Publikationen von A. Pozzer
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Zeitschriftenartikel (183)
15 (12), S. 6971 - 6980 (2015)
Hydrogen peroxide in the marine boundary layer over the South Atlantic during the OOMPH cruise in March 2007. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 142.
8 (3), S. 453 - 471 (2015)
Description and implementation of a MiXed Layer model (MXL, v1.0) for the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). Geoscientific Model Development 143.
525 (7569), S. 367 - 371 (2015)
The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale. Nature 144.
8 (8), S. 2435 - 2445 (2015)
Revision of the convective transport module CVTRANS 2.4 in the EMAC atmospheric chemistry-climate model. Geoscientific Model Development 145.
15 (10), S. 5521 - 5535 (2015)
AOD trends during 2001-2010 from observations and model simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 146.
15 (10), S. 5715 - 5725 (2015)
Long-term (2001-2012) concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and the impact on human health in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 147.
14 (5), S. 1937 - 1949 (2014)
Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the twenty-first century. Regional Environmental Change 148.
14 (3), S. 1167 - 1184 (2014)
Global and regional impacts of HONO on the chemical composition of clouds and aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 149.
14 (2), S. 957 - 968 (2014)
Modeled global effects of airborne desert dust on air quality and premature mortality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 150.
14 (3), S. 1717 - 1732 (2014)
Profile information on CO from SCIAMACHY observations using cloud slicing and comparison with model simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 151.
7 (6), S. 2653 - 2662 (2014)
The photolysis module JVAL-14, compatible with the MESSy standard, and the JVal PreProcessor (JVPP). Geoscientific Model Development 152.
7 , S. 3153 - 3172 (2014)
ORACLE (v1.0): module to simulate the organic aerosol composition and evolution in the atmosphere. Geoscientific Model Development 153.
14 (19), S. 10465 - 10482 (2014)
Model-simulated trend of surface carbon monoxide for the 2001-2010 decade. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 154.
14 (1), S. 115 - 132 (2014)
Summertime free-tropospheric ozone pool over the eastern Mediterranean/Middle East. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 155.
Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the twenty-first century. Regional Environmental Change, S. 1 - 13 (2013)
13 (14), S. 7023 - 7037 (2013)
Model calculated global, regional and megacity premature mortality due to air pollution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 157.
13 (22), S. 11307 - 11316 (2013)
Technical Note: Temporal change in averaging kernels as a source of uncertainty in trend estimates of carbon monoxide retrieved from MOPITT. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 158.
114, S. 38 - 69 (2012)
EMAC model evaluation and analysis of atmospheric aerosol properties and distribution with a focus on the Mediterranean region. Atmospheric Research 159.
51, S. 75 - 85 (2012)
Trend analysis in aerosol optical depths and pollutant emission estimates between 2000 and 2009. Atmospheric Environment 160.
12 (22), S. 11057 - 11083 (2012)
Parameterization of dust emissions in the global atmospheric chemistry-climate model EMAC: impact of nudging and soil properties. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics