Publikationen von B. Steil

Zeitschriftenartikel (50)

van Aalst, M. K., van den Broek, M. M. P., Bregman, A., Brühl, C., Steil, B., Toon, G. C., Garcelon, S., Hansford, G. M., Jones, R. L., Gardiner, T. D., Roelofs, G. J., Lelieveld, J. und Crutzen, P. J.: Trace gas transport in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter: comparison of nudged GCM runs with observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 81–93 [online] Available from:, 2004.
Manzini, E., Steil, B., Brühl, C., Giorgetta, M. A. und Krüger, K.: A new interactive chemistry-climate model: 2. Sensitivity of the middle atmosphere to ozone depletion and increase in greenhouse gases and implications for recent stratospheric cooling, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D14), doi:10.1029/2002JD002977, 2003.
Steil, B., Brühl, C., Manzini, E., Crutzen, P. J., Lelieveld, J., Rasch, P. J., Roeckner, E. und Krüger, K.: A new interactive chemistry-climate model: 1. Present-day climatology and interannual variability of the middle atmosphere using the model and 9 years of HALOE/UARS data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D9), doi:10.1029/2002JD002971, 2003.
Krämer, M., Müller, R. I., Bovensmann, H., Burrows, J., Brinkmann, J., Röth, E. P., Grooß, J. U., Müller, R. O., Woyke, T. H., Ruhnke, R., Günther, G., Hendricks, J., Lippert, E., Carslaw, K. S., Peter, T., Zieger, A., Brühl, C. H., Steil, B., Lehmann, R. und McKenna, D. S.: Intercomparison of stratospheric chemistry models under polar vortex conditions, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 45(1), 51–77 [online] Available from:, 2003.
Tourpali, K., Schuurmans, C. J. E., van Dorland, R., Steil, B. und Brühl, C.: Stratospheric and tropospheric response to enhanced solar UV radiation: A model study, Geophysical Research Letters, 30(5), doi:10.1029/2002GL016650, 2003.
Lelieveld, J., Berresheim, H., Borrmann, S., Crutzen, P. J., Dentener, F. J., Fischer, H., Feichter, J., Flatau, P. J., Heland, J., Holzinger, R., Korrmann, R., Lawrence, M. G., Levin, Z., Markowicz, K. M., Mihalopoulos, N., Minikin, A., Ramanathan, V., de Reus, M., Roelofs, G. J., Scheeren, H. A., Sciare, J., Schlager, H., Schultz, M., Siegmund, P., Steil, B., Stephanou, E. G., Stier, P., Traub, M., Warneke, C., Williams, J. und Ziereis, H.: Global air pollution crossroads over the Mediterranean, Science, 298(5594), 794–799 [online] Available from:, 2002.
Grewe, V., Dameris, M., Hein, R., Sausen, R. und Steil, B.: Future changes of the atmospheric composition and the impact of climate change, Tellus, 53 B, 103–121 [online] Available from:, 2001.
Hein, R., Dameris, M., Schnadt, C., Land, C., Grewe, V., Köhler, I., Ponater, M., Sausen, R., Steil, B., Landgraf, J. und Brühl, C.: Results of an interactively coupled atmospheric chemistry-general-circulation model: Comparison with observations, Annual Geophysics, 19, 435–457 [online] Available from:, 2001.
Jöckel, P., von Kuhlmann, R., Lawrence, M. G., Steil, B., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Crutzen, P. J., Rasch, P. J. und Eaton, B.: On a fundamental problem in implementing flux-form advection schemes for tracer transport in 3-dimensional general circulation and chemistry transport models, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 127, 1035–1052 [online] Available from:, 2001.
Brühl, C., Pöschl, U., Crutzen, P. J. und Steil, B.: Acetone and PAN in the upper troposphere: Impact on ozone production from aircraft, Atmospheric Environment, 34, 3931–3938 [online] Available from:, 2000.

Buchkapitel (5)

Tyrlis, E., Lelieveld, J. und Steil, B.: The summer circulation over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: Influence of the South Asian monsoon and mid-latitude dynamics, in Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, herausgegeben von C. G. Helmis und P. T. Nastos, S. 793–802, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. [online] Available from:, 2013.
Brühl, C. und Steil, B.: Interannual variability of Arctic ozone depletion for the present situation and in about 30 years from now, simulations with the GCMMA-ECHAM with interactive chemistry, in Stratospheric ozone 2002. Proceedings of the sixth European symposium, Göteborg 2-6 September 2002, Sweden. Air pollution research report 79, herausgegeben von N. R. P. Harris, G. T. Amanatidis, und J. G. Levine, S. 75–78, European Commission, Brussels. [online] Available from:, 2003.
Brühl, C., Steil, B. und Manzini, E.: Feedback processes between chemistry and meteorology with focus on lower stratospheric polar vortices, simulations with a coupled GCM, SPARC Office, Verrières-le-Buisson. [online] Available from:, 2001.
Dameris, M., Grewe, V., Köhler, I., Sausen, R., Grooß, J. U., Brühl, C. und Steil, B.: Impact of aircraft NOx emissions on ozone, in Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar stratosperic ozone 1997, Schliersee/Germany 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, herausgegeben von N. R. P. Harris, I. Kilbane-Dawe, und G. T. Amanatidis, S. 261–264, European Commission, Luxembourg. [online] Available from:, 1998.
Dameris, M., Grewe, V., Ponater, M., Sausen, R., Steil, B. und Brühl, C.: An interactively coupled comprehensive model of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry: First results of multi-decadal integrations, in Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium on Atmospheric Ozone, l'Aquila/Italy 1996, herausgegeben von R. D. Bojkov und G. Visconti, S. 695–698, Edigrafital S. p. A., S. Atto/Italy. [online] Available from:, 1998.

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Haßler, B., Steinbrecht, W., Winkler, P., Dameris, M., Matthes, S., Schnadt, C., Brühl, C. und Steil, B.: Comparison of observed stratospheric ozone and temperature time series with chemistry-climate model simulations. Part II: Profiles at selected stations, in Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos 1-8 June 2004, Greece, Vol. II, herausgegeben von C. Zerefos, S. 757–758. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Steil, B., Brühl, C., Giorgetta, M., Mancini, E., Grewe, V. und Mager, F.: The impact of CFCs, greenhouse gases, solar cycle, QBO, ENSO and major volcanoes on stratospheric ozone; transient simulation withe the middle atmosphere couplet chemistry climate model ECHAM for the last 40 years, in Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos 1-8 June 2004, Greece, Vol. II, herausgegeben von C. Zerefos, S. 832–833. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Steinbrecht, W., Haßler, B., Winkler, P., Dameris, M., Matthes, S., Schnadt, C., Brühl, C. und Steil, B.: Comparison of observed stratospheric ozone and temperature time series with chemistry-climate model simulations. Part I: Global variations of total ozone and 50 hPa temperature, in Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Kos 1-8 June 2004, Greece, Vol. II, herausgegeben von C. Zerefos, S. 793–794. [online] Available from:, 2004.

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Laskar, A. H., Adnew, G. A., Gromov, S., Peethambaran, R., Blunier, T., Lelieveld, J., Steil, B. und Röckmann, T.: Variations in tropospheric oxidant levels during the Holocene and late Glacial, in Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. [online] Available from:, 2022.

Forschungspapier (3)

Abdelkader, M., Metzger, S., Steil, B., Klingmüller, K., Tost, H., Pozzer, A., Stenchikov, G., Barrie, L. und Lelieveld, J.: Chemical aging of atmospheric mineral dust during transatlantic transport, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 16, doi:doi:10.5194/acp-2016-470, 2016.
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