Publikationen von V. Gros

Zeitschriftenartikel (24)

Freutel, F.; Schneider, J.; Drewnick, F.; von der Weiden-Reinmüller, S. L.; Crippa, M.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Baltensperger, U.; Poulain, L.; Wiedensohler, A.; Sciare, J. et al.; Sarda-Estève, R.; Burkhart, J. F.; Eckhardt, S.; Stohl, A.; Gros, V.; Colomb, A.; Michoud, V.; Doussin, J. F.; Borbon, A.; Haeffelin, M.; Morille, Y.; Beekmann, M.; Borrmann, S.: Aerosol particle measurements at three stationary sites in the megacity of Paris during summer 2009: meteorology and air mass origin dominate aerosol particle composition and size distribution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (2), S. 933 - 959 (2013)
Zhang, Q. J.; Beekmann, M.; Drewnick, F.; Freutel, F.; Schneider, J.; Crippa, M.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Baltensperger, U.; Poulain, L.; Wiedensohler, A. et al.; Sciare, J.; Gros, V.; Borbon, A.; Colomb, A.; Michoud, V.; Doussin, J.-F.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Haeffelin, M.; Dupont, J.-C.; Siour, G.; Petetin, H.; Bessagnet, B.; Pandis, S. N.; Hodzic, A.; Sanchez, O.; Honoré, C.; Perrussel, O.: Formation of organic aerosol in the Paris region during the MEGAPOLI summer campaign: evaluation of the Volatility-Basis-Set approach within the CHIMERE model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (11), S. 5767 - 5790 (2013)
Dolgorouky, C.; Gros, V.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Sinha, V.; Williams, J.; Marchand, N.; Sauvage, S.; Poulain, L.; Sciare, J.; Bonsang, B.: Total OH reactivity measurements in Paris during the 2010 MEGAPOLI winter campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (20), S. 9593 - 9612 (2012)
Gaimoz, C.; Sauvage, S.; Gros, V.; Herrmann, F.; Williams, J.; Locoge, N.; Perrussel, O.; Bonsang, B.; d'Argouges, O.; Sarda-Estève, R. et al.; Sciare, J.: Volatile organic compounds sources in Paris in spring 2007. Part II: source apportionment using positive matrix factorisation. Environmental Chemistry 8 (1), S. 91 - 103 (2011)
Gros, V.; Gaimoz, C.; Herrmann, F.; Custer, T.; Williams, J.; Bonsang, B.; Sauvage, S.; Locoge, N.; d'Argouges, O.; Sarda-Estève, R. et al.; Sciare, J.: Volatile organic compounds sources in Paris in spring 2007. Part I: qualitative analysis. Environmental Chemistry 8 (1), S. 74 - 90 (2011)
Bonsang, B.; Gros, V.; Peeken, I.; Yassaa, N.; Bluhm, K.; Zoellner, E.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Williams, J.: Isoprene emission from phytoplankton monocultures: the relationship with chlorophyll-a, cell volume and carbon content. Environmental Chemistry 7 (6), S. 554 - 563 (2010)
Williams, J.; Custer, T.; Riede, H.; Sander, R.; Jöckel, P.; Hoor, P.; Pozzer, A.; Wong-Zehnpfennig, S.; Beygi, Z. H.; Fischer, H. et al.; Gros, V.; Colomb, A.; Bonsang, B.; Yassaa, N.; Peeken, I.; Atlas, E. L.; Waluda, C. M.; van Aardenne, J. A.; Lelieveld, J.: Assessing the effect of marine isoprene and ship emissions on ozone, using modelling and measurements from the South Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Chemistry 7 (2), S. 171 - 182 (2010)
Arnold, S. R.; Spracklen, D. V.; Williams, J.; Yassaa, N.; Sciare, J.; Bonsang, B.; Gros, V.; Peeken, I.; Lewis, A. C.; Alvain, S. et al.; Moulin, C.: Evaluation of the global oceanic isoprene source and its impacts on marine organic carbon aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (4), S. 1253 - 1262 (2009)
Colomb, A.; Gros, V.; Alvain, S.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Bonsang, B.; Moulin, C.; Klüpfel, T.; Williams, J.: Variation of atmospheric volatile organic compounds over the Southern Indian Ocean (30°S-49°S). Environmental Chemistry 6 (1), S. 70 - 82 (2009)
