Publikationen von Christopher J. Kampf

Zeitschriftenartikel (18)

Wang, K.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, R.-J.; Wang, M.; Ni, H.; Kampf, C. J.; Cheng, Y.; Bilde, M.; Glasius, M.; Hoffmann, T.: Molecular Characterization and Source Identification of Atmospheric Particulate Organosulfates Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (11), S. 6192 - 6202 (2019)
Lang-Yona, N.; Kunert, A. T.; Vogel, L.; Kampf, C. J.; Bellinghausen, I.; Saloga, J.; Schink, A.; Ziegler, K.; Lucas, K.; Schuppan, D. et al.; Pöschl, U.; Weber, B.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.: Fresh water, marine and terrestrial cyanobacteria display distinct allergen characteristics. Science of the Total Environment 612, S. 767 - 774 (2018)
Schink, A.; Naumoska, K.; Kitanovski, Z.; Kampf, C. J.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Thines, E.; Poeschl, U.; Schuppan, D.; Lucas, K.: Anti-inflammatory effects of cinnamon extract and identification of active compounds influencing the TLR2 and TLR4 signaling pathways. Food & function / RSC, Royal Society of Chemistry 9 (11), S. 5950 - 5964 (2018)
Liu, F.; Lai, S.; Tong, H.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Shiraiwa, M.; Weller, M. G.; Pöschl, U.; Kampf, C. J.: Release of free amino acids upon oxidation of peptides and proteins by hydroxyl radicals. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 409 (9), S. 2411 - 2420 (2017)
Liu, F.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Berkemeier, T.; Tong, H.; Kunert, A. T.; Meusel, H.; Cheng, Y. F.; Su, H.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Lai, S. et al.; Weller, M. G.; Shiraiwa, M.; Pöschl, U.; Kampf, C. J.: Atmospheric protein chemistry influenced by anthropogenic air pollutants: nitration and oligomerization upon exposure to ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Faraday Discussions 200, S. 413 - 427 (2017)
Liu, F.; Reinmuth-Selzle, K.; Lai, S.; Weller, M. G.; Pöschl, U.; Kampf, C. J.: Simultaneous determination of nitrated and oligomerized proteins by size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to photodiode array detection. Journal of Chromatography A 1495, S. 76 - 82 (2017)
Reinmuth-Selzle, K.; Kampf, C. J.; Lucas, K.; Lang-Yona, N.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Shiraiwa, M.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Lai, S.; Liu, F.; Kunert, A. T. et al.; Ziegler, K.; Shen, F.; Sgarbanti, R.; Weber, B.; Bellinghausen, I.; Saloga, J.; Weller, M. G.; Duschl, A.; Schuppan, D.; Pöschl, U.: Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Allergies in the Anthropocene: Abundance, Interaction, and Modification of Allergens and Adjuvants. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (8), S. 4119 - 4141 (2017)
Shiraiwa, M.; Ueda, K.; Pozzer, A.; Lammel, G.; Kampf, C. J.; Fushimi, A.; Enami, S.; Arrangio , A. M.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Fujitani, Y. et al.; Furuyama, A.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Lelieveld, J.; Lucas, K.; Morino, Y.; Pöschl, U.; Takahama, S.; Takami, A.; Tong, H.; Weber, B.; Yoshino, A.; Sato, K.: Aerosol health effects from molecular to global scales. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (23), S. 13545 - 13567 (2017)
Tong, H.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Arangio, A.; Socorro, J.; Kampf, C. J.; Berkemeier, T.; Brune, W. H.; Pöschl, U.; Shiraiwa, M.: Reactive oxygen species formed in aqueous mixtures of secondary organic aerosols and mineral dust influencing cloud chemistry and public health in the Anthropocene. Faraday Discussions 200, S. 251 - 270 (2017)
Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Kampf, C. J.; Weber, B.; Huffman, J. A.; Pöhlker, C.; Lang-Yona, N.; Burrows , S. M.; Gunthe, S. S.; Elbert, W.; Su, H. et al.; Hoor, P.; Thines, E.; Hoffmann, T.; Després, V. R.; Pöschl, U.: Bioaerosols in the Earth system: Climate, health, and ecosystem interactions. Atmospheric Research 182, S. 346 - 376 (2016)
Kampf, C. J.; Filippi, A.; Zuth, C.; Hoffmann, T.; Opatz, T.: Secondary brown carbon formation via the dicarbonyl imine pathway: nitrogen heterocycle formation and synergistic effects. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (27), S. 18353 - 18364 (2016)
Liu, F.; Lai, S. C.; Reinmuth-Selzle, K.; Scheel, J. F.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Despres, V. R.; Hoffmann, T.; Pöschl, U.; Kampf, C. J.: Metaproteomic analysis of atmospheric aerosol samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408 (23), S. 6337 - 6348 (2016)
Tong, H.; Arangio, A. M.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Berkemeier, T.; Liu, F.; Kampf, C. J.; Brune, W. H.; Pöschl, U.; Shiraiwa, M.: Hydroxyl radicals from secondary organic aerosol decomposition in water. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (3), S. 1761 - 1771 (2016)
Kampf, C. J.; Liu, F.; Reinmuth-Selzle, K.; Berkemeier, T.; Meusel, H.; Shiraiwa, M.; Pöschl, U.: Protein Cross-Linking and Oligomerization through Dityrosine Formation upon Exposure to Ozone. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (18), S. 10859 - 10866 (2015)
Nozière, B.; Kaberer, M.; Claeys, M.; Allan, J.; D'Anna, B.; Decesari, S.; Finessi, E.; Glasius, M.; Grgic, I.; Hamilton, J. F. et al.; Hoffmann, T.; Iinuma, Y.; Jaoui, M.; Kahno, A.; Kampf, C. J.; Kourtchev, I.; Maenhaut, W.; Marsden, N.; Saarikoski, S.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Surratt, J. D.; Szidat, S.; Szmigielski, R.; Wisthaler, A.: The Molecular Identification of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere: State of the Art and Challenges. Chemical Reviews 115 (10), S. 3919 - 3983 (2015)
Pummer, B. G.; Budke, C.; Augustin-Bauditz, S.; Niedermeier, D.; Felgitsch, L.; Kampf, C. J.; Huber, R. G.; Liedl, K. R.; Loerting, T.; Moschen, T. et al.; Schauperl, M.; Tollinger, M.; Morris, C. E.; Wex, H.; Grothe, H.; Poeschl, U.; Koop, T.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.: Ice nucleation by water-soluble macromolecules. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (8), S. 4077 - 4091 (2015)
Reinmuth-Selzle, K.; Ackaert, C.; Kampf, C. J.; Samonig, M.; Shiraiwa, M.; Kofler, S.; Yang, H.; Gadermaier, G.; Brandstetter, H.; Huber, C. G. et al.; Duschl, A.; Oostingh, G. J.; Pöschl, U.: Nitration of the Birch Pollen Allergen Bet v 1.0101: Efficiency and Site-Selectivity of Liquid and Gaseous Nitrating Agents. Journal of Proteome Research 13 (3), S. 1570 - 1577 (2014)
Wu, D.; Kampf, C. J.; Pöschl, U.; Oswald, R.; Cui, J.; Ermel, M.; Hu, C.; Trebs, I.; Sörgel, M.: Novel Tracer Method To Measure Isotopic Labeled Gas-Phase Nitrous Acid (HO15NO) in Biogeochemical Studies. Environmental Science and Technology 48 (14), S. 8021 - 8027 (2014)
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