Publikationen von S. S. Gunthe
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (18)
18 (14), S. 10289 - 10331 (2018)
Long-term observations of cloud condensation nuclei over the Amazon rain forest - Part 2: Variability and characteristics of biomass burning, long-range transport, and pristine rain forest aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
16 (24), S. 15709 - 15740 (2016)
Long-term observations of cloud condensation nuclei in the Amazon rain forest - Part 1: Aerosol size distribution, hygroscopicity, and new model parametrizations for CCN prediction. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3.
15 (21), S. 12211 - 12229 (2015)
A synthesis of cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) measurements within the EUCAARI network. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
Size-resolved Measurement of the Mixing State of Soot in the Megacity Beijing, China: Diurnal Cycle, Aging and Parameterization. Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, S. 524 - 526 (2013)
337 (6098), S. 1075 - 1078 (2012)
Biogenic Potassium Salt Particles as Seeds for Secondary Organic Aerosol in the Amazon. Science 6.
12 (10), S. 4477 - 4491 (2012)
Size-resolved measurement of the mixing state of soot in the megacity Beijing, China: diurnal cycle, aging and parameterization. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
12 (24), S. 11997 - 12019 (2012)
Size distributions and temporal variations of biological aerosol particles in the Amazon rainforest characterized by microscopy and real-time UV-APS fluorescence techniques during AMAZE-08. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
11 (21), S. 11023 - 11039 (2011)
Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) from fresh and aged air pollution in the megacity region of Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
11 (6), S. 2817 - 2836 (2011)
Cloud condensation nuclei in polluted air and biomass burning smoke near the mega-city Guangzhou, China -Part 2: Size-resolved aerosol chemical composition, diurnal cycles, and externally mixed weakly CCN-active soot particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
329 (5998), S. 1513 - 1516 (2010)
Rainforest Aerosols as Biogenic Nuclei of Clouds and Precipitation in the Amazon. Science 11.
115, D17308 (2010)
Isotopic composition of H2 from wood burning: Dependency on combustion efficiency, moisture content, and δD of local precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 12.
10 (23), S. 11415 - 11438 (2010)
An overview of the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment 2008 (AMAZE-08). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
10 (15), S. 7489 - 7503 (2010)
Hygroscopicity distribution concept for measurement data analysis and modeling of aerosol particle mixing state with regard to hygroscopic growth and CCN activation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14.
114, D00G08 (2009)
Rapid aerosol particle growth and increase of cloud condensation nucleus activity by secondary aerosol formation and condensation: A case study for regional air pollution in northeastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 15.
114, D00G04 (2009)
Aerosol optical properties observed during Campaign of Air Quality Research in Beijing 2006 (CAREBeijing-2006): Characteristic differences between the inflow and outflow of Beijing city air. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 16.
9 (19), S. 7551 - 7575 (2009)
Cloud condensation nuclei in pristine tropical rainforest air of Amazonia: size-resolved measurements and modeling of atmospheric aerosol composition and CCN activity. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17.
9 (18), S. 7067 - 7080 (2009)
Aerosol- and updraft-limited regimes of cloud droplet formation: influence of particle number, size and hygroscopicity on the activation of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18.
8, S. 1153 - 1179 (2008)
Calibration and measurement uncertainties of a continuous-flow cloud condensation nuclei counter (DMT-CCNC): CCN activation of ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosol particles in theory and experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Forschungspapier (2)
Long-term observations of cloud condensation nuclei in the Amazon rain forest – Part 2: Variability and characteristic differences under near-pristine, biomass burning, and long-range transport conditions parameterizations for CCN prediction. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Long-term observations of atmospheric aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei concentration and hygroscopicity in the Amazon rain forest – Part 1: Size-resolved characterization and new model parameterizations for CCN prediction. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)