Publikationen von Nora Zannoni
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (15)
Wang, N., Zannoni, N., und Williams, J.: Squalene Depletion in Skin Following Human Exposure to Ozone under Controlled Chamber Conditions, Environmental Science & Technology, 58, doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c09394, 2024.
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Zannoni, N., Kremper, L., Williams, J., Pöhlker, C., , und : Varying chiral ratio of pinic acid enantiomers above the Amazon rainforest, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(2), 809–820, doi:10.5194/acp-23-809-2023, 2023.
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Zannoni, N., , , , , , Wang, N., Ernle, L., Li, M., , und Williams, J.: The human oxidation field, Science, 377(6610), 1071–1077, doi:10.1126/science.abn0340, 2022.
Li, M., , Zannoni, N., Pugliese, G., , , , , , Wang, N., und Williams, J.: Human metabolic emissions of carbon dioxide and methane and their implications for carbon emissions, Science of the Total Environment, 833, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155241, 2022.
Zannoni, N., Williams, J., Hartmann, C., , , und : Seasonal shifts in isoprenoid emission composition from three hyperdominant tree species in central Amazonia, Plant Biology, 24, doi:10.1111/plb.13419, 2022.
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Edtbauer, A., Pfannerstill, E. Y., , , , Zannoni, N., , Wolff, S., Tsokankunku, A., , , , Sörgel, M., , und : Cryptogamic organisms are a substantial source and sink for volatile organic compounds in the Amazon region, Communications Earth and Environment, 2, doi:10.1038/s43247-021-00328-y, 2021.
Wang, N., Zannoni, N., Li, M., , , , Williams, J. und : Ozone Initiates Human-Derived Emission of Nanocluster Aerosols, Environmental Science & Technology, 55(21), 14536–14545, doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c03379, 2021.
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Zannoni, N., Li, M., Wang, N., Ernle, L., , , , , und Williams, J.: Effect of Ozone, Clothing, Temperature, and Humidity on the Total OH Reactivity Emitted from Humans, Environmental Science & Technology, 55(20), 13614–13624, doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c01831, 2021.
Zannoni, N. und Williams, J.: Smell of green leaf volatiles attracts white storks to freshly cut meadows, Scientific Reports, 11, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-92073-7, 2021.
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Pfannerstill, E. Y., Reijrink, N. G., Edtbauer, A., Ringsdorf, A., Zannoni, N., , Ditas, F., Holanda, B. A., , Tsokankunku, A., Walter, D., , , Pöhlker, C., Sörgel, M. und Williams, J.: Total OH reactivity over the Amazon rainforest: variability with temperature, wind, rain, altitude, time of day, season, and an overall budget closure, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(8), 6231–6256, doi:10.5194/acp-21-6231-2021, 2021.
Wang, N., Zannoni, N., Ernle, L., , , Li, M., und Williams, J.: Total OH Reactivity of Emissions from Humans: In Situ Measurement and Budget Analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 55(1), 149–159, doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c04206, 2021.
Zannoni, N., , , , , Seghetti, C., Wang, N., Edtbauer, A. und Williams, J.: Identifying volatile organic compounds used for olfactory navigation by homing pigeons, Scientific Reports, 10(1), doi:10.1038/s41598-020-72525-2, 2020.
Zannoni, N., , , , , und Williams, J.: Surprising chiral composition changes over the Amazon rainforest with height, time and season, Communications Earth & Environment, 1, doi:10.1038/s43247-020-0007-9, 2020.
Wang, N., Li, M., , , , , , , Zannoni, N. und Williams, J.: The Indoor Chemical Human Emissions and Reactivity (ICHEAR) project: Overview of experimental methodology and preliminary results, Indoor air: international journal of indoor air quality and climate, doi:10.1111/ina.12687, 2020.
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Zannoni, N., , , , und : New application of direct analysis in real time high-resolution mass spectrometry for the untargeted analysis of fresh and aged secondary organic aerosols generated from monoterpenes, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33, 50–59, doi:10.1002/rcm.8228, 2019.
, Konferenzbeitrag (1)
Zannoni, N., Lakey, P. S. J., , , , , , Ernle, L., Li, M., , und : Humans generate high concentrations of hydroxyl (OH) radicals when exposed to ozone, in Proceedings of Indoor Air 2022: 17th International Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate - University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland. [online] Available from:, 2022.
Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Williams, J., Zannoni, N., Kesselmeier, J., , und : Chiral BVOCs composition over the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest by TD-GCxGC-TOF/MS, in 3rd Iberoamerican Conference on Mass Spectrometry, S. 64–65. [online] Available from:, 2023.
, Forschungspapier (1)
Pfannerstill, E. Y., Reijrink, N. G., Edtbauer, A., Ringsdorf, A., Zannoni, N., , Ditas, F., Holanda, B. A., , Tsokankunku, A., Walter, D., Wolff, S., Lavrič, J. V., Pöhlker, C., Sörgel, M. und Williams, J.: Total OH reactivity over the Amazon rainforest: variability with temperature, wind, rain, altitude, time of day, season, and an overall budget closure, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 20, doi:10.5194/acp-2020-752, 2020.
Preprint (2)
Zannoni, N., Kremper, L., Hollanda, B., Williams, J., Pöhlker, C., Wolff, S., , , Pöschl, U. und : Comprehensive non-targeted molecular characterization of organic aerosols in the Amazon rainforest, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2025-141, 2025.
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Zannoni, N., Kremper, L., Williams, J., Pöhlker, C., , und : Varying chiral ratio of Pinic acid enantiomers above the Amazon rainforest, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-150, 2021.