Publikationen von J.-M. Diesch

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Drewnick, F.; Diesch, J.-M.; Faber, P.; Borrmann, S.: Aerosol mass spectrometry: particle-vaporizer interactions and their consequences for the measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8 (9), S. 3811 - 3830 (2015)
Adame, J. A.; Martínez, M.; Sorribas, M.; Hidalgo, P. J.; Harder, H.; Diesch, J.-M.; Drewnick, F.; Song, W.; Williams, J.; Sinha, V. et al.; Hernández-Ceballos, M. A.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Sander, R.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z.; Fischer, H.; Lelieveld, J.; De la Morena, B.: Meteorology during the DOMINO campaign and its connection with trace gases and aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (5), S. 2325 - 2342 (2014)
Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Klimach, T.; Borrmann, S.: Investigation of gaseous and particulate emissions from various marine vessel types measured on the banks of the Elbe in Northern Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (7), S. 3603 - 3618 (2013)
Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Zorn, S. R.; von der Weiden-Reinmüller, S. L.; Martinez, M.; Borrmann, S.: Variability of aerosol, gaseous pollutants and meteorological characteristics associated with changes in air mass origin at the SW Atlantic coast of Iberia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (8), S. 3761 - 3782 (2012)
Sinha, V.; Williams, J.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Martinez, M.; Harder, H.; Regelin, E.; Kubistin, D.; Bozem, H.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z. et al.; Fischer, H.; Andrés-Hernández, M. D.; Kartal, D.; Adame, J. A.; Lelieveld, J.: Constraints on instantaneous ozone production rates and regimes during DOMINO derived using in-situ OH reactivity measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (15), S. 7269 - 7283 (2012)
van Stratum, B. J. H.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Ouwersloot, H. G.; van den Dries, K.; van Laar, T. W.; Martinez, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Fischer, H. et al.; Beygi, Z. H.; Harder, H.; Regelin, E.; Sinha, V.; Adame, J. A.; Sörgel, M.; Sander, R.; Bozem, H.; Song, W.; Williams, J.; Yassaa, N.: Case study of the diurnal variability of chemically active species with respect to boundary layer dynamics during DOMINO. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (12), S. 5329 - 5341 (2012)
Crowley, J. N.; Thieser, J.; Tang, M. J.; Schuster, G.; Bozem, H.; Beygi, Z. H.; Fischer, H.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Borrmann, S. et al.; Song, W.; Yassaa, N.; Williams, J.; Pöhler, D.; Platt, U.; Lelieveld, J.: Variable lifetimes and loss mechanisms for NO3 and N2O5 during the DOMINO campaign: contrasts between marine, urban and continental air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (21), S. 10853 - 10870 (2011)
Sörgel, M.; Regelin, E.; Bozem, H.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Fischer, H.; Harder, H.; Held, A.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z.; Martinez, M. et al.; Zetzsch, C.: Quantification of the unknown HONO daytime source and its relation to NO2. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (20), S. 10433 - 10447 (2011)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Diesch, J.: Stationary in-situ measurements of aerosols, gaseous pollutants and meteorology: Chemical and physical characterization of natural and anthropogenic sources. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2012)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Diesch, J.: Charakterisierung der Ionisation im AMS Massenspektrometer. Diplom, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
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