Publikationen von J. Schneider

Zeitschriftenartikel (116)

Hings, S. S.; Walter, S.; Schneider, J.; Borrmann, S.; Drewnick, F.: Comparison of a quadrupole and a time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer during the Feldberg aerosol characterization experiment 2004. Aerosol Science and Technology 41 (7), S. 679 - 691 (2007)
Drewnick, F.; Schneider, J.; Hings, S. S.; Hock, N.; Noone, K.; Targino, A.; Weimer, S.; Borrmann, S.: Measurement of ambient, interstitial, and residual aerosol particles on a mountaintop site in central Sweden using an aerosol mass spectrometer and a CVI. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 56 (1), S. 1 - 20 (2007)
Mertes, S.; Verheggen, B.; Walter, S.; Connolly, P.; Ebert, M.; Schneider, J.; Bower, K. N.; Cozic, J.; Weinbruch, S.; Baltensperger, U. et al.; Weingärtner, E.: Counterflow virtual impact or based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterization of tropospheric ice nuclei: Sampler description and first case study. Aerosol Science and Technology 41 (9), S. 848 - 864 (2007)
Schneider, J.; Weimer, S.; Drewnick, F.; Borrmann, S.; Helas, G.; Gwaze, P.; Schmid, O.; Andreae, M. O.; Kirchner, U.: Mass spectrometric analysis and aerodynamic properties of various types of combustion-related aerosol particles. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 258 (1-3), S. 37 - 49 (2006)
Schneider, J.; Hings, S. S.; Hock, B. N.; Weimer, S.; Borrmann, S.; Fiebig, M.; Petzold, A.; Busen, R.; Kärcher, B.: Aircraft-based operation of an aerosol mass spectrometer: Measurements of tropospheric aerosol composition. Journal of Aerosol Science 37 (7), S. 839 - 857 (2006)
Dusek, U.; Frank, G. P.; Hildebrandt, L.; Curtius, J.; Schneider, J.; Walter, S.; Chand, D.; Drewnick, F.; Hings, S.; Jung, D. et al.; Borrmann, S.; Andreae, M. O.: Size matters more than chemistry for cloud-nucleating ability of aerosol particles. Science 312 (5778), S. 1375 - 1378 (2006)
Schneider, J.; Hock, N.; Weimer, S.; Borrmann, S.: Nucleation particles in diesel exhaust: Composition inferred from in situ mass spectrometric analysis. Environmental Science & Technology 39 (16), S. 6153 - 6161 (2005)
Schneider, J.; Borrmann, S.; Wollny, A. G.; Blasner, M.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Oikonomou, K.; Sciare, J.; Teller, A.; Levin, Z.; Worsnop, D. R.: Online mass spectrometric aerosol measurements during the MINOS campaign (Crete, August 2001). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4, S. 65 - 80 (2004)
Böckmann, C.; Wandinger, U.; Ansmann, A.; Bösenberg, J.; Amiridis, V.; Boselli, A.; Delaval, A.; De Tomasi, F.; Frioud, M.; Grigorov, I. V. et al.; Hagard, A.; Horvat, M.; Iarlori, M.; Komguem, L.; Kreipl, S.; Larcheveque, G.; Matthias, V.; Papayannis, A.; Pappalardo, G.; Rocadenbosch, F.; Rodrigues, J. A.; Schneider, J.; Shcherbakov, V.; Wiegner, M.: Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 2. Aerosol backscatter algorithms. Applied Optics 43, S. 977 - 989 (2004)
Wendisch, M.; Coe, H.; Baumgardner, D.; Brenguier, J.-L.; Dreiling, V.; Fiebig, M.; Formenti, P.; Hermann, M.; Krämer, M.; Levin, Z. et al.; Maser, R.; Mathieu, E.; Nacass, P.; Noone, K.; Osborne, S.; Schneider, J.; Schütz, L.; Schwarzenböck, A.; Stratmann, F.; Wilson, J. C.: Aircraft Particle Inlets: State-of-the-Art and Future Needs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (1), S. 89 - 91 (2004)
Bardouki, H.; Berresheim, H.; Vrekoussis, M.; Sciare, J.; Kouvarakis, G.; Oikonomou, K.; Schneider, J.; Mihalopoulos, N.: Gaseous (DMS, MSA, SO2, H2SO4 and DMSO) and particulate (sulfate and methanesulfonate) sulfur species over the northeastern coast of Crete. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, S. 1871 - 1886 (2003)
Schneider, J.; Eixmann, R.: Three years of routine Raman lidar measurements of tropospheric aerosols: Backscattering, extinction, and residual layer height. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2, S. 313 - 323 (2002)
Eixmann, R.; Böckmann, C.; Fay, B.; Matthias, V.; Mattis, I.; Müller, D.; Kreipl, S.; Schneider, J.; Stohl, A.: Tropospheric aerosol layers after a cold front passage in January 2000 as observed at several stations of the German Lidar Network. Atmospheric Research 63 (1-2), S. 39 - 58 (2002)
Alpers, M.; Gerding, M.; Höffner, J.; Schneider, J.: Multiwavelength lidar observation of a strange noctilucent cloud at Kühlungsborn, Germany (54°N). Journal of Geophysical Research 106, S. 7945 - 7953 (2001)
Forster, C.; Wandinger, U.; Wotawa, G.; James, P.; Mattis, I.; Althausen, D.; Simmonds, P.; O'Doherty, S.; Jennings, S. G.; Kleefeld, C. et al.; Schneider, J.; Trickl, T.; Kreipl, S.; Jäger, H.; Stohl, A.: Transport of boreal forest fire emissions from Canada to Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, S. 22887 - 22906 (2001)
Schneider, J.; Arnold, F.; Curtius, J.; Sierau, B.; Fischer, H.; Hoor, P.; Wienhold, F. G.; Parchatka, U.; Zhang, Y. C.; Schlager, H. et al.; Ziereis, H.; Feigl, C.; Lelieveld, J.; Scheeren, H. A.; Bujok, O.: The temporal evolution of the ratio HNO3/NOy in the Arctic lower stratosphere from January to March 1997. Geophysical Research Letters 26, S. 1125 - 1128 (1999)

