Publikationen von Karoline Diehl
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Zeitschriftenartikel (25)
79 (2022)
Vertical wind tunnel experiments and a theoretical study on the microphysics of melting low-density graupel. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2.
21 (5), S. 3289 - 3316 (2021)
Comparative Study On Immersion Freezing Utilizing Single-Droplet Levitation Methods. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
76 (10), S. 3047 - 3061 (2019)
The Effect of Turbulence on the Accretional Growth of Graupel. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 4.
18 (5), S. 3619 - 3639 (2018)
Model simulations with COSMO-SPECS: impact of heterogeneous freezing modes and ice nucleating particle types on ice formation and precipitation in a deep convective cloud. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5.
15 (22), S. 12741 - 12763 (2015)
New particle-dependent parameterizations of heterogeneous freezing processes: sensitivity studies of convective clouds with an air parcel model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
70 (2), S. 131 - 150 (2013)
The retention of ammonia and sulfur dioxide during riming of ice particles and dendritic snow flakes: laboratory experiments in the Mainz vertical wind tunnel. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 7.
119 (Sp. Iss. SI), S. 38 - 45 (2013)
Shapes and oscillations of raindrops with reduced surface tensions: Measurements at the Mainz vertical wind tunnel. Atmospheric Research 8.
4, S. 2225 - 2234 (2011)
3-D imaging and quanification of graupel porosity by synchrhrotron-based micro-tomography. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9.
11 (22), S. 11569 - 11579 (2011)
Wind tunnel experiments on the retention of trace gases during riming: nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
97 (4 Sp. Iss. Sp. Iss. SI), S. 416 - 425 (2010)
Shapes and oscillations of falling raindrops - A review. Atmospheric Research 11.
44, S. 4622 - 4628 (2010)
Air parcel model simulations of a convective cloud: Bacteria acting as immersion ice nuclei. Atmospheric Environment 12.
94 (2), S. 356 - 361 (2009)
Homogeneous freezing of single sulfuric and nitric acid solution drops levitated in an acoustic trap. Atmospheric Research 13.
66 (8), S. 2359 - 2366 (2009)
Riming of Graupel: Wind Tunnel Investigations of Collection Kernels and Growth Regimes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 14.
66 (3), S. 755 - 765 (2009)
A Wind Tunnel Study on the Shape, Oscillation, and Internal Circulation of Large Raindrops with Sizes between 2.5 and 7.5 mm. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 15.
25, S. 1894 - 1898 (2008)
Laboratory studies of scattering properties of polluted cloud droplets: Implications for FSSP measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 16.
85 (1), S. 120 - 125 (2007)
Laboratory investigations of collisional growth of small raindrops in a laminar flow field and empirically determined collision efficiencies. Atmospheric Research 17.
41, S. 303 - 314 (2007)
Effects of drop freezing on microphysics of an ascending cloud parcel under biomass burning conditions. Atmospheric Environment 18.
57, S. 73 - 84 (2007)
Laboratory studies about the interaction of ammonia with ice crystals at temperatures between 0 and -20°C. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 19.
112, D07204 (2007)
Droplet growth by turbulent coagulation – Comparison of theory and measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research 20.
111, D07202 (2006)
Numerical sensitivity studies on the impact of aerosol properties and drop freezing modes on the glaciation, microphysics, and dynamics of clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research