Publikationen von B. Steil

Zeitschriftenartikel (50)

van Aalst, M. K.; van den Broek, M. M. P.; Bregman, A.; Brühl, C.; Steil, B.; Toon, G. C.; Garcelon, S.; Hansford, G. M.; Jones, R. L.; Gardiner, T. D. et al.; Roelofs, G. J.; Lelieveld, J.; Crutzen, P. J.: Trace gas transport in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter: comparison of nudged GCM runs with observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4, S. 81 - 93 (2004)
Manzini, E.; Steil, B.; Brühl, C.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Krüger, K.: A new interactive chemistry-climate model: 2. Sensitivity of the middle atmosphere to ozone depletion and increase in greenhouse gases and implications for recent stratospheric cooling. Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (D14), 4429 (2003)
Steil, B.; Brühl, C.; Manzini, E.; Crutzen, P. J.; Lelieveld, J.; Rasch, P. J.; Roeckner, E.; Krüger, K.: A new interactive chemistry-climate model: 1. Present-day climatology and interannual variability of the middle atmosphere using the model and 9 years of HALOE/UARS data. Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (D9), 4290 (2003)
Krämer, M.; Müller, R. I.; Bovensmann, H.; Burrows, J.; Brinkmann, J.; Röth, E. P.; Grooß, J. U.; Müller, R. O.; Woyke, T. H.; Ruhnke, R. et al.; Günther, G.; Hendricks, J.; Lippert, E.; Carslaw, K. S.; Peter, T.; Zieger, A.; Brühl, C. H.; Steil, B.; Lehmann, R.; McKenna, D. S.: Intercomparison of stratospheric chemistry models under polar vortex conditions. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 45 (1), S. 51 - 77 (2003)
Tourpali, K.; Schuurmans, C. J. E.; van Dorland, R.; Steil, B.; Brühl, C.: Stratospheric and tropospheric response to enhanced solar UV radiation: A model study. Geophysical Research Letters 30 (5), 1231 (2003)
Lelieveld, J.; Berresheim, H.; Borrmann, S.; Crutzen, P. J.; Dentener, F. J.; Fischer, H.; Feichter, J.; Flatau, P. J.; Heland, J.; Holzinger, R. et al.; Korrmann, R.; Lawrence, M. G.; Levin, Z.; Markowicz, K. M.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Minikin, A.; Ramanathan, V.; de Reus, M.; Roelofs, G. J.; Scheeren, H. A.; Sciare, J.; Schlager, H.; Schultz, M.; Siegmund, P.; Steil, B.; Stephanou, E. G.; Stier, P.; Traub, M.; Warneke, C.; Williams, J.; Ziereis, H.: Global air pollution crossroads over the Mediterranean. Science 298 (5594), S. 794 - 799 (2002)
Grewe, V.; Dameris, M.; Hein, R.; Sausen, R.; Steil, B.: Future changes of the atmospheric composition and the impact of climate change. Tellus 53 B, S. 103 - 121 (2001)
Hein, R.; Dameris, M.; Schnadt, C.; Land, C.; Grewe, V.; Köhler, I.; Ponater, M.; Sausen, R.; Steil, B.; Landgraf, J. et al.; Brühl, C.: Results of an interactively coupled atmospheric chemistry-general-circulation model: Comparison with observations. Annual Geophysics 19, S. 435 - 457 (2001)
Jöckel, P.; von Kuhlmann, R.; Lawrence, M. G.; Steil, B.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Crutzen, P. J.; Rasch, P. J.; Eaton, B.: On a fundamental problem in implementing flux-form advection schemes for tracer transport in 3-dimensional general circulation and chemistry transport models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 127, S. 1035 - 1052 (2001)
Brühl, C.; Pöschl, U.; Crutzen, P. J.; Steil, B.: Acetone and PAN in the upper troposphere: Impact on ozone production from aircraft. Atmospheric Environment 34, S. 3931 - 3938 (2000)

Buchkapitel (5)

Tyrlis, E.; Lelieveld, J.; Steil, B.: The summer circulation over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: Influence of the South Asian monsoon and mid-latitude dynamics. In: Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, S. 793 - 802 (Hg. Helmis, C. G.; Nastos, P. T.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Brühl, C.; Steil, B.: Interannual variability of Arctic ozone depletion for the present situation and in about 30 years from now, simulations with the GCMMA-ECHAM with interactive chemistry. In: Stratospheric ozone 2002. Proceedings of the sixth European symposium, Göteborg 2-6 September 2002, Sweden. Air pollution research report 79, S. 75 - 78 (Hg. Harris, N. R. P.; Amanatidis, G. T.; Levine, J. G.). European Commission, Brussels (2003)
Brühl, C.; Steil, B.; Manzini, E.: Feedback processes between chemistry and meteorology with focus on lower stratospheric polar vortices, simulations with a coupled GCM. In: (2001)
Dameris, M.; Grewe, V.; Köhler, I.; Sausen, R.; Grooß, J. U.; Brühl, C.; Steil, B.: Impact of aircraft NOx emissions on ozone. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar stratosperic ozone 1997, Schliersee/Germany 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, S. 261 - 264 (Hg. Harris, N. R. P.; Kilbane-Dawe, I.; Amanatidis, G. T.). European Commission, Luxembourg (1998)
Dameris, M.; Grewe, V.; Ponater, M.; Sausen, R.; Steil, B.; Brühl, C.: An interactively coupled comprehensive model of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry: First results of multi-decadal integrations. In: Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium on Atmospheric Ozone, l'Aquila/Italy 1996, S. 695 - 698 (Hg. Bojkov, R. D.; Visconti, G.). Edigrafital S. p. A., S. Atto/Italy (1998)

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Haßler, B.; Steinbrecht, W.; Winkler, P.; Dameris, M.; Matthes, S.; Schnadt, C.; Brühl, C.; Steil, B.: Comparison of observed stratospheric ozone and temperature time series with chemistry-climate model simulations. Part II: Profiles at selected stations. In: Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos 1-8 June 2004, Greece, Vol. II, S. 757 - 758 (Hg. Zerefos, C.). (2004)
Steil, B.; Brühl, C.; Giorgetta, M.; Mancini, E.; Grewe, V.; Mager, F.: The impact of CFCs, greenhouse gases, solar cycle, QBO, ENSO and major volcanoes on stratospheric ozone; transient simulation withe the middle atmosphere couplet chemistry climate model ECHAM for the last 40 years. In: Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos 1-8 June 2004, Greece, Vol. II, S. 832 - 833 (Hg. Zerefos, C.). (2004)
Steinbrecht, W.; Haßler, B.; Winkler, P.; Dameris, M.; Matthes, S.; Schnadt, C.; Brühl, C.; Steil, B.: Comparison of observed stratospheric ozone and temperature time series with chemistry-climate model simulations. Part I: Global variations of total ozone and 50 hPa temperature. In: Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos 1-8 June 2004, Greece, Vol. II, S. 793 - 794 (Hg. Zerefos, C.). (2004)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Laskar, A. H.; Adnew, G. A.; Gromov, S.; Peethambaran, R.; Blunier, T.; Lelieveld, J.; Steil, B.; Röckmann, T.: Variations in tropospheric oxidant levels during the Holocene and late Glacial. In Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, 11. Juli 2022 - 15. Juli 2022. (2022)

Forschungspapier (3)

Abdelkader, M.; Metzger, S.; Steil, B.; Klingmüller, K.; Tost, H.; Pozzer, A.; Stenchikov, G.; Barrie, L.; Lelieveld, J.: Chemical aging of atmospheric mineral dust during transatlantic transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
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