Publikationen von P. R. Heck

Konferenzbeitrag (22)

Bechtel, H. A.; Allen, C.; Bajt, S.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M.; Burghammer, M.; Butterworth, A. L. et al.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G. J.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J. K.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leroux, H.; Nittler, L. R.; Ogliore, R. C.; Postberg, F.; Price, M. C.; Sandford, S. A.; Sans Tresseras, J. A.; Schmitz, S.; Schoonjans, T.; Silversmit, G.; Simionovici, A.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Stodolna, J.; Stroud, R. M.; Sutton, S. R.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Westphal, A. J.; Zolensky, M. E.: FTIR analysis of aerogel keystones from the Stardust interstellar dust collector: Assessment of terrestrial organic contamination and X-ray microprobe beam damage. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1971. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Floss, C.; Allen, C.; Bajt, S.; Bechtel, H. A.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M.; Burghammer, M. et al.; Butterworth, A. L.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Doll, R.; Flynn, G. J.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J. K.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leonard, A.; Leroux, H.; Nittler, L. R.; Ogliore, R. C.; Ong, W. J.; Postberg, F.; Price, M. C.; Sandford, S. A.; Tresseras, J. A. S.; Schmitz, S.; Schoonjans, T.; Schreiber, K.; Silversmit, G.; Simionovici, A.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Stodolna, J.; Stroud, R. M.; Sutton, S. R.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Westphal, A. J.; Zolensky, M. E.: Stardust interstellar foils I1061N,1 and I1031N,1: First results from automated crater searches and future analytical possibilities. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1576. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Meier, M. M.; Heck, P. R.; Hoppe, P.; Groener, E.; Baur, H.; Wieler, R.: Helium and neon in 15 individual presolar silicon carbide grains of type AB. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1658. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Postberg, F.; Allen, C.; Bajt, S.; Bechtel, H. A.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Bugiel, S.; Burchell, M. et al.; Burghammer, M.; Butterworth, A. L.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G. J.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J. K.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leroux, H.; Nittler, L. R.; Ogliore, R. C.; Price, M. C.; Sandford, S. A.; Sans Tresseras, J. A.; Schmitz, S.; Schoonjans, T.; Silversmit, G.; Simionovici, A.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Sterken, V.; Stodolna, J.; Stroud, R. M.; Sutton, S. R.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Westphal, A. J.; Zolensky, M. E.: A new view on interstellar dust – high fidelity studies of interstellar dust analogue tracks in Stardust flight spare aerogel. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1823. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Simionovici, A.; Allen, C.; Bajt, S.; Bastien, R.; Bechtel, H.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F. E.; Bridges, J. C.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M. J. et al.; Burghammer, M.; Butterworth, A.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A. T.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leroux, H.; Lettieri, R.; Marchant, W.; Nittler, L.; Ogliore, R.; Postberg, F.; Sandford, S.; Sans Tresseras, J. A.; Schoonjans, T.; Schmitz, S.; Silversmit, G.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Stodolna, J.; Stroud, R. M.; Sutton, S.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Westphal, A. J.; Zevin, D.; Zolensky, M. E.: High fluence synchroton radiation microprobe effects on Stardust interstellar dust candidates. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2812. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Stroud, R. M.; Allen, C.; Bajt, S.; Bechtel, H. A.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M.; Burghammer, M. et al.; Butterworth, A. L.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G. J.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J. K.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leroux, H.; Nittler, L. R.; Ogliore, R. C.; Postberg, F.; Price, M. C.; Sandford, S. A.; Sans Tresseras, J. A.; Schmitz, S.; Schoonjans, T.; Silversmit, G.; Simionovici, A.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Stodolna, J.; Sutton, S. R.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Westphal, A. J.; Zolensky, M. E.: Identification of impact craters in foils from the Stardust interstellar dust collector. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1753. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Westphal, A. J.; Allen, C.; Anderson, D.; Bajt, S.; Bechtel, H. A.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M. et al.; Burghammer, M.; Butterworth, A. L.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G. J.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J. K.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leroux, H.; Lettieri, R.; Lyverse, P.; Marchant, W.; Nittler, L. R.; Ogliore, R. C.; Postberg, F.; Price, M. C.; Sandford, S. A.; Sans Tresseras, J. A.; Schmitz, S.; Schoonjans, T.; Silversmit, G.; Simionovici, A.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Stodolna, J.; Stroud, R. M.; Sutton, S. R.