Williams, J.; Gros, V.; Atlas, E.; Maciejczyk, K.; Batsaikhan, A.; Schöler, H. F.; Forster, C.; Quack, B.; Yassaa, N.; Sander, R. et al.; Van Dingenen, R.: Possible evidence for a connection between methyl iodide emissions and Saharan dust. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 112 (D7), D07302 (2007)
Salisbury, G.; Williams, J.; Gros, V.; Bartenbach, S.; Xu, X.; Fischer, H.; Kormann, R.; de Reus, M.; Zöllner, M.: Assessing the effect of a Saharan dust storm on oxygenated organic compounds at Izana, Tenerife (July-August 2002). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111 (D22), D22303 (2006)
Colomb, A.; Williams, J.; Crowley, J.; Gros, V.; Hofmann, R.; Salisbury, G.; Klüpfel, T.; Kormann, R.; Stickler, A.; Forster, C. et al.; Lelieveld, J.: Airborne measurements of trace organic species in the upper troposphere over Europe: the impact of deep convection. Environmental Chemistry 3 (4), S. 244 - 259 (2006)
de Reus, M.; Fischer, H.; Sander, R.; Gros, V.; Kormann, R.; Salisbury, G.; Van Dingenen, R.; Williams, J.; Zöllner, M.; Lelieveld, J.: Observations and model calculations of trace gas scavenging in a dense Saharan dust plume during MINATROC. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5, S. 1787 - 1803 (2005)
Gros, V.; Williams, J.; Lawrence, M. G.; von Kuhlmann, R.; van Aardenne, J.; Atlas, E.; Chuck, A.; Edwards, D. P.; Stroud, V.; Krol, M.: Tracing the origin and ages of interlaced atmospheric pollution events over the tropical Atlantic Ocean with in situ measurements, satellites, trajectories, emission inventories, and global models. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 109 (D22), D22306 (2004)
Williams, J.; Holzinger, R.; Gros, V.; Xu, X.; Atlas, E.; Wallace, D. W. R.: Measurements of organic species in air and seawater from the tropical Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters 31 (23), L23S06 (2004)
Gros, V.; Williams, J.; van Aardenne, J. A.; Salisbury, G.; Hofmann, R.; Lawrence, M. G.; von Kuhlmann, R.; Lelieveld, J.; Krol, M.; Berresheim, H. et al.; Lobert, J. M.; Atlas, E.: Origin of anthropogenic hydrocarbons and halocarbons measured in the summertime european outflow (on Crete in 2001). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, S. 1223 - 1235 (2003)
Salisbury, G.; Williams, J.; Holzinger, R.; Gros, V.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Vrekoussis, M.; Sarda-Estève, R.; Berresheim, H.; von Kuhlmann, R.; Lawrence, M. et al.; Lelieveld, J.: Ground-based PTR-MS measurements of reactive organic compounds during the MINOS campaign in Crete, July-August 2001. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, S. 925 - 940 (2003)
Krol, M. C.; Lelieveld, J.; Oram, D. E.; Sturrock, G. A.; Penkett, S. A.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Gros, V.; Williams, J.; Scheeren, H. A.: Continuing emissions of methyl chloroform from Europe. Nature 421 (6919), S. 131 - 136 (2003)
Mühle, J.; Zahn, A.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Gros, V.; Crutzen, P. J.: Air mass classification during the INDOEX R/V Ronald Brown cruise using measurements of nonmethane hydrocarbons, CH4, CO2, CO, 14CO, and δ18O(CO). Journal of Geophysical Research 107 (D19), 8021 (2002)
Gros, V.; Tsigaridis, K.; Bonsang, B.; Kanakidou, M.; Pio, C.: Factors controlling the diurnal variation of CO above a forested area in southeast Europe. Atmospheric Environment 36 (19), S. 3127 - 3135 (2002)
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