Publikationen von R. Sander

Zeitschriftenartikel (103)

Jöckel, P., Tost, H., Pozzer, A., Kunze, M., Kirner, O., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Brinkop, S., Cai, D. S., Dyroff, C., Eckstein, J., Frank, F., Garny, H., Gottschaldt, K.-D., Graf, P., Grewe, V., Kerkweg, A., Kern, B., Matthes, S., Mertens, M., Meul, S., Neumaier, M., Nützel, M., Oberländer-Hayn, S., Ruhnke, R., Runde, T., Sander, R., Scharffe, D. und Zahn, A.: Earth System Chemistry Integrated Modelling (ESCiMo) with the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy, version 2.51), Geoscientific Model Development, 9(3), 1153–1200, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-1153-2016, 2016.
Baumgaertner, A. J. G., Jöckel, P., Kerkweg, A., Sander, R. und Tost, H.: Implementation of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 1.2.1 as a new base model into version 2.50 of the MESSy framework, Geoscientific Model Development, 9(1), 125–135, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-125-2016, 2016.
Cabrera-Perez, D., Taraborrelli, D., Sander, R. und Pozzer, A.: Global atmospheric budget of simple monocyclic aromatic compounds, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(11), 6931–6947, doi:10.5194/acp-16-6931-2016, 2016.
Sukhodolov, T., Rozanov, E., Ball, W. T., Bais, A., Tourpali, K., Shapiro, A. I., Telford, P., Smyshlyaev, S., Fomin, B., Sander, R., Bossay, S., Bekki, S., Marchand, M., Chipperfield, M. P., Dhomse, S., Haigh, J. D., Peter, T. und Schmutz, W.: Evaluation of simulated photolysis rates and their response to solar irradiance variability, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121(10), 6066–6084, doi:10.1002/2015JD024277, 2016.
Jordan, C. E., Pszenny, A. A. P., Keene, W. C., Cooper, O. R., Deegan, B., Maben, J., Routhier, M., Sander, R. und Young, A. H.: Origins of aerosol chlorine during winter over north central Colorado, USA, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120(2), 678–694, doi:10.1002/2014JD022294, 2015.
Sander, R.: Compilation of Henry's law constants (version 4.0) for water as solvent, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(8), 4399–4981, doi:10.5194/acp-15-4399-2015, 2015.
Adame, J. A., Martínez, M., Sorribas, M., Hidalgo, P. J., Harder, H., Diesch, J.-M., Drewnick, F., Song, W., Williams, J., Sinha, V., Hernández-Ceballos, M. A., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Sander, R., Hosaynali-Beygi, Z., Fischer, H., Lelieveld, J. und De la Morena, B.: Meteorology during the DOMINO campaign and its connection with trace gases and aerosols, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(5), 2325–2342, doi:10.5194/acp-14-2325-2014, 2014.
Bleicher, S., Buxmann, J. C., Sander, R., Riedel, T. P., Thornton, J. A., Platt, U. und Zetzsch, C.: The influence of nitrogen oxides on the activation of bromide and chloride in salt aerosol, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 14, 10135–10166 , doi:10.5194/acpd-14-10135-2014, 2014.
Hens, K., Novelli, A., Martínez, M., Auld, J., Axinte, R., Bohn, B., Fischer, H., Keronen, P., Kubistin, D., Nölscher, A. C., Oswald, R., Paasonen, P., Petäjä, T., Regelin, E., Sander, R., Sinha, V., Sipilä, M., Taraborrelli, D., Tatum Ernest, C., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Harder, H.: Observation and modelling of HOx radicals in a boreal forest, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(16), 8723–8747, doi:10.5194/acp-14-8723-2014, 2014.
Long, M. S., Keene, W. C., Easter, R. C., Sander, R., Liu, X., Kerkweg, A. und Erickson, D.: Sensitivity of tropospheric chemical composition to halogen-radical chemistry using a fully coupled size-resolved multiphase chemistry-global climate system: halogen distributions, aerosol composition, and sensitivity of climate-relevant gases, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(7), 3397–3425, doi:10.5194/acp-14-3397-2014, 2014.
Sander, R., Jöckel, P., Kirner, O., Kunert, A. T., Landgraf, J. und Pozzer, A.: The photolysis module JVAL-14, compatible with the MESSy standard, and the JVal PreProcessor (JVPP), Geoscientific Model Development, 7(6), 2653–2662, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2653-2014, 2014.
van Eijck, A., Opatz, T., Taraborrelli, D., Sander, R. und Hoffmann, T.: New tracer compounds for secondary organic aerosol formation from beta-caryophyllene oxidation, Atmospheric Environment, 80, 122–130 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Young, A. H., Keene, W. C., Pszenny, A. A. P., Sander, R., Thornton, J. A., Riedel, T. P. und Maben, J. R.: Phase partitioning of soluble trace gases with size-resolved aerosols in near-surface continental air over northern Colorado, USA, during winter, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 118(16), 9414–9427 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Keller-Rudek, H., Moortgat, G. K., Sander, R. und Sörensen, R.: The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS spectral atlas of gaseous molecules of atmospheric interest, Earth System Science Data, 5, 365–373 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Long, M. S., Keene, W. C., Easter, R., Sander, R., Kerkweg, A., Erickson, D., Liu, X. und Ghan, S.: Implementation of the chemistry module MECCA (v2.5) in the modal aerosol version of the Community Atmosphere Model component (v3.6.33) of the Community Earth System Model, Geoscientific Model Development, 6(1), 255–262 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Regelin, E., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Kubistin, D., Ernest, C. T., Bozem, H., Klippel, T., Hosaynali-Beygi, Z., Fischer, H., Sander, R., Jöckel, P., Königstedt, R. und Lelieveld, J.: HOx measurements in the summertime upper troposphere over Europe: a comparison of observations to a box model and a 3-D model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(21), 10703–10720 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Sander, R., Pszenny, A. A. P., Keene, W. C., Crete, E., Deegan, B., Long, M. S., Maben, J. R. und Young, A. H.: Gas phase acid, ammonia and aerosol ionic and trace element concentrations at Cape Verde during the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) 2007 intensive sampling period, Earth System Science Data, 5, 385–392 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Trebs, I., Mayol-Bracero, O. L., Pauliquevis, T., Kuhn, U., Sander, R., Ganzeveld, L., Meixner, F. X., Kesselmeier, J., Artaxo, P. und Andreae, M. O.: Impact of the Manaus urban plume on trace gas mixing ratios near the surface in the Amazon Basin: Implications for the NO-NO2-O3 photostationary state and peroxy radical levels, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 117, doi:10.1029/2011JD016386, 2012.
Sander, R. und Bottenheim, J.: A compilation of tropospheric measurements of gas-phase and aerosol chemistry in polar regions, Earth System Science Data, 4, 215–282 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Sihler, H., Platt, U., Beirle, S., Marbach, T., Kühl, S., Dörner, S., Verschaeve, J., Frieß, U., Pöhler, D., Vogel, L., Sander, R. und Wagner, T.: Tropospheric BrO column densities in the Arctic derived from satellite: retrieval and comparison to ground-based measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5(11), 2779–2807 [online] Available from:, 2012.
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