Publikationen von J. W. Kaiser

Zeitschriftenartikel (53)

Whitburn, S.; Van Damme, M.; Kaiser, J. W.; van der Werf, G. R.; Turquety, S.; Hurtmans, D.; Clarisse, L.; Clerbaux, C.; Coheur, P. -.: Ammonia emissions in tropical biomass burning regions: Comparison between satellite-derived emissions and bottom-up fire inventories. Atmospheric Environment 121, S. 42 - 54 (2015)
Evangeliou, N.; Balkanski, Y.; Cozic, A.; Hao, W. M.; Mouillot, F.; Thonicke, K.; Paugam, R.; Zibtsev, S.; Mousseau, T. A.; Wang, R. et al.; Poulter, B.; Petkov, A.; Yue, C.; Cadule, P.; Koffi, B.; Kaiser, J. W.; Møller, A. P.: Fire evolution in the radioactive forests of Ukraine and Belarus: future risks for the population and the environment. Ecological Monographs 85 (1), S. 49 - 72 (2015)
Andela, N.; Kaiser, J. W.; van der Werf, G. R.; Wooster, M. J.: New fire diurnal cycle characterizations to improve fire radiative energy assessments made from MODIS observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (15), S. 8831 - 8846 (2015)
Archer-Nicholls, S.; Lowe, D.; Darbyshire, E.; Morgan, W. T.; Bela, M. M.; Pereira, G.; Trembath, J.; Kaiser, J. W.; Longo, K. M.; Freitas, S. R. et al.; Coe, H.; McFiggans, G.: Characterising Brazilian biomass burning emissions using WRF-Chem with MOSAIC sectional aerosol. Geoscientific Model Development 8 (3), S. 549 - 577 (2015)
Baldassarre, G.; Pozzoli, L.; Schmidt, C. C.; Unal, A.; Kindap, T.; Menzel, W. P.; Whitburn, S.; Coheur, P. -.; Kavgaci, A.; Kaiser, J. W.: Using SEVIRI fire observations to drive smoke plumes in the CMAQ air quality model: a case study over Antalya in 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (14), S. 8539 - 8558 (2015)
Clark, H.; Sauvage, B.; Thouret, V.; Nedelec, P.; Blot, R.; Wang, K.-Y.; Smit, H.; Neis, P.; Petzold, A.; Athier, G. et al.; Boulanger, D.; Cousin, J.-M.; Beswick, K.; Gallagher, M.; Baumgardner, D.; Kaiser, J.; Flaud, J.-M.; Wahner, A.; Volz-Thomas, A.; Cammas, J.-P.: The first regular measurements of ozone, carbon monoxide and water vapour in the Pacific UTLS by IAGOS. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 67, 28385 (2015)
Inness, A.; Benedetti, A.; Flemming, J.; Huijnen, V.; Kaiser, J. W.; Parrington, M.; Remy, S.: The ENSO signal in atmospheric composition fields: emission-driven versus dynamically induced changes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (15), S. 9083 - 9097 (2015)
Kaiser, J. W.; Benedetti, A.; Chevallier, F.; Flemming, J.; Inness, J. A.; Peuch , V.-H.: Climate monitoring meets air quality forecasting in CAMS. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Spec. Suppl. "State of the Climate in 2014” 96 (7), S. S50 - S51 (2015)
Kaiser, J. W.; van der Werf, G. R.: Biomass burning. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Spec. Suppl. "State of the Climate in 2014” 95 (7), S. S56 - S57 (2015)
Marecal, V.; Peuch, V.-H.; Andersson, C.; Andersson, S.; Arteta, J.; Beekmann, M.; Benedictow, A.; Bergstrom, R.; Bessagnet, B.; Cansado, A. et al.; Cheroux, F.; Colette, A.; Coman, A.; Curier, R. L.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Drouin, A.; Elbern, H.; Emili, E.; Engelen, R. J.; Eskes, H. J.; Foret, G.; Friese, E.; Gauss, M.; Giannaros, C.; Guth, J.; Joly, M.; Jaumouille, E.; Josse, B.; Kadygrov, N.; Kaiser, J. W.; Krajsek, K.; Kuenen, J.; Kumar, U.; Liora, N.; Lopez, E.; Malherbe, L.; Martinez, I.; Melas, D.; Meleux, F.; Menut, L.; Moinat, P.; Morales, T.; Parmentier, J.; Piacentini, A.; Plu, M.; Poupkou, A.; Queguiner, S.; Robertson, L.; Rouil, L.; Schaap, M.; Segers, A.; Sofiev, M.; Tarasson, L.; Thomas, M.; Timmermans, R.; Valdebenito, A.; van Velthoven, P.; van Versendaal, R.; Vira, J.; Ung, A.: A regional air quality forecasting system over Europe: the MACC-II daily ensemble production. Geoscientific Model Development 8 (9), S. 2777 - 2813 (2015)
