Publikationen von G. Helas
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (38)
11 (18), S. 9519 - 9532 (2011)
Water uptake by biomass burning aerosol at sub- and supersaturated conditions: closure studies and implications for the role of organics. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
329 (5998), S. 1513 - 1516 (2010)
Rainforest Aerosols as Biogenic Nuclei of Clouds and Precipitation in the Amazon. Science 3.
115, D17308 (2010)
Isotopic composition of H2 from wood burning: Dependency on combustion efficiency, moisture content, and δD of local precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 4.
113 (D17), D00C10 (2008)
Size distribution, shape, and composition of mineral dust aerosols collected during the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Special Observation Period 0: Dust and Biomass-Burning Experiment field campaign in Niger, January 2006. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 5.
47 (21), S. 3835 - 3845 (2008)
Optical properties of internally mixed ammonium sulfate and soot particles-a study of individual aerosol particles and ambient aerosol populations. Applied Optics 6.
1 (1), S. 1 - 8 (2008)
Surface features on Sahara soil dust particles made visible by atomic force microscope (AFM) phase images. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7.
8, S. 3427 - 3429 (2008)
Modelling the optical properties of fresh biomass burning aerosol produced in a smoke chamber: results from the EFEU campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
8 (20), S. 6147 - 6153 (2008)
Water vapor release from biomass combustion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
42, S. 5569 - 5578 (2008)
Evidence for large-scale transport of biomass burning aerosols from sunphotometry at a remote South African site. Atmospheric Environment 10.
86 (2), S. 93 - 104 (2007)
Comparison of particle sizes determined with impactor, AFM and SEM. Atmospheric Research 11.
112 (D8), D08209 (2007)
Source characterization of biomass burning particles: The combustion of selected European conifers, African hardwood, savanna grass, and German and Indonesian peat. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 12.
103 (1-2), S. 35 - 43 (2007)
Physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosol particles collected over Cape Town during winter haze episodes. South African Journal of Science 13.
258 (1-3), S. 37 - 49 (2006)
Mass spectrometric analysis and aerodynamic properties of various types of combustion-related aerosol particles. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 14.
111 (D14), D14204 (2006)
Aerosol extinction in a remote continental region of the Iberian Peninsula during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 15.
37 (7), S. 820 - 838 (2006)
Comparison of three methods of fractal analysis applied to soot aggregates from wood combustion. Journal of Aerosol Science 16.
32 (12), L12819 (2005)
Laboratory measurements of smoke optical properties from the burning of Indonesian peat and other types of biomass. Geophysical Research Letters 17.
32 (11), L11802 (2005)
"Missing" cloud condensation nuclei in peat smoke. Geophysical Research Letters 18.
110 (D7), D07303 (2005)
The NH4+ – NO3– – Cl– – SO42– – H2O aerosol system and its gas phase precursors at a pasture site in the Amazon Basin: How relevant are mineral cations and soluble organic acids? Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 19.
39 (3), S. 249 - 260 (2005)
Measurement of wavelength-resolved light absorption by aerosols utilizing a UV-VIS extinction cell. Aerosol Science and Technology 20.
44 (1), S. 23 - 37 (2003)
Domestic combustion of biomass fuels in developing countries: A major source of atmospheric pollutants. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry