Publikationen von H. Fischer
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Zeitschriftenartikel (170)
107 (D23), 4671 (2002)
Aerosol elemental concentrations in the tropopause region from intercontinental flights with the Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) platform. Journal of Geophysical Research 122.
107 (D22), 4638 (2002)
Electrical discharge source for tropospheric "ozone-rich transients". Journal of Geophysical Research 123.
298 (5594), S. 794 - 799 (2002)
Global air pollution crossroads over the Mediterranean. Science 124.
16 (4), 1094 (2002)
Seasonal variations in stable carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios in methane from rice fields. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 125.
58 (11), S. 2489 - 2498 (2002)
Application of a multi-laser tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer for atmospheric trace gas measurements at sub-ppbv levels. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 126.
107 (D19), 8051 (2002)
Methyl chloride and other chlorocarbons in polluted air during INDOEX. Journal of Geophysical Research 127.
107 (D17), 4337 (2002)
Budgets of O3 and CO in the upper troposphere: CARIBIC passenger aircraft results 1997-2001. Journal of Geophysical Research 128.
107 (D19), 8007 (2002)
Near equatorial CO and O3 profiles over the Indian Ocean during the winter monsoon: High O3 levels in the middle troposphere and interhemispheric exchange. Journal of Geophysical Research 129.
73 (8), S. 3051 - 3057 (2002)
Characterization and application of an externally mounted catalytic converter for aircraft measurements of NOy. Review of Scientific Instruments 130.
2, S. 133 - 145 (2002)
Application of the variability-size relationship to atmospheric aerosol studies: estimating aerosol lifetimes and ages. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 131.
107 (D7-D8), 4064 (2002)
Synoptic tracer gradients in the upper troposphere over central Canada during the Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiments by Aircraft Measurements 1998 summer campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research 132.
107 (D5-D6), 4044 (2002)
Seasonal variations of a mixing layer in the lowermost stratosphere as identified by the CO-O3 correlation from in situ measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research 133.
107 (D3), 4029 (2002)
Are CH2O measurements in the marine boundary layer suitable for testing the current understanding of CH4 photooxidation?: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research 134.
28, S. 951 - 954 (2001)
Transport of biomass burning smoke to the upper troposphere by deep convection in the equatorial region. Geophysical Research Letters 135.
39, S. 37 - 64 (2001)
GHOST - a novel airborne gas chromatograph for in situ measurements of long-lived tracers in the lower stratosphere. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 136.
106, S. 28453 - 28468 (2001)
Overview of the trace gas measurements onboard the Citation aircraft during the intensive field phase of INDOEX. Journal of Geophysical Research 137.
106, S. 28629 - 28642 (2001)
Vertical and horizontal distributions of the aerosol number concentration and size distribution over the northern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 138.
17, S. 18 - 22 (2001)
Seasonal variation of extratropical cross-tropopause transport inferred from chemical tracer measurements. SPARC Newsletter 139.
3, S. 227 - 237 (2001)
Measurements of nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide during the FIELDVOC '94 campaign in Tabua. Chemosphere - Global Change Science 140.
291, S. 1031 - 1036 (2001)
The Indian Ocean Experiment: Widespread air pollution from South and South-East Asia. Science