Publikationen von Ralf Weigel
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (17)
21 (19), S. 15259 - 15282 (2021)
The Asian tropopause aerosol layer within the 2017 monsoon anticyclone: microphysical properties derived from aircraft-borne in situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
21 (17), S. 13455 - 13481 (2021)
In situ observation of new particle formation (NPF) in the tropical tropopause layer of the 2017 Asian monsoon anticyclone – Part 2: NPF inside ice clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
54, 101429 (2021)
Automatic shape detection of ice crystals. Journal of Computational Science 4.
21 (15), S. 11689 - 11722 (2021)
In situ observation of new particle formation (NPF) in the tropical tropopause layer of the 2017 Asian monsoon anticyclone – Part 1: Summary of StratoClim results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5.
21 (2), S. 989 - 1013 (2021)
Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68° N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
20 (24), S. 15585 - 15616 (2020)
Reappraising the appropriate calculation of a common meteorological quantity: potential temperature. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
18, S. 4439 - 4462 (2018)
Comparing airborne and satellite retrievals of cloud optical thickness and particle effective radius using a spectral radiance ratio technique: two case studies for cirrus and deep convective clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
13 (18), S. 9233 - 9268 (2013)
Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions (RECONCILE): activities and results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
12 (3), S. 1353 - 1365 (2012)
ClOOCl photolysis at high solar zenith angles: analysis of the RECONCILE self-match flight. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
11, S. 13047 - 13059 (2011)
Seasonal variations in aerosol particle composition at the puy-de-Dôme research station in France. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11.
11 (12), S. 5569 - 5590 (2011)
In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12.
11, S. 241 - 256 (2011)
Evidence for heterogeneous chlorine activation in the tropical UTLS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
11 (18), S. 9983 - 10010 (2011)
In situ observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere: the role of clouds and the nucleation mechanism. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14.
10 (12), S. 5573 - 5592 (2010)
Aerosols in the tropical and subtropical UT/LS: in-situ measurements of submicron particle abundance and volatility. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15.
9 (18), S. 6775 - 6792 (2009)
Evidence for ice particles in the tropical stratosphere from in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16.
2, S. 243 - 258 (2009)
Experimental characterization of the COndensation PArticle counting System for high altitude aircraft borne application. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 17.
5, S. 3053 - 3069 (2005)
Observations of meteoric material and implications for aerosol nucleation in the winter Arctic lower stratosphere derived from in situ particle measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Ultrafeine Aerosolpartikel in der Stratosphäre: Charakterisierung eines Kondensationskernzählers und in-situ-Messungen in polaren, mittleren und tropischen Breiten. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2005)
Forschungspapier (4)
In-Situ observation of New Particle Formation in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere of the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68° N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)