Publikationen von Alexander Filippi

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Baumann, K.; Wietzoreck, M.; Shahpoury, P.; Filippi, A.; Hildmann, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Berkemeier, T.; Tong, H.; Pöschl, U.; Lammel, G.: Is the oxidative potential of components of fine particulate matter surface-mediated? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, S. 16749 - 16755 (2022)
Shahpoury, P.; Zhang, Z. W.; Filippi, A.; Hildmann, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Mashtakov, B.; Patel, B. R.; Traub, A.; Umbrio, D.; Wietzoreck, M. et al.; Wilson, J.; Berkemeier, T.; Celo, V.; Dabek-Zlotorzynska, E.; Evans, G.; Harner, T.; Kerman, K.; Lammel, G.; Noroozifar, M.; Pöschl, U.; Tong, H.: Inter-comparison of oxidative potential metrics for airborne particles identifies differences between acellular chemical assays. Atmospheric Pollution Research 13 (12), 101596 (2022)
Sheu, R.; Hass-Mitchell, T.; Ringsdorf, A.; Berkemeier, T.; Machesky, J.; Edtbauer, A.; Kluepfel, T.; Filippi, A.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Wietzoreck, M. et al.; Kukučka, P.; Tong, H.; Lammel, G.; Pöschl, U.; Williams, J.; Gentner , D. R.: Emerging investigator series: deposited particles and human lung lining fluid are dynamic, chemically-complex reservoirs leading to thirdhand smoke emissions and exposure. Environmental science: Atmospheres (2022)
Filippi, A.; Sheu, R.; Berkemeier, T.; Pöschl, U.; Tong, H.; Gentner , D. R.: Environmentally persistent free radicals in indoor particulate matter, dust, and on surfaces. Environmental science: Atmospheres (2022)
Tong, H.; Liu, F.; Filippi, A.; Wilson, J.; Arangio, A. M.; Zhang, Y.; Yue, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Shen, F.; Keskinen, H.-M. K. et al.; Li, J.; Chen, H.; Zhang, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Fu, P.; Brune, W. H.; Petäjä, T.; Kulmala, M.; Yao, M.; Berkemeier, T.; Shiraiwa, M.; Pöschl, U.: Aqueous-phase reactive species formed by fine particulate matter from remote forests and polluted urban air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (13), S. 10439 - 10455 (2021)
Lammel, G.; Kitanovski, Z.; Kukucka, P.; Novak, J.; Arangio, A.; Codling, G. P.; Filippi, A.; Hovorka, J.; Kuta, J.; Leoni, C. et al.; Pribylova, P.; Prokes, R.; Sanka, O.; Shahpoury, P.; Tong, H.; Wietzoreck, M.: Oxygenated and Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Levels, Phase Partitioning, Mass Size Distributions, and Inhalation Bioaccessibility. Environmental Science & Technology 54 (5), S. 2615 - 2625 (2020)
Filippi, A.; Liu, F.; Wilson, J.; Lelieveld, S.; Korschelt, K.; Wang, T.; Wang , Y.; Reich, T.; Pöschl, U.; Tremel, W. et al.; Tong, H.: Antioxidant activity of cerium dioxide nanoparticles and nanorods in scavenging hydroxyl radicals. RSC Advances 9 (20), S. 11077 - 11081 (2019)
Tong, H.; Zhang, Y.; Filippi, A.; Wang, T.; Li, C.; Liu, F.; Leppla, D.; Kourtchev, I.; Wang, K.; Keskinen, H.-M. et al.; Levula, J. T.; Arangio, A.; Shen, F.; Ditas, F.; Martin, S. T.; Artaxo, P.; Godoi, R. H. M.; Yamamoto, C. I.; de Souza, R. A. F.; Huang, R.-J.; Berkemeier, T.; Wang, Y.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Pope, F. D.; Fu, P.; Yao, M.; Pöhlker, C.; Petaja, T.; Kulmala, M.; Andreae, M. O.; Shiraiwa, M.; Pöschl, U.; Hoffmann, T.; Kalberer, M.: Radical Formation by Fine Particulate Matter Associated with Highly Oxygenated Molecules. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (21), S. 12506 - 12518 (2019)
Filippi, A.; Li, C.; Lelieveld, S.; Lucas, K.; Wang, Y.; Pöschl, U.; Tong, H.: H2O2 yield of atmospherically relevant quinones in surrogate lung fluid. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 120 (Suppl. 1), S. S105 - S105 (2018)
Kampf, C. J.; Filippi, A.; Zuth, C.; Hoffmann, T.; Opatz, T.: Secondary brown carbon formation via the dicarbonyl imine pathway: nitrogen heterocycle formation and synergistic effects. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (27), S. 18353 - 18364 (2016)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Filippi, A.: EPR Measurements and Redox Chemistry of Fine Particulate Matter. Dissertation, 199 S., Universität, Mainz (2021)

Forschungspapier (1)

Tong, H.; Liu, F.; Filippi, A.; Wilson, J.; Arangio, A. M.; Zhang, Y.; Yue, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Shen, F.; Keskinen, H.-M. K. et al.; Li, J.; Chen, H.; Zhang, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Fu, P.; Brune, W. H.; Petäjä, T.; Kulmala, M.; Yao, M.; Berkemeier, T.; Shiraiwa , M.; Pöschl, U.: Reactive species formed upon interaction of water with fine particulate matter from remote forest and polluted urban air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
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