Publikationen von C. Schiller

Zeitschriftenartikel (37)

von Hobe, M.; Bekki, S.; Borrmann, S.; Cairo, F.; D'Amato, F.; Di Donfrancesco, G.; Dörnbrack, A.; Ebersoldt, A.; Ebert, M.; Emde, C. et al.; Engel, I.; Ern, M.; Frey, W.; Genco, S.; Griessbach, S.; Grooß, J.-U.; Gulde, T.; Günther, G.; Hösen, E.; Hoffmann, L.; Homonnai, V.; Hoyle, C. R.; Isaksen, I. S. A.; Jackson, D. R.; Jánosi, I. M.; Jones, R. L.; Kandler, K.; Kalicinsky, C.; Keil, A.; Khaykin, S. M.; Khosrawi, F.; Kivi, R.; Kuttippurath, J.; Laube, J. C.; Lefèvre, F.; Lehmann, R.; Ludmann, S.; Luo, B. P.; Marchand, M.; Meyer, J.; Mitev, V.; Molleker, S.; Müller, R.; Oelhaf, H.; Olschewski, F.; Orsolini, Y.; Peter, T.; Pfeilsticker, K.; Piesch, C.; Pitts, M. C.; Poole, L. R.; Pope, F. D.; Ravegnani, F.; Rex, M.; Riese, M.; Röckmann, T.; Rognerud, B.; Roiger, A.; Rolf, C.; Santee, M. L.; Scheibe, M.; Schiller, C.; Schlager, H.; Siciliani de Cumis, M.; Sitnikov, N.; Søvde, O. A.; Spang, R.; Spelten, N.; Stordal, F.; Sumińska-Ebersoldt, O.; Ulanovski, A.; Ungermann, J.; Viciani, S.; Volk, C. M.; Scheidt, M. V.; von der Gathen, P.; Walker, K.; Wegner, T.; Weigel, R.; Weinbruch, S.; Wetzel, G.; Wienhold, F. G.; Wohltmann, I.; Woiwode, W.; Young, I. A. K.; Yushkov, V.; Zobrist, B.; Stroh, F.: Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions (RECONCILE): activities and results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (18), S. 9233 - 9268 (2013)
Fierli, F.; Orlandi, E.; Law, K. S.; Cagnazzo, C.; Cairo, F.; Schiller, C.; Borrmann, S.; Di Donfrancesco, G.; Ravegnani, F.; Volk, C. M.: Impact of deep convection in the tropical tropopause layer in West Africa: in-situ observations and mesoscale modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (1), S. 201 - 214 (2011)
Frey, W.; Borrmann, S.; Kunkel, D.; Weigel, R.; de Reus, M.; Schlager, H.; Roiger, A.; Voigt, C.; Hoor, P.; Curtius, J. et al.; Kramer, M.; Schiller, C.; Volk, C. M.; Homan, C. D.; Fierli, F.; Di Donfrancesco, G.; Ulanovsky, A.; Ravegnani, F.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Law, K. S.; Cairo, F.: In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (12), S. 5569 - 5590 (2011)
Klippel, T.; Fischer, H.; Bozem, H.; Lawrence, M. G.; Butler, T.; Jöckel, P.; Tost, H.; Martinez, M.; Harder, H.; Regelin, E. et al.; Sander, R.; Schiller, C. L.; Stickler, A.; Lelieveld, J.: Distribution of hydrogen peroxide and formaldehyde over Central Europe during the HOOVER project. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (9), S. 4391 - 4410 (2011)
von Hobe, M.; Grooß, J.-U.; Günther, G.; Konopka, P.; Gensch, I.; Krämer, M.; Spelten, N.; Afchine, A.; Schiller, C.; Ulanovsky, A. et al.; Sitnikov, N.; Shur, G.; Yushkov, V.; Ravegnani, F.; Cairo, F.; Roiger, A.; Voigt, C.; Schlager, H.; Weigel, R.; Frey, W.; Borrmann, S.; Müller, R.; Stroh, F.: Evidence for heterogeneous chlorine activation in the tropical UTLS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11, S. 241 - 256 (2011)
Weigel, R.; Borrmann, S.; Kazil, J.; Minikin, A.; Stohl, A.; Wilson, J. C.; Reeves, J. M.; Kunkel, D.; de Reus, M.; Frey, W. et al.; Lovejoy, E. R.; Volk, C. M.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Schiller, C.; Peter, T.; Schlager, H.; Cairo, F.; Law, K. S.; Shur, G. N.; Belyaev, G. V.; Curtius, J.: In situ observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere: the role of clouds and the nucleation mechanism. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (18), S. 9983 - 10010 (2011)
Cairo, F.; Pommereau, J. P.; Law, K. S.; Schlager, H.; Garnier, A.; Fierli, F.; Ern, M.; Streibel, M.; Arabas, S.; Borrmann, S. et al.; Berthelier, J. J.; Blom, C.; Christensen, T.; D'Amato, F.; Di Donfrancesco, G.; Deshler, T.; Diedhiou, A.; Durry, G.; Engelsen, O.; Goutail, F.; Harris, N. R. P.; Kerstel, E. R. T.; Khaykin, S.; Konopka, P.; Kylling, A.; Larsen, N.; Lebel, T.; Liu, X.; MacKenzie, A. R.; Nielsen, J.; Oulanowski, A.; Parker, D. J.; Pelon, J.; Polcher, J.; Pyle, J. A.; Ravegnani, F.; Rivière, E. D.; Robinson, A. D.; Röckmann, T.; Schiller, C.; Simões, F.; Stefanutti, L.; Stroh, F.; Some, L.; Siegmund, P.; Sitnikov, N.; Vernier, J. P.; Volk, C. M.; Voigt, C.; von Hobe, M.; Viciani, S.; Yushkov, V.: An introduction to the SCOUT-AMMA stratospheric aircraft, balloons and sondes campaign in West Africa, August 2006: rationale and roadmap. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (5), S. 2237 - 2256 (2010)
