Publikationen von John N. Crowley

Zeitschriftenartikel (163)

Dörich, R., Eger, P., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Iodide-CIMS and m/z 62: The detection of HNO3 as NO3 in the presence of PAN, peracetic acid and O3, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(8), 5319–5332, doi:10.5194/amt-14-5319-2021, 2021.
Wu, R., Vereecken, L., Tsiligiannis, E., Kang, S., Albrecht, S. R., Hantschke, L., Zhao, D., Novelli, A., Fuchs, H., Tillmann, R., Hohaus, T., Carlsson, P. T. M., Shenolikar, J., Bernard, F., Crowley, J. N., Fry, J. L., Brownwood, B., Thornton, J. A., Brown, S. S., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Wahner, A., Hallquist, M. und Mentel, T. F.: Molecular composition and volatility of multi-generation products formed from isoprene oxidation by nitrate radical, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(13), 10799–10824, doi:10.5194/acp-21-10799-2021, 2021.
Friedrich, N., Eger, P., Shenolikar, J., Sobanski, N., Schuladen, J., Dienhart, D., Hottmann, B., Tadic, I., Fischer, H., Martinez, M., Rohloff, R., Tauer, S., Harder, H., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Wang, N., Williams, J., Brooks, J., Drewnick, F., Su, H., Li, G., Cheng, Y., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Reactive nitrogen around the Arabian Peninsula and in the Mediterranean Sea during the 2017 AQABA ship campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(10), 7473–7498, doi:10.5194/acp-21-7473-2021, 2021.
Mellouki, A., Ammann, M., Cox, R. A., Crowley, J. N., Herrmann, H., Jenkin, M. E., McNeill, V. F., Troe, J. und Wallington, T. J.: Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: volume VIII – gas-phase reactions of organic species with four, or more, carbon atoms ( ≥  C4), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(6), 4797–4808, doi:10.5194/acp-21-4797-2021, 2021.
Amedro, D., Bunkan, A. J. C., Dillon, T. J. und Crowley, J. N.: Characterization of two photon excited fragment spectroscopy (TPEFS) for HNO3 detection in gas-phase kinetic experiments, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(11), 6397–6407, doi:10.1039/d1cp00297j, 2021.
Vereecken, L., Carlsson, P. T. M., Novelli, A., Bernard, F., Brown, S. S., Cho, C., Crowley, J. N., Fuchs, H., Mellouki, W., Reimer, D., Shenolikar, J., Tillmann, R., Zhou, L., Kiendler-Scharr, A. und Wahner, A.: Theoretical and experimental study of peroxy and alkoxy radicals in the NO3-initiated oxidation of isoprene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(9), 5496–5515, doi:10.1039/d0cp06267g, 2021.
Berasategui, M., Amedro, D., Vereecken, L., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Reaction between CH3C(O)OOH (peracetic acid) and OH in the gas-phase: A combined experimental and theoretical study of the kinetics and mechanism, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(21), 13541–13555, doi:10.5194/acp-20-13541-2020, 2020.
Friedrich, N., Tadic, I., Schuladen, J., Brooks, J., Darbyshire, E., Drewnick, F., Fischer, H., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Measurement of NOx and NOy with a thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectrometer (TD-CRDS): instrument characterisation and first deployment, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(10), 5739–5761, doi:10.5194/amt-13-5739-2020, 2020.
Wang, N., Edtbauer, A., Stönner, C., Pozzer, A., Bourtsoukidis, E., Ernle, L., Dienhart, D., Hottmann, B., Fischer, H., Schuladen, J., Crowley, J. N., Paris, J.-D., Lelieveld, J. und Williams, J.: Measurements of carbonyl compounds around the Arabian Peninsula: overview and model comparison, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(18), 10807–10829, doi:10.5194/acp-20-10807-2020, 2020.
