
Here you find some information about different courses, and research schools. This list is probably not exhaustive and of course you can also visit other courses and schools. If you know about a school/course which could also be interesting for other PCGS PhD students please let the coordinator know. It can be added on this list.

Lectures are not mentioned in particular as you are free to visit all lectures offered by the University at which you are enrolled. Please notice that the Lecture “Atmospheric Chemistry I” is obligatory.

Here you find the university calendar of Mainz.

You are also welcome to visit the lecture cycle of the MPGC.

The university also offers courses regarding exam nerves and exam preparation, time management and learning strategies, self-assurance training amongst others. You find more information in here.

If you visit courses with costs please be aware that the PCGS does not automatically pay them. In such a case contact the coordinator BEFORE you register.

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