Publikationen von Fangxia Shen

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Tong, H.; Liu, F.; Filippi, A.; Wilson, J.; Arangio, A. M.; Zhang, Y.; Yue, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Shen, F.; Keskinen, H.-M. K. et al.; Li, J.; Chen, H.; Zhang, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Fu, P.; Brune, W. H.; Petäjä, T.; Kulmala, M.; Yao, M.; Berkemeier, T.; Shiraiwa, M.; Pöschl, U.: Aqueous-phase reactive species formed by fine particulate matter from remote forests and polluted urban air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (13), S. 10439 - 10455 (2021)
Tong, H.; Lakey, P.; Arangio, A.; Socorro, J.; Shen, F.; Lucas, K.; Brune, W. H.; Pöschl, U.; Shiraiwa, M.: Reactive Oxygen Species Formed by Secondary Organic Aerosols in Water and Surrogate Lung Fluid. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (20), S. 11642 - 11651 (2018)
Tong, H.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Arangio, A. M.; Socorro, J.; Shen, F.; Lucas, K.; Brune, W. H.; Pöschl, U.; Shiraiwa, M.: Reactive Oxygen Species Formed by Secondary Organic Aerosols in Water and Surrogate Lung Fluid. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (20), S. 11642 - 11651 (2018)
Reinmuth-Selzle, K.; Kampf, C. J.; Lucas, K.; Lang-Yona, N.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Shiraiwa, M.; Lakey, P. S. J.; Lai, S.; Liu, F.; Kunert, A. T. et al.; Ziegler, K.; Shen, F.; Sgarbanti, R.; Weber, B.; Bellinghausen, I.; Saloga, J.; Weller, M. G.; Duschl, A.; Schuppan, D.; Pöschl, U.: Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Allergies in the Anthropocene: Abundance, Interaction, and Modification of Allergens and Adjuvants. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (8), S. 4119 - 4141 (2017)

Forschungspapier (1)

Tong, H.; Liu, F.; Filippi, A.; Wilson, J.; Arangio, A. M.; Zhang, Y.; Yue, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Shen, F.; Keskinen, H.-M. K. et al.; Li, J.; Chen, H.; Zhang, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Fu, P.; Brune, W. H.; Petäjä, T.; Kulmala, M.; Yao, M.; Berkemeier, T.; Shiraiwa , M.; Pöschl, U.: Reactive species formed upon interaction of water with fine particulate matter from remote forest and polluted urban air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
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