Publikationen von F. X. Meixner

Zeitschriftenartikel (88)

Su, H.; Cheng, Y. F.; Oswald, R.; Behrendt, T.; Trebs, I.; Meixner, F. X.; Andreae, M. O.; Cheng, P.; Zhang, Y.; Pöschl, U.: Soil Nitrite as a Source of Atmospheric HONO and OH Radicals. Science 333 (6049), S. 1616 - 1618 (2011)
Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.; Falge, E.: Special Issue on Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry in Forest Ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (6 Sp. Iss. SI), S. V - V (2011)
Mayer, J. C.; Bargsten, A.; Rummel, U.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: Distributed Modified Bowen Ratio method for surface layer fluxes of reactive and non-reactive trace gases. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (6 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 655 - 668 (2011)
Mamtimin, B.; Meixner, F. X.: Air pollution and meteorological processes in the growing dryland city of Urumqi (Xinjiang, China). Science of the Total Environment 409 (7), S. 1277 - 1290 (2011)
Yu, J.; Fu, Y.; Li, Y.; Han, G.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, D.; Sun, W.; Gao, Y.; Meixner, F. X.: Effects of water discharge and sediment load on evolution of modern Yellow River Delta, China, over the period from 1976 to 2009. Biogeosciences 8 (9), S. 2427 - 2435 (2011)
Yu, J. B.; Liu, J. S.; Meixner, F. X.; Wang, J. D.; Gao, Y. J.; Wang, Y.; Qi, X. N.; Chen, X. B.: Estimating Net Primary Productivity and Nutrient Stock in Plant in Freshwater Marsh, Northeastern China. Clean-Soil Air Water 38 (11), S. 1080 - 1086 (2010)
Yu, J. B.; Wang, Z. C.; Meixner, F. X.; Yang, F.; Wu, H. F.; Chen, X. B.: Biogeochemical Characterizations and Reclamation Strategies of Saline Sodic Soil in Northeastern China. Clean-Soil Air Water 38 (11), S. 1010 - 1016 (2010)
Yu, J. B.; Meixner, F. X.; Sun, W. D.; Mamtimin, B.; Wang, G. P.; Qi, X. N.; Xia, C. H.; Xie, W. J.: Nitric oxide emissions from black soil, northeastern China: A laboratory study revealing significantly lower rates than hitherto reported. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42 (10), S. 1784 - 1792 (2010)
Yu, J. B.; Meixner, F. X.; Sun, W. D.; Mamtimin, B.; Xia, C. H.; Xie, W. J.: Biogenic Nitric Oxide Emission of Mountain Soils Sampled from Different Vertical Landscape Zones in the Changbai Mountains, Northeastern China. Environmental Science & Technology 44 (11), S. 4122 - 4128 (2010)
Mashonjowa, E.; Ronsse, F.; Nhiwatiwa, D.; Meixner, F. X.; Milford, J. R.; Lemeur, R.; Pieters, J. G.: Application of a tracer aerosol technique using atomized sodium chloride particles for measuring ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated Azrom-type greenhouse in Zimbabwe. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 26 (2), S. 275 - 286 (2010)
Bargsten, A.; Falge, E.; Pritsch, K.; Huwe, B.; Meixner, F. X.: Laboratory measurements of nitric oxide release from forest soil with a thick organic layer under different understory types. Biogeosciences 7 (5), S. 1425 - 1441 (2010)
Kuhn, U.; Ganzeveld, L.; Thielmann, A.; Dindorf, T.; Schebeske, G.; Welling, M.; Sciare, J.; Roberts, G.; Meixner, F. X.; Kesselmeier, J. et al.; Lelieveld, J.; Kolle, O.; Ciccioli, P.; Lloyd, J.; Trentmann, J.; Artaxo, P.; Andreae, M. O.: Impact of Manaus City on the Amazon Green Ocean atmosphere: ozone production, precursor sensitivity and aerosol load. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (19), S. 9251 - 9282 (2010)
Wolff, V.; Trebs, I.; Ammann, C.; Meixner, F. X.: Aerodynamic gradient measurements of the NH3-HNO3-NH4NO3 triad using a wet chemical instrument: an analysis of precision requirements and flux errors. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3 (1), S. 187 - 208 (2010)
Wolff, V.; Trebs, I.; Foken, T.; Meixner, F. X.: Exchange of reactive nitrogen compounds: concentrations and fluxes of total ammonium and total nitrate above a spruce canopy. Biogeosciences 7 (5), S. 1729 - 1744 (2010)
Gelfand, I.; Feig, G.; Meixner, F. X.; Yakir, D.: Afforestation of semi-arid shrubland reduces biogenic NO emission from soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41 (7), S. 1561 - 1570 (2009)
Thomas, R. M.; Trebs, I.; Otjes, R.; Jongejan, P. A. C.; Ten Brink, H.; Phillips, G.; Kortner, M.; Meixner, F. X.; Nemitz, E.: An Automated Analyzer to Measure Surf ace-Atmosphere Exchange Fluxes of Water Soluble Inorganic Aerosol Compounds and Reactive Trace Gases. Environmental Science & Technology 43 (5), S. 1412 - 1418 (2009)
Mayer, J. C.; Hens, K.; Rummel, U.; Meixner, F. X.; Foken, T.: Moving measurement platforms - specific challenges and corrections. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18 (5), S. 477 - 488 (2009)
Pape, L.; Ammann, C.; Nyfeler-Brunner, A.; Spirig, C.; Hens, K.; Meixner, F. X.: An automated dynamic chamber system for surface exchange measurement of non-reactive and reactive trace gases of grassland ecosystems. Biogeosciences 6 (3), S. 405 - 429 (2009)
Trebs, I.; Bohn, B.; Ammann, C.; Rummel, U.; Blumthaler, M.; Königstedt, R.; Meixner, F. X.; Fan, S.; Andreae, M. O.: Relationship between the NO2 photolysis frequency and the solar global irradiance. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2, S. 725 - 739 (2009)
Yu, J. B.; Meixner, F. X.; Sun, W. D.; Liang, Z. W.; Chen, Y.; Mamtimin, B.; Wang, G. P.; Sun, Z. G.: Biogenic nitric oxide emission from saline sodic soils in a semiarid region, northeastern China: A laboratory study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 113 (G4), G04005 (2008)
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