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Korff, J. V.; Zevin, D.; Zolensky, M. E.: Constraints on the interstellar dust flux based on Stardust@home search results. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2059. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Westphal, A. J.; Allen, C.; Bajt, S.; Bechtel, H. A.; Borg, J.; Brenker, F.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M.; Burghammer, M. et al.; Butterworth, A. L.; Cloetens, P.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G. J.; Fougeray, P.; Frank, D.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P. R.; Hillier, J. K.; Hoppe, P.; Howard, L.; Hudson, B.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; King, A. J.; Lai, B.; Leitner, J.; Lemelle, L.; Leroux, H.; Lettieri, R.; Marchant, W.; Nittler, L. R.; Ogliore, R. C.; Postberg, F.; Price, M. C.; Sandford, S. A.; Sans Tresseras, J. A.; Schmitz, S.; Schoonjans, T.; Silversmit, G.; Simionovici, A.; Srama, R.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Stodolna, J.; Stroud, R. M.; Sutton, S. R.; Toucoulou, R.; Trieloff, M.; Tsou, P.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Tyliczszak, T.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Wordsworth, N.; Zevin, D.; Zolensky, M. E.: Four interstellar dust candidates from the Stardust interstellar dust collector. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2083. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Kearsley, A. T.; Westphal, A. J.; Stadermann, F. J.; Armes, S. P.; Ball, A. D.; Borg, J.; Bridges, J. C.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M. J.; Chater, R. J. et al.; Davis, A. M.; Floss, C.; Flynn, G.; Gainsforth, Z.; Grün, E.; Heck, P.; Hoppe, P.; Hörz, F.; Howard, L. E.; Howe, G.; Huss, G. R.; Huth, J.; Landgraf, M.; Leitner, J.; Leroux, H.; Nittler, L.; Ogliore, R.; Postberg, F.; Price, M. C.; Srama, R.; Stroud, R.; Trieloff, M.; Trigo-Rodriguez, J.; Sandford, S. A.; Stephan, T.; Sternovsky, Z.; Tsou, P.; Zolensky, M. E.: Finding interstellar particle impacts on Stardust aluminium foils: The safe handling, imaging and analysis of samples containing femtogram residues. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1593. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2010)
Leitner, J.; Hoppe, P.; Heck, P.: First discovery of presolar material of possible supernova origin in impact residues from comet 81P/Wild 2. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1607. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2010)
Hoppe, P.; Vollmer, C.; Heck, P. R.; Gröner, E.; Gallino, R.; Amari, S.: NanoSIMS studies of small presolar SiC grains: C- and Si-isotopic compositions and trace element abundances. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, #1025. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2008)
Borg, J.; Hörz, F.; Bridges, J. C.; Burchell, M. J.; Djouadi, Z.; Floss, C.; Graham, G. A.; Green, S. F.; Heck, P. R.; Hoppe, P. et al.; Huth, J.; Kearsley, A.; Leroux, H.; Marhas, K.; Stadermann, F. J.; Teslich, N.: SEM-EDS analyses of small craters in Stardust aluminum foils: Implications for the Wild-2 dust distribution. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, #1592. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2007)
Heck, P. R.; Amari, S.; Hoppe, P.; Lewis, R. S.; Baur, H.; Wieler, R.: Neon-22, oxygen-18, and aluminum-26 excesses in single presolar graphite grains from Murchison: A combined rare gas and NanoSIMS study. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, #1645. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2007)
Westphal, A. J.; Heck, P. R.; Hoppe, P.; Huth, J.: Non-random spatial distribution of impacts in the Stardust cometary collector. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, #1418. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2007)
Heck, P. R.; Hoppe, P.; Gröner, E.; Marhas, K. K.; Baur, H.; Wieler, R.: Automated search for rare presolar silicon carbide from Novae and of type A/B: A combined isotopic study of single grains with Nanosims and noble gas mass spectrometry. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #1355. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2006)
Hoppe, P.; Heck, P.; Hörz, F.; Huth, J.; Marhas, K. K.; Messenger, K.; Snead, C.; Westphal, A.: Nanosims studies of dust projectile shots into Stardust-type aerogel and aluminum foils. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #1546. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2006)
Hörz, F.; Borg, J.; Bradley, J. P.; Bridges, J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Burchell, M. J.; Cole, M. J.; Dai, Z. R.; Djouadi, Z.; Floss, C. et al.; Franchi, I. A.; Graham, G. A.; Green, S. F.; Heck, P.; Hoppe, P.; Kearsley, A. T.; Leitner, J.; Leroux, H.; Teslich, N.; Marhas, K. K.; Schwandt, C. S.; See, T. H.; Stadermann, F. J.; Stephan, T.; Troadec, D.; Tsou, P.; Zolensky, M. E.: Microcraters in aluminum foils exposed by Stardust. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #1148. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2006)
Heck, P. R.; Marhas, K. K.; Baur, H.; Hoppe, P.; Wieler, R.: Presolar He and Ne in single circumstellar SiC grains extracted from the Murchison and Murray meteorites. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, #1938. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2005)
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