Publikationen von Meryem Tanahrte

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

China, S.; Burrows, S. M.; Wang, B.; Harder, T. H.; Weis, J.; Tanahrte, M.; Rizzo V, L.; Brito, J.; Cirino, G. G.; Ma, P.-L. et al.; Cliff, J.; Artaxo, P.; Gilles, M. K.; Laskin, A.: Fungal spores as a source of sodium salt particles in the Amazon basin. Nature Communications 9, 4793 (2018)
Filahi, S.; Tanarhte, M.; Mouhir, L.; El Morhit, M.; Tramblay, Y.: Trends in indices of daily temperature and precipitations extremes in Morocco. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 124 (3-4), S. 959 - 972 (2016)
Lelieveld, J.; Proestos, Y.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Tanarhte, M.; Tyrlis, E.; Zittis, G.: Strongly increasing heat extremes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the 21st century. Climatic Change 137 (1-2), S. 245 - 260 (2016)
Twohy, C. H.; McMeeking, G. R.; DeMott, P. J.; McCluskey, C. S.; Hill, T. C. J.; Burrows, S. M.; Kulkarni, G. R.; Tanarhte, M.; Kafle, D. N.; Toohey, D. W.: Abundance of fluorescent biological aerosol particles at temperatures conducive to the formation of mixed-phase and cirrus clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (13), S. 8205 - 8225 (2016)
Tanarhte, M.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Lelieveld, J.: Heat wave characteristics in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East using extreme value theory. Climate Research 63 (2), S. 99 - 113 (2015)
Lelieveld, J.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Kostopoulou, E.; Giannakopoulos, C.; Pozzer, A.; Tanarhte, M.; Tyrlis , E.: Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the twenty-first century. Regional Environmental Change 14 (5), S. 1937 - 1949 (2014)
Lelieveld, J.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Kostopoulou, E.; Giannakopoulos, C.; Pozzer, A.; Tanarhte, M.; Tyrlis, E.: Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the twenty-first century. Regional Environmental Change, S. 1 - 13 (2013)
Lelieveld, J.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Kostopoulou, E.; Chenoweth, J.; El Maayar, M.; Giannakopoulos, C.; Hannides, C.; Lange, M. A.; Tanarhte, M.; Tyrlis, E. et al.; Xoplaki, E.: Climate change and impacts in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Climatic Change 114 (3-4), S. 667 - 687 (2012)
Tanarhte, M.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Lelieveld, J.: Intercomparison of temperature and precipitation data sets based on observations in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 117, D12102 (2012)
Jöckel, P.; Tost, H.; Pozzer, A.; Brühl, C.; Buchholz, J.; Ganzeveld, L.; Hoor, P.; Kerkweg, A.; Lawrence, M. G.; Sander, R. et al.; Steil, B.; Stiller, G.; Tanarhte, M.; Taraborrelli, D.; Van Aardenne, J.; Lelieveld, J.: The atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: consistent simulation of ozone from the surface to the mesosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6, S. 5067 - 5104 (2006)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Tanahrte, M.: Interactions between the hydrological cycle and atmospheric chemistry. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)

Forschungspapier (3)

Tanahrte, M.; Bacer, S.; Burrows, S. M.; Huffman, J. A.; Pierce, K. M.; Pozzer, A.; Sarda-Estève, R.; Savage, N. J.; Lelieveld, J.: Global modeling of fungal spores with the EMAC chemistryclimate model: uncertainties in emission parametrizations and observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 19 (2019), 31 S.
Tanahrte, M.; Bacer, S.; Burrows, S. M.; Huffman, J. A.; Pierce, K. M.; Pozzer, A.; Sarda-Estève, R.; Savage, N. J.; Lelieveld, J.: Global modeling of primary biological particle concentrations with the EMAC chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018), 33 S.
Twohy, C. H.; McMeeking, G. R.; DeMott, P. J.; McCluskey, C. S.; Hill, T. C. J.; Burrows, S. M.; Kulkarni, G. R.; Tanarhte, M.; Kafle, D. N.; Toohey, D. W.: Abundance of fluorescent biological aerosol particles at temperatures conducive to the formation of mixed-phase and cirrus clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
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