Publikationen von Huug Ouwersloot
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Zeitschriftenartikel (26)
14 (1), S. 495 - 519 (2021)
A revised dry deposition scheme for land-atmosphere exchange of trace gases in ECHAM/MESSy v2.54. Geoscientific Model Development 2.
72 (1), S. 1 - 17 (2020)
Ozone exchange within and above an irrigated Californian orchard. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 3.
7 (4), 53 (2019)
A Case Study of Ozone Diurnal Variation in the Convective Boundary Layer in the Southeastern United States Using Multiple Observations and Large-Eddy Simulation. Climate: open access journal 4.
123 (2), S. 861 - 881 (2018)
Identification of Tropical-Extratropical Interactions and Extreme Precipitation Events in the Middle East Based On Potential Vorticity and Moisture Transport. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 5.
11 (8), S. 3109 - 3130 (2018)
Age of air as a diagnostic for transport timescales in global models. Geoscientific Model Development 6.
255, S. 31 - 43 (2018)
Interactions between vegetation, atmospheric turbulence and clouds under a wide range of background wind conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 7.
162 (1), S. 71 - 89 (2017)
Large-Eddy Simulation Comparison of Neutral Flow Over a Canopy: Sensitivities to Physical and Numerical Conditions, and Similarity to Other Representations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 8.
18 (6), S. 1731 - 1748 (2017)
Direct and Diffuse Radiation in the Shallow Cumulus–Vegetation System: Enhanced and Decreased Evapotranspiration Regimes. Journal of Hydrometeorology 9.
17 (3), S. 1624 - 1641 (2017)
Integrating canopy and large-scale effects in the convective boundary-layer dynamics during the CHATS experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
Interactions between vegetation, atmospheric turbulence and clouds under a wide range of background wind conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2017)
217, S. 61 - 73 (2016)
Plant water-stress parameterization determines the strength of land-atmosphere coupling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 12.
55 (6), S. 1391 - 1407 (2016)
Influence of Canopy Seasonal Changes on Turbulence Parameterization within the Roughness Sublayer over an Orchard Canopy. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 13.
12 (1), S. 103 - 123 (2015)
Two perspectives on the coupled carbon, water and energy exchange in the planetary boundary layer. Biogeosciences 14.
157 (2), S. 237 - 263 (2015)
Cloud Shading Effects on Characteristic Boundary-Layer Length Scales. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 15.
15 (2), S. 799 - 813 (2015)
A comparison of HONO budgets for two measurement heights at a field station within the boreal forest in Finland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16.
8 (8), S. 2435 - 2445 (2015)
Revision of the convective transport module CVTRANS 2.4 in the EMAC atmospheric chemistry-climate model. Geoscientific Model Development 17.
15 (8), S. 4241 - 4257 (2015)
Study of a prototypical convective boundary layer observed during BLLAST: contributions by large-scale forcings. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18.
15 (18), S. 10399 - 10410 (2015)
Parameterizations for convective transport in various cloud-topped boundary layers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19.
72 (5), S. 2198 - 2199 (2015)
Corrigendum: Subcloud-layer feedbacks driven by the mass flux of shallow cumulus convection over land (vol 71, pg 881, 2014). Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 20.
71 (3), S. 881 - 895 (2014)
Subcloud-Layer Feedbacks Driven by the Mass Flux of Shallow Cumulus Convection over Land. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences