Publikationen von S. Metzger
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Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
17 (6), S. 3799 - 3821 (2017)
Sensitivity of transatlantic dust transport to chemical aging and related atmospheric processes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
16 (11), S. 7213 - 7237 (2016)
Aerosol water parameterisation: a single parameter framework. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
15 (16), S. 9173 - 9189 (2015)
Dust-air pollution dynamics over the eastern Mediterranean. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
12 (12), S. 5429 - 5446 (2012)
New representation of water activity based on a single solute specific constant to parameterize the hygroscopic growth of aerosols in atmospheric models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5.
4, S. 2791 - 2847 (2011)
Description of EQSAM4: Gas-liquid-solid partitioning model for global simulations. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 6.
10, S. 8165 - 8111 (2010)
Derivation of the stoichiometric coefficient of water (vw) to account for water uptake by atmospheric aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 7.
3, S. 391 - 412 (2010)
Description and evaluation of GMXe: A new aerosol submodel for global simulations (v1). Geoscientific Model Development 8.
9, S. 9551 - 9595 (2009)
A comparisonof water uptake by aerosols using two thermodynamic models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 9.
41 (12), S. 2510 - 2533 (2007)
Role of ammonia chemistry and coarse mode aerosols in global climatological inorganic aerosol distributions. Atmospheric Environment 10.
112 (D6), D06307 (2007)
Do sulfate and nitrate coatings on mineral dust have important effects on radiative properties and climate modeling? Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 11.
7 (19), S. 5043 - 5059 (2007)
Nitrate aerosols today and in 2030: a global simulation including aerosols and tropospheric ozone. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12.
7 (12), S. 3163 - 3193 (2007)
Reformulating atmospheric aerosol thermodynamics and hygroscopic growth into fog, haze and clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
6, S. 5143 - 5162 (2006)
Change in global aerosol composition since preindustrial times. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14.
6, S. 4809 - 4821 (2006)
Modelling of nitrate and ammonium-containing aerosols in presence of sea salt. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15.
6, S. 2549 - 2567 (2006)
Importance of mineral cations and organics in gas-aerosol partitioning of reactive nitrogen compounds: case study based on MINOS results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16.
6, S. 5457 - 5483 (2006)
Technical Note: Anthropogenic and natural offline emissions and the online EMissions and dry DEPosition submodel EMDEP of the Modular Earth Submodel system (MESSy). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17.
5, S. 3251 - 3276 (2005)
Simulating aerosol microphysics with the ECHAM/MADE GCM - Part I: Model description and comparison with observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18.
110 (D7), D07303 (2005)
The NH4+ – NO3– – Cl– – SO42– – H2O aerosol system and its gas phase precursors at a pasture site in the Amazon Basin: How relevant are mineral cations and soluble organic acids? Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 19.
132 (2), S. 456 - 472 (2004)
Combining ENSO forecasts: A feasibility study. Monthly Weather Review 20.
107 (D16), 4313 (2002)
Gas/aerosol partitioning: 2. Global modeling results. Journal of Geophysical Research