Guideline how to validate certificates and to enroll at university of Mainz.
Library is a list of all books which can be borrowed within the PCGS-library. information. Please fill out for each school.
TAC-Form is required when you meet with your PhD Advisory Committee (TAC meeting). Please make sure that it is filled in and signed by the members of your TAC and yourself at the end of the meeting.
Here you find a recommendation how a TAC-meeting should look like.
Lecture-Form is in order to get the confirmation by the lecturer that you attended a lecture. The lecturer may indicate if the courses included exercises or an exam and sign it. Please inform the lecturer at the start of a lecture series (beginning of the term).
Presentation-Form is required, if you would like to earn credit points for an oral or poster presentation during a conference or a meeting. This form may either be signed by the conference office or by your group leader. Additionally, send an electronic version of your presentation to the PCGS coordinator.
Organisation-Form can be used once in your PhD time in order to receive one extra credit point for caring about school pupils, when you have been PhD representative or when you organised PCGS days. Teaching in higher education (university level) and campaigns are excluded from the credit system but can be listed on your certificate. Please use this form.
Soft Skill-Form you need to document your attendance in a soft skill course. It has to be signed by the lecturer or the MPGS coordinator when it was an PCGS course.
Publication-Form is to inform the PCGS about a publication on which you are an author. You will not get points of it but it can be listed on the supplement.
Research School Form is needed if you don’t get a certificate for Summer/Autumn Schools and for further information. Please fill out for each school.