Publikationen von J. Curtius

Zeitschriftenartikel (34)

Brands, M.; Kamphus, M.; Böttger, T.; Schneider, J.; Drewnick, F.; Roth, A.; Curtius, J.; Voigt, C.; Borbon, A.; Beekmann, M. et al.; Bourdon, A.; Perrin, T.; Borrmann, S.: Characterization of a Newly Developed Aircraft-Based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (ALABAMA) and First Field Deployment in Urban Pollution Plumes over Paris During MEGAPOLI 2009. Aerosol Science and Technology 45 (1), S. 46 - 64 (2011)
Frey, W.; Borrmann, S.; Kunkel, D.; Weigel, R.; de Reus, M.; Schlager, H.; Roiger, A.; Voigt, C.; Hoor, P.; Curtius, J. et al.; Kramer, M.; Schiller, C.; Volk, C. M.; Homan, C. D.; Fierli, F.; Di Donfrancesco, G.; Ulanovsky, A.; Ravegnani, F.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Law, K. S.; Cairo, F.: In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (12), S. 5569 - 5590 (2011)
Weigel, R.; Borrmann, S.; Kazil, J.; Minikin, A.; Stohl, A.; Wilson, J. C.; Reeves, J. M.; Kunkel, D.; de Reus, M.; Frey, W. et al.; Lovejoy, E. R.; Volk, C. M.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Schiller, C.; Peter, T.; Schlager, H.; Cairo, F.; Law, K. S.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Curtius, J.: In situ observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere: the role of clouds and the nucleation mechanism. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (18), S. 9983 - 10010 (2011)
Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Curtius, J.; Drewnick, F.; Schneider, J.; Kürten, A.; Rose, D.; Andreae, M. O.; Borrmann, S.; Pöschl, U.: Enhanced organic mass fraction and decreased hygroscopicity of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) during new particle formation events. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L03804 (2010)
Borrmann, S.; Kunkel, D.; Weigel, R.; Minikin, A.; Deshler, T.; Wilson, J. C.; Curtius, J.; Volk, C. M.; Homan, C. D.; Ulanovsky, A. et al.; Ravegnani, F.; Viciani, S.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Law, K. S.; Cairo, F.: Aerosols in the tropical and subtropical UT/LS: in-situ measurements of submicron particle abundance and volatility. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (12), S. 5573 - 5592 (2010)
Kamphus, M.; Ettner-Mahl, M.; Klimach, T.; Drewnick, F.; Keller, L.; Cziczo, D. J.; Mertes, S.; Borrmann, S.; Curtius, J.: Chemical composition of ambient aerosol, ice residues and cloud droplet residues in mixed-phase clouds: single particle analysis during the Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment (CLACE 6). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (16), S. 8077 - 8095 (2010)
Schramm, E.; Kürten, A.; Hölzer, J.; Mitschke, S.; Mühlberger, F.; Sklorz, M.; Wieser, J.; Ulrich, A.; Pütz, M.; Schulte-Ladbeck, R. et al.; Schultze, R.; Curtius, J.; Borrmann, S.; Zimmermann, R.: Trace Detection of Organic Compounds in Complex Sample Matrixes by Single Photon Ionization Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry: Real-Time Detection of Security-Relevant Compounds and Online Analysis of the Coffee-Roasting Process. Analytical Chemistry 81 (11), S. 4456 - 4467 (2009)
Cziczo, D. J.; Stetzer, O.; Worringen, A.; Ebert, M.; Weinbruch, S.; Kamphus, M.; Gallavardin, S. J.; Curtius, J.; Borrmann, S.; Froyd, K. D. et al.; Mertes, S.; Möhler, O.; Lohmann, U.: Inadvertent climate modification due to anthropogenic lead. Nature Geoscience 2 (5), S. 333 - 336 (2009)
Bönisch, H.; Engel, A.; Curtius, J.; Birner, T.; Hoor, P.: Quantifying transport into the lowermost stratosphere using simultaneous in-situ measurements of SF6 and CO2. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9, S. 5905 - 5919 (2009)
de Reus, M.; Borrmann, S.; Bansemer, A.; Heymsfield, A. J.; Weigel, R.; Schiller, C.; Mitev, V.; Frey, W.; Kunkel, D.; Kürten, A. et al.; Curtius, J.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Ulanovsky, A.; Ravegnani, F.: Evidence for ice particles in the tropical stratosphere from in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (18), S. 6775 - 6792 (2009)
Saghafifar, H.; Kürten, A.; Curtius, J.; von der Weiden, S. L.; Hassanzadeh, S.; Borrmann, S.: Characterization of a Modified Expansion Condensation Particle Counter for Detection of Nanometer-Sized Particles. Aerosol Science and Technology 43 (8), S. 767 - 780 (2009)
Weigel, R.; Hermann, M.; Curtius, J.; Voigt, C.; Walter, S.; Böttger, T.; Lepukhov, B.; Belyaev, G.; Borrmann, S.: Experimental characterization of the COndensation PArticle counting System for high altitude aircraft borne application. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2, S. 243 - 258 (2009)
Kamphus, M.; Ettner-Mahl, M.; Brands, M.; Curtius, J.; Drewnick, F.; Borrmann, S.: Comparison of two aerodynamic lenses as an inlet for a single particle laser ablation mass spectrometer. Aerosol Science and Technology 42 (11), S. 970 - 980 (2008)
Sipilä, M.; Lehtipalo, K.; Kulmala, M.; Petäjä, T.; Junninen, H.; Aalto, P. P.; Manninen, H. E.; Kyrö, E. M.; Asmi, E.; Riipinen, I. et al.; Curtius, J.; Kürten, A.; Borrmann, S.; O'Dowd, C. D.: Applicability of condensation particle counters to measure atmospheric clusters. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (14), S. 4049 - 4060 (2008)
Kürten, A.; Curtius, J.; Helleis, F.; Lovejoy, E. R.; Borrmann, S.: Development and characterization of an ion trap mass spectrometer for the on-line chemical analysis of atmospheric aerosol particles. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 265 (1), S. 30 - 39 (2007)
Curtius, J.: Nucleation of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles. Comptes Rendus Physique 7 (9-10), S. 1027 - 1045 (2006)
Raupach, S. M. F.; Vössing, H. J.; Curtius, J.; Borrmann, S.: Digital crossed-beam holography for in situ imaging of atmospheric ice particles. Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics 8 (9), S. 796 - 806 (2006)
Drewnick, F.; Hings, S. S.; Curtius, J.; Eerdekens, G.; Williams, J.: Measurement of fine particulate and gas-phase species during the New Year's fireworks 2005 in Mainz, Germany. Atmospheric Environment 40 (23), S. 4316 - 4327 (2006)
Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Hildebrandt, L.; Curtius, J.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Chand, D.; Drewnick, F.; Hings, S.; Jung, D. et al.; Borrmann, S.; Andreae, M. O.: Size matters more than chemistry for cloud-nucleating ability of aerosol particles. Science 312 (5778), S. 1375 - 1378 (2006)
Curtius, J.; Lovejoy, E. R.; Froyd, K. D.: Atmospheric ion-induced aerosol nucleation. Space Science Reviews 125, S. 159 - 167 (2006)
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