Penning de Vries, M. J. M.; Beirle, S.; Hörmann, C.; Kaiser, J. W.; Stammes, P.; Tilstra, L. G.; Tuinder, O. N. E.; Wagner, T.: A global aerosol classification algorithm incorporating multiple satellite data sets of aerosol and trace gas abundances. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (18), S. 10597 - 10618 (2015)
Roberts, G.; Wooster, M. J.; Xu, W.; Freeborn, P. H.; Morcrette, J.-J.; Jones, L.; Benedetti, A.; Jiangping, H.; Fisher, D.; Kaiser, J. W.: LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products - Part 2: Evaluation and demonstration for use in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (22), S. 13241 - 13267 (2015)
Spessa, A. C.; Field, R. D.; Pappenberger, F.; Langner, A.; Englhart, S.; Weber, U.; Stockdale, T.; Siegert, F.; Kaiser, J. W.; Moore, J.: Seasonal forecasting of fire over Kalimantan, Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (3), S. 429 - 442 (2015)
van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T.; van der Velde, I. R.; Krol, M. C.; Gatti, L. V.; Domingues, L. G.; Correia, C. S. C.; Miller, J. B.; Gloor, M.; van Leeuwen, T. T.; Kaiser, J. W. et al.; Wiedinmyer, C.; Basu, S.; Clerbaux, C.; Peters, W.: Response of the Amazon carbon balance to the 2010 drought derived with CarbonTracker South America. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (7), S. 1092 - 1108 (2015)
Veira, A.; Kloster, S.; Schutgens, N. A. J.; Kaiser, J. W.: Fire emission heights in the climate system - Part 2: Impact on transport, black carbon concentrations and radiation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (13), S. 7173 - 7193 (2015)
Poupkou, A.; Markakis, K.; Liora, N.; Giannaros, T. M.; Zanis, P.; Im, U.; Daskalakis, N.; Myriokefalitakis, S.; Kaiser, J. W.; Melas, D. et al.; Kanakidou, M.; Karacostas, T.; Zerefos, C.: A modeling study of the impact of the 2007 Greek forest fires on the gaseous pollutant levels in the Eastern Mediterranean. Atmospheric Research 149, S. 1 - 17 (2014)
Zhang, F.; Wang, J.; Ichoku, C.; Hyer, E. J.; Yang, Z.; Ge, C.; Su, S.; Zhang, X.; Kondragunta, S.; Kaiser, J. W. et al.; Wiedinmyer, C.; da Silva, A.: Sensitivity of mesoscale modeling of smoke direct radiative effect to the emission inventory: a case study in northern sub-Saharan African region. Environmental Research Letters 9 (7), 075002 (2014)
Benedetti, A.; Jones, L. T.; Kaiser, J. W.; Morcrette, J.-J.; Remy, S.: Aerosols. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Spec. Suppl. "State of the Climate in 2013” 95 (7), S. S36 - S38 (2014)
Kaiser, J. W.; van der Werf, G. R.: Biomass burning. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Spec. Suppl. "State of the Climate in 2013” 95 (7), S. S47 - S49 (2014)
Konovalov, I. B.; Berezin, E. V.; Ciais, P.; Broquet, G.; Beekmann, M.; Hadji-Lazaro, J.; Clerbaux, C.; Andreae, M. O.; Kaiser, J. W.; Schulze, E. -.: Constraining CO2 emissions from open biomass burning by satellite observations of co-emitted species: a method and its application to wildfires in Siberia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (19), S. 10383 - 10410 (2014)
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