Publikationen von C. Ammann
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Zeitschriftenartikel (24)
10 (9), S. 5997 - 6017 (2013)
Measurements of nitrogen oxides and ozone fluxes by eddy covariance at a meadow: evidence for an internal leaf resistance to NO2. Biogeosciences 2.
3 (1), S. 187 - 208 (2010)
Aerodynamic gradient measurements of the NH3-HNO3-NH4NO3 triad using a wet chemical instrument: an analysis of precision requirements and flux errors. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3.
43 (33 Sp. Iss. Sp. Iss. SI), S. 5193 - 5267 (2009)
Atmospheric composition change: Ecosystems-Atmosphere interactions. Atmospheric Environment 4.
6 (3), S. 405 - 429 (2009)
An automated dynamic chamber system for surface exchange measurement of non-reactive and reactive trace gases of grassland ecosystems. Biogeosciences 5.
2, S. 725 - 739 (2009)
Relationship between the NO2 photolysis frequency and the solar global irradiance. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 6.
10 (1), S. 65 - 75 (2008)
Methanol emissions from deciduous tree species: dependence on temperature and light intensity. Plant Biology 7.
7 (11), S. 2855 - 2879 (2007)
Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes from Central Amazonian rainforest inferred from tower-based and airborne measurements, and implications on the atmospheric chemistry and the local carbon budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
13, S. 734 - 760 (2007)
Linking flux network measurements to continental scale simulations: Ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange capacity under non-water-stressed conditions. Global Change Biology 9.
7 (20), S. 5415 - 5435 (2007)
Seasonal variation of ozone deposition to a tropical rain forest in southwest Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
132 (3-4), S. 286 - 304 (2005)
Lagrangian dispersion of 222Rn, H2O and CO2 within Amazonian rain forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 11.
7 (6), S. 568 - 576 (2005)
Design and field application of an automated cartridge sampler for VOC concentration and flux measurements. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12.
5, S. 465 - 481 (2005)
Eddy covariance flux measurements of biogenic VOCs during ECHO 2003 using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
2, S. 255 - 275 (2005)
Coupled carbon-warter exchange of the Amazon rain forest, II. Comparison of predicted and observed seasonal exchange of energy, CO2, isoprene and ozone at a remote site in Rondônia. Biogeosciences 14.
29 (4), S. 381 - 394 (2004)
Dispersion of carbon dioxide plumes in African woodland: implications for host-finding by tsetse flies. Physiological Entomology 15.
107 (D20), 8060 (2002)
Exchange fluxes of NO2 and O3 at soil and leaf surfaces in an Amazonian rain forest. Journal of Geophysical Research 16.
107 (D20), 8057 (2002)
NO emission from an Amazonian rain forest soil: Continuous measurements of NO flux and soil concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research 17.
107 (D20), 8083 (2002)
Surface exchange of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone at a cattle pasture in Rondônia, Brazil. Journal of Geophysical Research 18.
107 (D20), 8069 (2002)
Exchange of short-chain monocarboxylic acids by vegetation at a remote tropical forest site in Amazonia. Journal of Geophysical Research 19.
107 (D20), 8050 (2002)
Eddy covariance measurements of nitric oxide flux within an Amazonian rain forest. Journal of Geophysical Research 20.
107 (D7-D8), 4071 (2002)
Stability dependence of the relaxed eddy accumulation coefficient for various scalar quantities. Journal of Geophysical Research