Publikationen von A. K. Baker

Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

Lai, S. C.; Baker, A. K.; Schuck, T. J.; van Velthoven, P.; Oram, D. E.; Zahn, A.; Hermann, M.; Weigelt, A.; Slemr, F.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M. et al.; Ziereis, H.: Pollution events observed during CARIBIC flights in the upper troposphere between South China and the Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (4), S. 1649 - 1660 (2010)
Schuck, T. J.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Baker, A. K.; Slemr, F.; von Velthoven, P. F. J.; Zahn, A.: Greenhouse gas relationships in the Indian summer monsoon plume measured by the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (8), S. 3965 - 3984 (2010)
Barletta, B.; Meinardi, S.; Simpson, I. J.; Atlas, E. L.; Beyersdorf, A. J.; Baker, A. K.; Blake, N. J.; Yang, M.; Midyett, J. R.; Novak, B. J. et al.; McKeachie, R. J.; Fuelberg, H. E.; Sachse, G. W.; Avery, M. A.; Campos, T.; Weinheimer, A. J.; Rowland, F. S.; Blake, D. R.: Characterization of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Asian and north American pollution plumes during INTEX-B: identification of specific Chinese air mass tracers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (14), S. 5371 - 5388 (2009)

Forschungspapier (2)

Ojha, N.; Pozzer, A.; Rauthe-Schöch, A.; Baker, A. K.; Yoon, J.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Lelieveld, J.: Ozone and carbon monoxide over India during the summer monsoon: regional emissions and transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 21133 - 21176 (2015), 43 S.
Rauthe-Schöch, A.; Baker, A. K.; Schuck, T. J.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Zahn, A.; Hermann, M.; Stratmann, G.; Ziereis, H.; Velthoven, P. F. J. v.; Lelieveld, J.: Trapping, chemistry and export of trace gases in the South Asian summer monsoon observed during CARIBIC flights in 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 6967 - 7018 (2015), 51 S.
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