Publikationen von T. Dindorf

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Kuhn, U.; Ganzeveld, L.; Thielmann, A.; Dindorf, T.; Schebeske, G.; Welling, M.; Sciare, J.; Roberts, G.; Meixner, F. X.; Kesselmeier, J. et al.; Lelieveld, J.; Kolle, O.; Ciccioli, P.; Lloyd, J.; Trentmann, J.; Artaxo, P.; Andreae, M. O.: Impact of Manaus City on the Amazon Green Ocean atmosphere: ozone production, precursor sensitivity and aerosol load. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (19), S. 9251 - 9282 (2010)
Folkers, A.; Huve, K.; Ammann, C.; Dindorf, T.; Kesselmeier, J.; Kleist, E.; Kuhn, U.; Uerlings, R.; Wildt, J.: Methanol emissions from deciduous tree species: dependence on temperature and light intensity. Plant Biology 10 (1), S. 65 - 75 (2008)
Kuhn, U.; Andreae, M. O.; Ammann, C.; Araújo, A. C.; Brancaleoni, E.; Ciccioli, P.; Dindorf, T.; Frattoni, M.; Gatti, L. V.; Ganzeveld, L. et al.; Kruijt, B.; Lelieveld, J.; Lloyd, J.; Meixner, F. X.; Nobre, A. D.; Pöschl, U.; Spirig, C.; Stefani, P.; Thielmann, A.; Valentini, R.; Kesselmeier, J.: Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes from Central Amazonian rainforest inferred from tower-based and airborne measurements, and implications on the atmospheric chemistry and the local carbon budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (11), S. 2855 - 2879 (2007)
Holzke, C.; Dindorf, T.; Kesselmeier, J.; Kuhn, U.; Koppmann, R.: Terpene emissions from European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): Pattern and emission behaviour over two vegetation periods. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 55 (1), S. 81 - 102 (2006)
Dindorf, T.; Kuhn, U.; Ganzeveld, L.; Schebeske, G.; Ciccioli, P.; Holzke, C.; Koble, R.; Seufert, G.; Kesselmeier, J.: Significant light and temperature dependent monoterpene emissions from European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and their potential impact on the European volatile organic compound budget. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111 (D16), D16305 (2006)
Kuhn, U.; Dindorf, T.; Ammann, C.; Rottenberger, S.; Guyon, P.; Holzinger, R.; Ausma, S.; Kenntner, T.; Helleis, F.; Kesselmeier, J.: Design and field application of an automated cartridge sampler for VOC concentration and flux measurements. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 7 (6), S. 568 - 576 (2005)
Dindorf, T.; Kuhn, U.; Ganzeveld, L.; Schebeske, G.; Ciccioli, P.; Holzke, C.; Köble, R.; Seufert, G.; Kesselmeier, J.: Emission of monoterpenes from European beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) as a function of light and temperature. Biogeosciences Discussions 2, S. 137 - 182 (2005)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Ciccioli, P.; Brancaleoni, E.; Frattoni, M.; Kuhn, U.; Kesselmeier, J.; Dindorf, T.; de Araujo, A. C.; Nobre, A. D.; Stefani, P.; Valentini, R.: Fluxes of isoprenoid compounds over the tropical rainforest near Manaus during the dry season and their implications in the ecosystem carbon budget and in the atmospheric chemistry processes. In: Proceedings of Integrated Land Ecosystem – Atmosphere Processes Study (ILEAPS) International Open Science Conference 2003, 29 September – 03 October, Helsinki, Finland. Report Series in Aerosol Science (62A), S. 48 - 53 (Hg. Arneth, A.; Korhonen, H.; Kulmala, M.; Raivonen, M.; Ruuskanen, T. et al.). Integrated Land Ecosystem – Atmosphere Processes Study (ILEAPS) International Open Science Conference 2003, Helsinki, Finland, 29. September 2003 - 03. Oktober 2003. Finnish Association for Aerosol Research, Helsinki (2003)

Hochschulschrift (1)

Dindorf, T.: Untersuchungen zum Austausch von Carbonylen zwischen Bäumen und der Atmosphäre. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2000)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Dindorf, T.: Measurement of nonmethane organic carbon. Quality Assurance, instrument design, and enclosure studies. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2006)
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