Buch (1)

Bösenberg, J.; Alpers, M.; Althausen, D.; Ansmann, A.; Böckmann, C.; Eixmann, R.; Franke, A.; Freudenthaler, V.; Giehl, H.; Jäger, H. et al.; Kreipl, S.; Linné, H.; Matthias, V.; Mattis, I.; Müller, D.; Sarközi, J.; Schneidenbach, L.; Schneider, J.; Trickl, T.; Vorobieva, E.; Wandinger, U.; Wiegner, M. (Hg.): The German Aerosol Lidar Network: Methodology, Data, Analysis, MPI-Report 317. Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg (2001), 155 p S.

Konferenzbeitrag (6)

Gong, W.; Beagley, S.; Zhang, J.; Staebler, R.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Sharma, S.; Tarasick, D.; Burkart, J.; Willis, M.; Wentworth, G. et al.; Murphy, J.; Bozem, H.; Köllner, F.; Schneider, J.; Herber, A.; Leaitch, W. R.; Abbatt, J.: Modelling Regional Air Quality in the Canadian Arctic: Simulation of an Arctic Summer Field Campaign. In: Air pollution modeling and its application XXV, S. 401 - 406. 35th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM), Chania, GREECE, 03. Oktober 2016 - 07. Oktober 2016. (2018)
Scheer, V.; Kirchner, U.; Casati, R.; Vogt, R.; Philippin, S.; Wiedensohler, A.; Hock, N.; Schneider, J.; Weimer, S.; Borrmann, S.: Composition of semi-volatile particles from diesel exhaust. In: Emissions Measurement and Testing 2005, 2005-01-0197. SAE, Warrendale, Pa. (2005)
Kärcher, B.; Schumann, U.; Brinkop, S.; Busen, R.; Fiebig, M.; Flentje, H.; Gierens, K.; Graf, J.; Haag, W.; Hendricks, J. et al.; Mannstein, H.; Marquart, S.; Meyer, R.; Minikin, A.; Petzold, A.; Ponater, M.; Sausen, R.; Schmid, H.; Wendling, P.; Aigner, M.; Frank, P.; Geigle, K.-P.; Gerlinger, P.; Noll, B.; Stricker, W.; Wahl, C.; Schurath, U.; Möhler, O.; Schaefers, S.; Stetzer, O.; Schrems, O.; Beyerle, G.; Immler, F.; Kruse, H.; Döpelheuer, A.; Plohr, M.; Schiller, C.; Bläsner, M.; Krämer, M.; Mangold, A.; Wollny, A.; Borrmann, S.; Curtius, J.; Henseler, S.; Hock, N.; Schneider, J.; Weimer, S.; Arnold, F.; Aufmhoff, H.; Gollinger, K.; Kiendler, A.; Stilp, T.; Wilhelm, S.; Wohlfrom, K.-H.; Timmreck, C.; Feichter, J.; Lohmann, U.; Ström, J.; Rother, T.: Particles and Cirrus Clouds (PAZI): Overview of results 2000 - 2003. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Aviation, Atmosphere and Climate (AAC). Air pollution research report 83, S. 197 - 206 (Hg. Sausen, R.; Fichter, C.; Amanatidis, G.). European Commission, Brussels (2004)
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