kattge, J.; Hollinger, D. Y.; Barr, A.; Falge, E.; Noormets, A.; Papale, D.; Reichstein, M. et al.; Stauch, V. J.: Cross-site evaluation of eddy covariance GPP and RE decomposition techniques. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (6-7), S. 821 - 838 (2008)
Richardson, A. D.; Mahecha, M. D.; Falge, E.; Kattge, J.; Moffat, A. M.; Papale, D.; Reichstein, M.; Stauch, V. J.; Braswell, B. H.; Churkina, G. et al.; Kruijt, B.; Hollinger, D. Y.: Statistical properties of random CO2 flux measurement uncertainty inferred from model residuals. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (1), S. 38 - 50 (2008)
Moffat, A. M.; Papale, D.; Reichstein, M.; Hollinger, D. Y.; Richardson, A. D.; Barr, A. G.; Beckstein, C.; Braswell, B. H.; Churkina, G.; Desai, A. R. et al.; Falge, E.; Gove, J. H.; Heimann, M.; Hui, D. F.; Jarvis, A. J.; Kattge, J.; Noormets, A.; Stauch, V. J.: Comprehensive comparison of gap-filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 147 (3-4), S. 209 - 232 (2007)
Owen, K. E.; Tenhunen, J.; Reichstein, M.; Wang, Q.; Falge, E.; Geyer, R.; Xiao, X.; Stoy, P.; Ammann, C.; Arain, A. et al.; Aubinet, M.; Aurela, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Chojnicki, B. H.; Granier, A.; Gruenwald, T.; Hadley, J.; Heinesch, B.; Hollinger, D.; Knohl, A.; Kutsch, W.; Lohila, A.; Meyers, T.; Moors, E.; Moureaux, C.; Pilegaard, K.; Saigusa, N.; Verma, S.; Vesala, T.; Vogel, C.: Linking flux network measurements to continental scale simulations: Ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange capacity under non-water-stressed conditions. Global Change Biology 13, S. 734 - 760 (2007)
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