Publikationen von B. Mamtimin
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Zeitschriftenartikel (12)
7 (1), S. 215 - 236 (2016)
Flash floods in the Sahara: a case study for the 28 January 2013 flood in Qena, Egypt. Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk 2.
16 (15), S. 10175 - 10194 (2016)
The contribution of soil biogenic NO and HONO emissions from a managed hyperarid ecosystem to the regional NOx emissions during growing season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
15 (2), S. 867 - 882 (2015)
Tropospheric vertical column densities of NO2 over managed dryland ecosystems (Xinjiang, China): MAX-DOAS measurements vs. 3-D dispersion model simulations based on laboratory-derived NO emission from soil samples. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
11 (19), S. 5463 - 5492 (2014)
Characterisation of NO production and consumption: new insights by an improved laboratory dynamic chamber technique. Biogeosciences 5.
75 (11), S. 1105 - 1113 (2011)
Recent trends of temperature change under hot and cold desert climates: Comparing the Sahara (Libya) and Central Asia (Xinjiang, China). Journal of Arid Environments 6.
409 (7), S. 1277 - 1290 (2011)
Air pollution and meteorological processes in the growing dryland city of Urumqi (Xinjiang, China). Science of the Total Environment 7.
42 (10), S. 1784 - 1792 (2010)
Nitric oxide emissions from black soil, northeastern China: A laboratory study revealing significantly lower rates than hitherto reported. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 8.
44 (11), S. 4122 - 4128 (2010)
Biogenic Nitric Oxide Emission of Mountain Soils Sampled from Different Vertical Landscape Zones in the Changbai Mountains, Northeastern China. Environmental Science & Technology 9.
113 (G4), G04005 (2008)
Biogenic nitric oxide emission from saline sodic soils in a semiarid region, northeastern China: A laboratory study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 10.
5 (6), S. 1723 - 1738 (2008)
Soil biogenic emissions of nitric oxide from a semi-arid savanna in South Africa. Biogeosciences 11.
5, S. 4621 - 4680 (2008)
Use of laboratory and remote sensing techniques to estimate vegetation patch scale emissions of nitric oxide from an arid Kalahari savanna. Biogeosciences Discussions 12.
28, S. 43 - 53 (2007)
Characteristics and difficulties of semi-nomadic livestock economy in Yili area, Xinjiang, China. Geoöko Forschungspapier (1)
The contribution of soil biogenic NO emissions from a managed hyper-arid ecosystem to the regional NO2 emissions during growing season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 (2015), 71 S.