Publikationen von Tracey W. Andreae
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Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
48, 103875 (2023)
Age estimates for the rock art at the Rocky Ridge site (Utah) based on archaeological and archaeometric evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2.
22 (4), S. 2487 - 2505 (2022)
Frequent new particle formation at remote sites in the subboreal forest of North America. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
17 (1), e0263189. (2022)
Archaeometric studies on rock art at four sites in the northeastern Great Basin of North America. PLoS One 4.
15 (8), e0235421 (2020)
Geochemical studies on rock varnish and petroglyphs in the Owens and Rose Valleys, California. PLoS One 5.
11 (5), S. 2145 - 2159 (2011)
Three-year ground based measurements of aerosol optical depth over the Eastern Mediterranean: the urban environment of Athens. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
11 (9), S. 4425 - 4444 (2011)
Evaluation of the carbon content of aerosols from the burning of biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using thermal, optical and thermal-optical analysis methods. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
41 (1 Sp. Iss. Sp. Iss. SI), S. 118 - 133 (2010)
Diurnal variation in the water-soluble inorganic ions, organic carbon and isotopic compositions of total carbon and nitrogen in biomass burning aerosols from the LBA-SMOCC campaign in Rondônia, Brazil. Journal of Aerosol Science 8.
10 (5), S. 2209 - 2225 (2010)
Molecular distributions of dicarboxylic acids, ketocarboxylic acids and α-dicarbonyls in biomass burning aerosols: implications for photochemical production and degradation in smoke layers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
68, S. 89 - 100 (2010)
Comparison of Amazonian biomass burning and East Asian marine aerosols: Bulk organics, diacids and related compounds, water-soluble inorganic ions, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. Low Temperature Science 10.
27 (7), S. 2903 - 2912 (2009)
Dust specific extinction cross-sections over the Eastern Mediterranean using the BSC-DREAM model and sun photometer data: the case of urban environments. Annales Geophysicae 11.
8, S. 3623 - 3637 (2008)
The role of iron and black carbon in aerosol light absorption. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12.
111 (D5), D05205 (2006)
Dust and pollution aerosols over the Negev desert, Israel: Properties, transport, and radiative effect. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 13.
3, S. 2025 - 2041 (2003)
Climatological aspects of aerosol optical properties in Northern Greece. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14.
52 (8), S. 1321 - 1343 (2003)
Marine sulfur cycling and the atmospheric aerosol over the springtime North Atlantic. Chemosphere 15.
107 (D1-D2), 4008 (2002)
Light scattering by dust and anthropogenic aerosol at a remote site in the Negev desert, Israel. Journal of Geophysical Research 16.
106, S. 9807 - 9826 (2001)
Aerosol optical properties and large-scale transport of air masses: Experimental observations from a coastal and a semi-arid site in the Eastern Mediterranean during summer 1998. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 17.
106, S. 4871 - 4890 (2001)
Physical and chemical characteristics of aerosols over the Negev Desert (Israel) during summer 1996. Journal of Geophysical Research 18.
104, S. 21,695 - 21,706 (1999)
Non-seasalt sulfate, methanesulfonate, and nitrate aerosol concentrations and size distributions at Cape Grim, Tasmania. Journal of Geophysical Research 19.
104, S. 24,371 - 24,393 (1999)
Interrelationships between aerosol characteristics and light scattering in an Eastern Mediterranean arid environment. Journal of Geophysical Research 20.
13 (2), S. 399 - 444 (1999)
A global database of sea surface dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements and a simple model to predict sea surface DMS as a function of latitude, longitude and month. Global Biogeochemical Cycles