Dewald, P., Liebmann, J. M., Friedrich, N., Shenolikar, J., Schuladen, J., Rohrer, F., Reimer, D., Tillmann, R., Novelli, A., Cho, C., Xu, K., Holzinger, R., Bernard, F., Zhou, L., Mellouki, W., Brown, S. S., Fuchs, H., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Evolution of NO3 reactivity during the oxidation of isoprene, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(17), 10459–10475, doi:10.5194/acp-20-10459-2020, 2020.
Edtbauer, A., Stönner, C., Pfannerstill, E., Berasategui, M., Walter, D., Crowley, J. N., Lelieveld, J. und Williams, J.: A new marine biogenic emission: methane sulfonamide (MSAM), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) measured in air over the Arabian Sea, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(10), 6081–6094, doi:10.5194/acp-20-6081-2020, 2020.
Amedro, D., Berasategui, M., Bunkan, A. J. C., Pozzer, A., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Kinetics of the OH + NO2 reaction: effect of water vapour and new parameterization for global modelling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(5), 3091–3105, doi:10.5194/acp-20-3091-2020, 2020.
Berasategui, M., Amedro, D., Edtbauer, A., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Kinetic and mechanistic study of the reaction between methane sulfonamide (CH3S(O)2NH2) and OH, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(5), 2695–2707, doi:10.5194/acp-20-2695-2020, 2020.
Celik, S., Drewnick, F., Fachinger, F., Brooks, J., Darbyshire, E., Coe, H., Paris, J.-D., Eger, P., Schuladen, J., Tadic, I., Friedrich, N., Dienhart, D., Hottmann, B., Fischer, H., Crowley, J. N., Harder, H. und Borrmann, S.: Influence of vessel characteristics and atmospheric processes on the gas and particle phase of ship emission plumes: in situ measurements in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(8), 4713–4734, doi:10.5194/acp-20-4713-2020, 2020.
Cox, R. A., Ammann, M., Crowley, J. N., Herrmann, H., Jenkin, M. E., McNeill, V. F., Mellouki, A., Troe, J. und Wallington, T. J.: Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: Volume VII - Criegee intermediates, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(21), 13497–13519, doi:10.5194/acp-20-13497-2020, 2020.
Eger, P., Schuladen, J., Sobanski, N., Fischer, H., Karu, E., Williams, J., Riva, M., Zha, Q., Ehn, M., Quelever, L. L. J., Schallhart, S., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Pyruvic acid in the boreal forest: gas-phase mixing ratios and impact on radical chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(6), 3697–3711, doi:10.5194/acp-20-3697-2020, 2020.
Tadic, I., Crowley, J. N., Dienhart, D., Eger, P., Harder, H., Hottmann, B., Martinez, M., Parchatka, U., Paris, J.-D., Pozzer, A., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Shenolikar, J., Tauer, S., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Net ozone production and its relationship to nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the marine boundary layer around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(11), 6769–6787, doi:10.5194/acp-20-6769-2020, 2020.
Amedro, D., Bunkan, A. J. C., Berasategui, M. und Crowley, J. N.: Kinetics of the OH + NO2 reaction: rate coefficients (217-333 K, 16-1200 mbar) and fall-off parameters for N2 and O2 bath gases, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(16), 10643–10657, doi:10.5194/acp-19-10643-2019, 2019.
Bourtsoukidis, E., Ernle, L., Crowley, J. N., Lelieveld, J., Paris, J.-D., Pozzer, A., Walter, D. und Williams, J.: Non Methane Hydrocarbon (C2–C8) sources and sinks around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(10), 7209–7232, doi:10.5194/acp-19-7209-2019, 2019.
Eger, P. G., Friedrich, N., Schuladen, J., Shenolikar, J., Fischer, H., Tadic, I., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Rohloff, R., Tauer, S., Drewnick, F., Fachinger, F., Brooks, J., Darbyshire, E., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Shipborne measurements of ClNO2 in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Arabian Peninsula during summer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(19), 12121–12140, doi:10.5194/acp-19-12121-2019, 2019.
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