Publikationen von Dagmar Kubistin
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Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
12 (3), S. 1461 - 1481 (2019)
Laser induced fluorescence based detection of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide and comparison of different techniques during the PARADE 2011 field campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2.
18 (18), S. 13457 - 13479 (2018)
Insights into HOx and ROx chemistry in the boreal forest via measurement of peroxyacetic acid, peroxyacetic nitric anhydride (PAN) and hydrogen peroxide. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
17 (17), S. 10565 - 10582 (2017)
Chemical processes related to net ozone tendencies in the free troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
17 (12), S. 7807 - 7826 (2017)
Estimating the atmospheric concentration of Criegee intermediates and their possible interference in a FAGE-LIF instrument. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5.
15 (2), S. 799 - 813 (2015)
A comparison of HONO budgets for two measurement heights at a field station within the boreal forest in Finland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
14 (17), S. 8917 - 8931 (2014)
Influence of corona discharge on the ozone budget in the tropical free troposphere: a case study of deep convection during GABRIEL. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
14 (16), S. 8723 - 8747 (2014)
Observation and modelling of HOx radicals in a boreal forest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
7 (10), S. 3413 - 3430 (2014)
Characterisation of an inlet pre-injector laser-induced fluorescence instrument for the measurement of atmospheric hydroxyl radicals. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9.
13 (21), S. 10703 - 10720 (2013)
HOx measurements in the summertime upper troposphere over Europe: a comparison of observations to a box model and a 3-D model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
117, D03307 (2012)
HOx budgets during HOxComp: A case study of HOx chemistry under NOx-limited conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 11.
12 (5), S. 2567 - 2585 (2012)
Comparisons of observed and modeled OH and HO2 concentrations during the ambient measurement period of the HOxComp field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12.
12 (15), S. 7269 - 7283 (2012)
Constraints on instantaneous ozone production rates and regimes during DOMINO derived using in-situ OH reactivity measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
4 (2), S. 373 - 380 (2011)
The atmospheric chemistry box model CAABA/MECCA-3.0. Geoscientific Model Development 14.
11 (20), S. 10599 - 10618 (2011)
The summertime Boreal forest field measurement intensive (HUMPPA-COPEC-2010): an overview of meteorological and chemical influences. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15.
10 (24), S. 12233 - 12250 (2010)
Technical Note: Formal blind intercomparison of HO2 measurements in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR during the HOxComp campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16.
10 (19), S. 9705 - 9728 (2010)
Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: comparison of measurements with the box model MECCA. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17.
10 (8), S. 3759 - 3773 (2010)
Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: airborne measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18.
9 (13), S. 4207 - 4227 (2009)
Flux estimates of isoprene, methanol and acetone from airborne PTR-MS measurements over the tropical rainforest during the GABRIEL 2005 campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19.
9 (20), S. 7923 - 7948 (2009)
Technical Note: Formal blind intercomparison of OH measurements: results from the international campaign HOxComp. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20.
8 (20), S. 6223 - 6243 (2008)
Surface and boundary layer exchanges of volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and ozone during the GABRIEL campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics