Publikationen von Cheryl Ernest

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Nussbaumer, C. M.; Crowley, J. N.; Schuladen, J.; Williams, J.; Hafermann, S.; Reiffs, A.; Axinte, R.; Harder, H.; Ernest, C.; Novelli, A. et al.; Sala, K.; Martinez, M.; Mallik, C.; Tomsche, L.; Plass-Dülmer, C.; Bohn , B.; Lelieveld, J.; Fischer, H.: Measurement report: Photochemical production and loss rates of formaldehyde and ozone across Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (24), S. 18413 - 18432 (2021)
Fuchs, H.; Novelli, A.; Rolletter, M.; Hofzumahaus, A.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Keßel, S.; Edtbauer, A.; Williams, J.; Michoud, V.; Dusanter, S. et al.; Locoge, N.; Zannoni, N.; Gros, V.; Truong, F.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Cryer, D. R.; Brumby, C. A.; Whalley, L. K.; Stone, D.; Seakins, P. W.; Heard, D. E.; Schoemaecker, C.; Blocquet, M.; Coudert, S.; Batut, S.; Fittschen, C.; Thames, A. B.; Brune, W. H.; Ernest, C. T.; Harder, H.; Muller, J. B. A.; Elste, T.; Kubistin, D.; Andres, S.; Bohn, B.; Hohaus, T.; Holland, F.; Li, X.; Rohrer, F.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Tillmann, R.; Wegener, R.; Yu, Z.; Zou, Q.; Wahner, A.: Comparison of OH reactivity measurements in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (10), S. 4023 - 4053 (2017)
Hynes, A. J.; Everhart, S.; Bauer, D.; Remeika, J.; Ernest, C. T.: In situ and denuder-based measurements of elemental and reactive gaseous mercury with analysis by laser-induced fluorescence results from the Reno Atmospheric Mercury Intercomparison Experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), S. 465 - 483 (2017)
Novelli, A.; Hens, K.; Ernest, C. T.; Martínez, M.; Noelscher, A. C.; Sinha, V.; Paasonen, P.; Petaja, T.; Sipila, M.; Elste, T. et al.; Plass-Duelmer, C.; Phillips, G. J.; Kubistin, D.; Williams, J.; Vereecken, L.; Lelieveld, J.; Harder, H.: Estimating the atmospheric concentration of Criegee intermediates and their possible interference in a FAGE-LIF instrument. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (12), S. 7807 - 7826 (2017)

Forschungspapier (3)

Fischer, H.; Axinte, R.; Bozem, H.; Crowley, J. N.; Ernest, C. T.; Gilge, S.; Hafermann, S.; Harder, H.; Hens, K.; Königstedt, R. et al.; Kubistin, D.; Mallik, C.; Martinez-Harder, M.; Novelli, A.; Parchatka, U.; Plass-Dülmer, C.; Pozzer, A.; Regelin, E.; Reiffs, A.; Schmidt, T.; Schuladen, J.; Lelieveld, J.: Diurnal variability, photochemical production and loss processes of hydrogen peroxide in the boundary layer over Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018), 29 S.
Fuchs, H.; Novelli, A.; Rolletter, M.; Hofzumahaus, A.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Keßel, S.; Edtbauer, A.; Williams, J.; Michoud, V.; Dusanter, S. et al.; Locoge, N.; Zannoni, N.; Gros, V.; Truong, F.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Cryer, D. R.; Brumby, C. A.; Whalley, L. K.; Stone, D.; Seakins, P. W.; Heard, E.; Schoemaecker, C.; Blocquet, M.; Coudert, S.; Batut, S.; Fittschen, C.; Thames, A. B.; Brune, W. H.; Ernest, C. T.; Harder, H.; Muller, J. B. A.; Elste, T.; Kubistin, D.; Andres, S.; Bohn, B.; Hohaus, T.; Holland, F.; Li, X.; Rohrer, F.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Tillmann, R.; Wegener, R.; Yu, Z.; Zou, Q.; Wahner, A.: Comparison of OH reactivity measurements in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 9 (2017), 46 S.
Novelli, A.; Hens, K.; Ernest, C. T.; Martinez, M.; Nölscher, A. C.; Sinha, V.; Paasonen, P.; Petäjä, T.; Sipilä , M.; Elste, T. et al.; Plass-Dülmer, C.; Phillips, G. J.; Kubistin, D.; Williams, J.; Vereecken, L.; Lelieveld, J.; Harder, H.: Identifying Criegee intermediates as potential oxidants in the troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
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