Publikationen von F. X. Meixner

Zeitschriftenartikel (88)

Ermel, M.; Behrendt, T.; Oswald, R.; Derstroff, B.; Wu, D.; Hohlmann, S.; Stönner, C.; Pommerening-Roeser, A.; Koenneke, M.; Williams, J. et al.; Meixner, F. X.; Andreae, M. O.; Trebs, I.; Sörgel, M.: Hydroxylamine released by nitrifying microorganisms is a precursor for HONO emission from drying soils. Scientific Reports 8, 1877 (2018)
Walther, M.; Dashtseren, A.; Kamp, U.; Temujin, K.; Meixner, F. X.; Pan, C. G.; Gansukh, Y.: Glaciers, Permafrost and Lake Levels at the Tsengel Khairkhan Massif, Mongolian Altai, During the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Geosciences 7 (3), UNSP 73 (2017)
Lammel, G.; Meixner, F. X.; Vrana, B.; Efstathiou, C. I.; Kohoutek, J.; Kukucka, P.; Mulder, M. D.; Pribylova, P.; Prokes, R.; Rusina, T. P. et al.; Song, G.; Tsapakis, M.: Bidirectional air-sea exchange and accumulation of POPs (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs and PBDEs) in the nocturnal marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (10), S. 6381 - 6393 (2016)
Mamtimin, B.; Meixner, F. X.; Behrendt, T.; Badawy, M.; Wagner, T. K.: The contribution of soil biogenic NO and HONO emissions from a managed hyperarid ecosystem to the regional NOx emissions during growing season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (15), S. 10175 - 10194 (2016)
Mamtimin, B.; Behrendt, T.; Badawy, M. M.; Wagner, T.; Qi, Y.; Wu, Z.; Meixner, F. X.: Tropospheric vertical column densities of NO2 over managed dryland ecosystems (Xinjiang, China): MAX-DOAS measurements vs. 3-D dispersion model simulations based on laboratory-derived NO emission from soil samples. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (2), S. 867 - 882 (2015)
Zhu, Z.; Sun, X.; Zhao, F.; Meixner, F. X.: Ozone concentrations, flux and potential effect on yield during wheat growth in the Northwest-Shandong Plain of China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 34, S. 1 - 9 (2015)
Zhu, Z.; Zhao, F.; Voss, L.; Xu, L.; Sun, X.; Yu, G.; Meixner, F. X.: The effects of different calibration and frequency response correction methods on eddy covariance ozone flux measured with a dry chemiluminescence analyzer. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 213, S. 114 - 125 (2015)
Zhu, Z.; Sun, X.; Dong, Y.; Zhao, F.; Meixner, F. X.: Diurnal variation of ozone flux over corn field in Northwestern Shandong Plain of China. Science China-Earth Sciences 57 (3), S. 503 - 511 (2014)
Behrendt, T.; Veres, P. R.; Ashuri, F. A.; Song , G.; Flanz, M.; Mamtimin, B.; Bruse, M.; Williams, J.; Meixner, F. X.: Characterisation of NO production and consumption: new insights by an improved laboratory dynamic chamber technique. Biogeosciences 11 (19), S. 5463 - 5492 (2014)
Hübner, J.; Olesch, J.; Falke , H.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: A horizontal mobile measuring system for atmospheric quantities. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7 (9), S. 2967 - 2980 (2014)
Oswald, R.; Behrendt, T.; Ermel, M.; Wu, D.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Breuninger, C.; Moravek, A.; Mougin, E.; Delon, C. et al.; Loubet, B.; Pommerening-Röser, A.; Sörgel, M.; Pöschl, U.; Hoffmann, T.; Andreae, M. O.; Meixner, F. X.; Trebs, I.: HONO Emissions from Soil Bacteria as a Major Source of Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen. Science 341 (6151), S. 1233 - 1235 (2013)
Ermel, M.; Oswald, R.; Mayer, J. C.; Moravek, A.; Song, G.; Beck, M.; Meixner, F. X.; Trebs, I.: Preparation Methods to Optimize the Performance of Sensor Discs for Fast Chemiluminescence Ozone Analyzers. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (4), S. 1930 - 1936 (2013)
Breuninger, C.; Meixner, F. X.; Kesselmeier, J.: Field investigations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exchange between plants and the atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (2), S. 773 - 790 (2013)
Stella, P.; Kortner, M.; Ammann, C.; Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.; Trebs, I.: Measurements of nitrogen oxides and ozone fluxes by eddy covariance at a meadow: evidence for an internal leaf resistance to NO2. Biogeosciences 10 (9), S. 5997 - 6017 (2013)
Trebs, I.; Mayol-Bracero, O. L.; Pauliquevis, T.; Kuhn, U.; Sander, R.; Ganzeveld, L.; Meixner, F. X.; Kesselmeier, J.; Artaxo, P.; Andreae, M. O.: Impact of the Manaus urban plume on trace gas mixing ratios near the surface in the Amazon Basin: Implications for the NO-NO2-O3 photostationary state and peroxy radical levels. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 117, D05307 (2012)
Breuninger, C.; Oswald, R.; Kesselmeier, J.; Meixner, F. X.: The dynamic chamber method: trace gas exchange fluxes (NO, NO2, O3) between plants and the atmosphere in the laboratory and in the field. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (5), S. 955 - 989 (2012)
Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.; Falge, E.; Zetzsch, C.; Serafimovich, A.; Bargsten, A.; Behrendt, T.; Biermann, T.; Breuninger, C.; Dix, S. et al.; Gerken, T.; Hunner, M.; Lehmann-Pape, L.; Hens, K.; Jocher, G.; Kesselmeier, J.; Lüers, J.; Mayer, J. C.; Moravek, A.; Plake, D.; Riederer, M.; Rütz, F.; Scheibe, M.; Siebicke, L.; Sörgel, M.; Staudt, K.; Trebs, I.; Tsokankunku, A.; Welling, M.; Wolff, V.; Zhu, Z.: Coupling processes and exchange of energy and reactive and non-reactive trace gases at a forest site - results of the EGER experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (4), S. 1923 - 1950 (2012)
Trebs, I.; Oswald, R.; Behrendt, T.; Meixner, F. X.: From the Soil into the Air. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 60 (1), S. 29 - 30 (2012)
Mamtimin, B.; Et-Tantawi, A. M. M.; Schaefer, D.; Meixner, F. X.; Domroes, M.: Recent trends of temperature change under hot and cold desert climates: Comparing the Sahara (Libya) and Central Asia (Xinjiang, China). Journal of Arid Environments 75 (11), S. 1105 - 1113 (2011)
Chaparro-Suarez, I. G.; Meixner, F. X.; Kesselmeier, J.: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) uptake by vegetation controlled by atmospheric concentrations and plant stomatal aperture. Atmospheric Environment 45 (32), S. 5742 - 5750 (2011)
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