Publikationen von S. Walter

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Walter, S.; Laukenmann, S.; Stams, A. J. M.; Vollmer, M. K.; Gleixner, G.; Röckmann, T.: The stable isotopic signature of biologically produced molecular hydrogen (H2). Biogeosciences 9 (10), S. 4115 - 4123 (2012)
Röckmann, T.; Gómez Álvarez, C. X.; Walter, S.; van der Veen, C.; Wollny, A. G.; Gunthe, S. S.; Helas, G.; Pöschl, U.; Keppler, F.; Greule, M. et al.; Brand, W. A.: Isotopic composition of H2 from wood burning: Dependency on combustion efficiency, moisture content, and δD of local precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D17308 (2010)
Henning, S.; Wex, H.; Hennig, T.; Kiselev, A.; Snider, J. R.; Rose, D.; Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Pöschl, U.; Kristensson, A. et al.; Bilde, M.; Tillmann, R.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Mentel, T. F.; Walter, S.; Schneider, J.; Wennrich, C.; Stratmann, F.: Soluble mass, hygroscopic growth, and droplet activation of coated soot particles during LACIS Experiment in November (LExNo). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D11206 (2010)
Kiselev, A.; Wennrich, C.; Stratmann, F.; Wex, H.; Henning, S.; Mentel, T. F.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Lieberwirth, I.: Morphological characterization of soot aerosol particles during LACIS Experiment in November (LExNo). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D11204 (2010)
Stratmann, F.; Bilde, M.; Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Hennig, T.; Henning, S.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Kiselev, A.; Kristensson, A.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Mentel, T. F.; Pöschl, U.; Rose, D.; Schneider, J.; Snider, J. R.; Tillmann, R.; Walter, S.; Wex, H.: Examination of laboratory-generated coated soot particles: An overview of the LACIS Experiment in November (LExNo) campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D11203 (2010)
Gioda, A.; Mayol-Bracero, O. L.; Morales-Garcia, F.; Collett, J.; Decesari, S.; Emblico, L.; Facchini, M. C.; Morales-De Jesus, R. J.; Mertes, S.; Borrmann, S. et al.; Walter, S.; Schneider, J.: Chemical Composition of Cloud Water in the Puerto Rican Tropical Trade Wind Cumuli. Water Air and Soil Pollution 200 (1-4), S. 3 - 14 (2009)
Weigel, R.; Hermann, M.; Curtius, J.; Voigt, C.; Walter, S.; Böttger, T.; Lepukhov, B.; Belyaev, G.; Borrmann, S.: Experimental characterization of the COndensation PArticle counting System for high altitude aircraft borne application. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2, S. 243 - 258 (2009)
Cozic, J.; Mertes, S.; Verheggen, B.; Cziczo, D. J.; Gallavardin, S. J.; Walter, S.; Baltensperger, U.; Weingartner, E.: Black carbon enrichment in atmospheric ice particle residuals observed in lower tropospheric mixed phase clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 113 (D15), D15209 (2008)
Möhler, O.; Benz, S.; Saathoff, H.; Schnaiter, M.; Wagner, R.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Ebert, V.; Wagner, S.: The effect of organic coating on the heterogeneous ice nucleation efficiency of mineral dust aerosols. Environmental Research Letters 3 (2), 025007 (2008)
Allan, J. D.; Baumgardner, D.; Raga, G. B.; Mayol-Bracero, O. L.; Morales-Garcia, F.; Garcia-Garcia, F.; Montero-Martinez, G.; Borrmann, S.; Schneider, J.; Mertes, S. et al.; Walter, S.; Gysel, M.; Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Kramer, M.: Clouds and aerosols in Puerto Rico - a new evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (5), S. 1293 - 1309 (2008)
Hings, S. S.; Walter, S.; Schneider, J.; Borrmann, S.; Drewnick, F.: Comparison of a quadrupole and a time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer during the Feldberg aerosol characterization experiment 2004. Aerosol Science and Technology 41 (7), S. 679 - 691 (2007)
Mertes, S.; Verheggen, B.; Walter, S.; Connolly, P.; Ebert, M.; Schneider, J.; Bower, K. N.; Cozic, J.; Weinbruch, S.; Baltensperger, U. et al.; Weingärtner, E.: Counterflow virtual impact or based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterization of tropospheric ice nuclei: Sampler description and first case study. Aerosol Science and Technology 41 (9), S. 848 - 864 (2007)
Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Hildebrandt, L.; Curtius, J.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Chand, D.; Drewnick, F.; Hings, S.; Jung, D. et al.; Borrmann, S.; Andreae, M. O.: Size matters more than chemistry for cloud-nucleating ability of aerosol particles. Science 312 (5778), S. 1375 - 1378 (2006)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Mertes, S.; Schwarzenböck, A.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Ebert, M.; Inerle-Hof, M.; Verheggen, B.; Cozic, J.; Weingartner, E.: Design and operation of a counterflow virtual impactor inlet system to collect small ice particles out of mixed phase clouds at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch (3580 M ASL). Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (Suppl. 1), S. S167 - S168 (2004)
Verheggen, B.; Cozic, J.; Weingartner, E.; Sjögren, S.; van Ekeren, S.; Bukowiecki, N.; Schmidhauser, R.; Baltensperger, U.; Mertes, S.; Bower, K. N. et al.; Flynn, M. J.; Allan, J. D.; Gallagher, M. W.; Crosier, J.; Coe, H.; Choularton, T. W.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Henning, S.; Rosenørn, T.; Bilde, M.; Petzold, A.; Barthazy, E.; Inerle-Hof, M.; Ebert, M.; Weinbruch, S.: CLACE-3: Third cloud and aerosol characterization experiment conducted at a high alpine site in the free troposphere. Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (Suppl. 1), S. S171 - S172 (2004)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Walter, S.: Simulation der Umströmung eines Teilstromentnahme-Einlaßsystems für Höhenforschungsflugzeuge. Diplom, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2004)
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