SPMS Intercomparison campaign at AIDA 2023

KIT, November-December 2023

SIA23 was a three-week laboratory campaign at the AIDA facility of KIT. The main purpose was to study selected aerosol particles with several single particle aerosol mass spectrometers (PALMS-NG, ERICA, ALABAMA). Further objectives included reproducing ATAL particles, coating of sea spray, ice nucleation properties, and more


ERICA (ERC Instrument for the Chemical composition of Aerosols)

ALABAMA (Aircraft-based Laser ABlation Aerosol MAss spectrometer)

Staff from Group Köllner and Group Schneider:

O. Eppers, F. Ekinci, H.-C. Clemen, O. Appel, F. Köllner, J. Schneider


D. Cziczo (main coordinator), X. Shen, J. Jacquot,  C. Rapp (Purdue University)

O. Möhler, L. Lacher, N. Umo, H. Saathoff, R. Wagner (KIT)

D. Murphy, M. Lawler (NOAA)

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