Publikationen von J. van Aardenne
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Zeitschriftenartikel (17)
81, S. 710 - 712 (2013)
New Directions: GEIA's 2020 vision for better air emissions information. Atmospheric Environment 2.
12 (2), S. 961 - 987 (2012)
Distributions and regional budgets of aerosols and their precursors simulated with the EMAC chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
12 (15), S. 6915 - 6937 (2012)
Effects of business-as-usual anthropogenic emissions on air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
7 (2), S. 171 - 182 (2010)
Assessing the effect of marine isoprene and ship emissions on ozone, using modelling and measurements from the South Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Chemistry 5.
9 (9), S. 3113 - 3136 (2009)
The impact of traffic emissions on atmospheric ozone and OH: results from QUANTIFY. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
9 (24), S. 9417 - 9432 (2009)
The influence of the vertical distribution of emissions on tropospheric chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
42 (4), S. 703 - 719 (2008)
The representation of emissions from megacities in global emission inventories. Atmospheric Environment 8.
6, S. 5067 - 5104 (2006)
The atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: consistent simulation of ozone from the surface to the mesosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
40 (4), S. 593 - 604 (2006)
Comparison of model-simulated tropospheric NO2 over China with GOME-satellite data. Atmospheric Environment 10.
6, S. 5457 - 5483 (2006)
Technical Note: Anthropogenic and natural offline emissions and the online EMissions and dry DEPosition submodel EMDEP of the Modular Earth Submodel system (MESSy). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 11.
110 (D17), D17305 (2005)
Emissions from international shipping: 1. The last 50 years. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 12.
109 (D22), D22306 (2004)
Tracing the origin and ages of interlaced atmospheric pollution events over the tropical Atlantic Ocean with in situ measurements, satellites, trajectories, emission inventories, and global models. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 13.
38 (33), S. 5663 - 5681 (2004)
Emission estimates and trends (1990-2000) for megacity Delhi and implications. Atmospheric Environment 14.
4, S. 877 - 887 (2004)
Impact of different emission inventories on simulated tropospheric ozone over China: a regional chemical transport model evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15.
304 (5676), S. 1483 - 1487 (2004)
Increasing ozone over the Atlantic Ocean. Science 16.
3, S. 1223 - 1235 (2003)
Origin of anthropogenic hydrocarbons and halocarbons measured in the summertime european outflow (on Crete in 2001). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17.
36 (7), S. 1195 - 1204 (2002)
Using wind-direction-dependent differences between model calculations and field measurements as indicator for the inaccuracy of emission inventories. Atmospheric Environment