Kubistin, D.; Harder, H.; Martinez, M.; Rudolf, M.; Sander, R.; Bozem, H.; Eerdekens, G.; Fischer, H.; Gurk, C.; Klüpfel, T. et al.; Königstedt, R.; Parchatka, U.; Schiller, C. L.; Stickler, A.; Taraborrelli, D.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.: Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: comparison of measurements with the box model MECCA. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (19), S. 9705 - 9728 (2010)
Law, K. S.; Fierli, F.; Cairo, F.; Schlager, H.; Borrmann, S.; Streibel, M.; Real, E.; Kunkel, D.; Schiller, C.; Ravegnani, F. et al.; Ulanovsky, A.; D'Amato, F.; Viciani, S.; Volk, C. M.: Air mass origins influencing TTL chemical composition over West Africa during 2006 summer monsoon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (22), S. 10753 - 10770 (2010)
Martinez, M.; Harder, H.; Kubistin, D.; Rudolf, M.; Bozem, H.; Eerdekens, G.; Fischer, H.; Klüpfel, T.; Gurk, C.; Königstedt, R. et al.; Parchatka, U.; Schiller, C. L.; Stickler, A.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.: Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: airborne measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (8), S. 3759 - 3773 (2010)
de Reus, M.; Borrmann, S.; Bansemer, A.; Heymsfield, A. J.; Weigel, R.; Schiller, C.; Mitev, V.; Frey, W.; Kunkel, D.; Kürten, A. et al.; Curtius, J.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Ulanovsky, A.; Ravegnani, F.: Evidence for ice particles in the tropical stratosphere from in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (18), S. 6775 - 6792 (2009)
Krämer, M.; Schiller, C.; Afchine, A.; Bauer, R.; Gensch, I.; Mangold, A.; Schlicht, S.; Spelten, N.; Sitnikov, N.; Borrmann, S. et al.; de Reus, M.; Spichtinger, P.: Ice supersaturations and cirrus cloud crystal numbers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9, S. 3505 - 3522 (2009)
Schäuble, D.; Voigt, C.; Kärcher, B.; Stock, P.; Schlager, H.; Krämer, M.; Schiller, C.; Bauer, R.; Spelten, N.; de Reus, M. et al.; Szakall, M.; Borrmann, S.; Weers, U.; Peter, T.: Airborne measurements of the nitric acid partitioning in persistent contrails. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (21), S. 8189 - 8197 (2009)
Schiller, C. L.; Bozem, H.; Gurk, C.; Parchatka, U.; Königstedt, R.; Harris, G. W.; Lelieveld, J.; Fischer, H.: Applications of quantum cascade lasers for sensitive trace gas measurements of CO, CH4, N2O and HCHO. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics 92 (3), S. 419 - 430 (2008)
Corti, T.; Luo, B. P.; de Reus, M.; Brunner, D. W.; Cairo, F.; Mahoney, M. J.; Martucci, G.; Matthey, R.; Mitev, V.; dos Santos, F. H. et al.; Schiller, C.; Shur, G.; Sitnikov, N. M.; Spelten, N.; Vössing, H. J.; Borrmann, S.; Peter, T.: Unprecedented evidence for overshooting convection hydrating the tropical stratosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 35, L10810 (2008)
Hegglin, M. I.; Boone, C. D.; Manney, G. L.; Shepherd, T. G.; Walker, K. A.; Bernath, P. F.; Daffer, W. H.; Hoor, P.; Schiller, C.: Validation of ACE-FTS satellite data in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) using non-coincident measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (6), S. 1483 - 1499 (2008)
Voigt, C.; Schlager, H.; Roiger, A.; Stenke, A.; de Reus, M.; Borrmann, S.; Jensen, E.; Schiller, C.; Konopka, P.; Sitnikov, N.: Detection of reactive nitrogen containing particles in the tropopause region - evidence for a tropical nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) belt. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (24), S. 7421 - 7430 (2008)
Stickler, A.; Fischer, H.; Bozem, H.; Gurk, C.; Schiller, C.; Martinez-Harder, M.; Kubistin, D.; Harder, H.; Williams, J.; Eerdekens, G. et al.; Yassaa, N.; Ganzeveld, L.; Sander, R.; Lelieveld, J.: Chemistry, transport and dry deposition of trace gases in the boundary layer over the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Guyanas during the GABRIEL field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (14), S. 3933 - 3956 (2007)
Voigt, C.; Kärcher, B.; Schlager, H.; Schiller, C.; Krämer, M.; de Reus, M.; Vössing, H.; Borrmann, S.; Mitev, V.: In-situ observations and modeling of small nitric acid-containing ice crystals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (12), S. 3373 - 3383 (2007)
Hegglin, M. I.; Brunner, D.; Peter, T.; Hoor, P.; Fischer, H.; Staehelin, J.; Krebsbach, M.; Schiller, C.; Parchatka, U.; Weers, U.: Measurements of NO, NOy, N2O, and O3 during SPURT: implications for transport and chemistry in the lowermost stratosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6, S. 1331 - 1350 (2006)
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