Publikationen von D. Kunkel

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Kunkel, D.; Tost, H.; Lawrence, M. G.: Aerosol pollution potential from major population centers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (8), S. 4203 - 4222 (2013)
Lelieveld, J.; Lawrence, M. G.; Kunkel, D.: Comment on "Global risk of radioactive fallout after major nuclear reactor accidents" by Lelieveld et al. (2012). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (1), S. 31 - 34 (2013)
Kunkel, D.; Lawrence, M. G.; Tost, H.; Kerkweg, A.; Jöckel, P.; Borrmann, S.: Urban emission hot spots as sources for remote aerosol deposition. Geophysical Research Letters 39, L01808 (2012)
Lelieveld, J.; Kunkel, D.; Lawrence, M. G.: Global risk of radioactive fallout after major nuclear reactor accidents. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (9), S. 4245 - 4258 (2012)
Frey, W.; Borrmann, S.; Kunkel, D.; Weigel, R.; de Reus, M.; Schlager, H.; Roiger, A.; Voigt, C.; Hoor, P.; Curtius, J. et al.; Kramer, M.; Schiller, C.; Volk, C. M.; Homan, C. D.; Fierli, F.; Di Donfrancesco, G.; Ulanovsky, A.; Ravegnani, F.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Law, K. S.; Cairo, F.: In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (12), S. 5569 - 5590 (2011)
Weigel, R.; Borrmann, S.; Kazil, J.; Minikin, A.; Stohl, A.; Wilson, J. C.; Reeves, J. M.; Kunkel, D.; de Reus, M.; Frey, W. et al.; Lovejoy, E. R.; Volk, C. M.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Schiller, C.; Peter, T.; Schlager, H.; Cairo, F.; Law, K. S.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Curtius, J.: In situ observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere: the role of clouds and the nucleation mechanism. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (18), S. 9983 - 10010 (2011)
Borrmann, S.; Kunkel, D.; Weigel, R.; Minikin, A.; Deshler, T.; Wilson, J. C.; Curtius, J.; Volk, C. M.; Homan, C. D.; Ulanovsky, A. et al.; Ravegnani, F.; Viciani, S.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Law, K. S.; Cairo, F.: Aerosols in the tropical and subtropical UT/LS: in-situ measurements of submicron particle abundance and volatility. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (12), S. 5573 - 5592 (2010)
Law, K. S.; Fierli, F.; Cairo, F.; Schlager, H.; Borrmann, S.; Streibel, M.; Real, E.; Kunkel, D.; Schiller, C.; Ravegnani, F. et al.; Ulanovsky, A.; D'Amato, F.; Viciani, S.; Volk, C. M.: Air mass origins influencing TTL chemical composition over West Africa during 2006 summer monsoon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (22), S. 10753 - 10770 (2010)
de Reus, M.; Borrmann, S.; Bansemer, A.; Heymsfield, A. J.; Weigel, R.; Schiller, C.; Mitev, V.; Frey, W.; Kunkel, D.; Kürten, A. et al.; Curtius, J.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Ulanovsky, A.; Ravegnani, F.: Evidence for ice particles in the tropical stratosphere from in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (18), S. 6775 - 6792 (2009)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kunkel, D.: Global modeling of pollutant transport and deposition from anthropogenic emission hot spots on global scale. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2013)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Kunkel, D.: Ultrafine particles in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during the 2006 Monsoon season over West Africa. Diplom, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
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