Publikationen von Andrea Pozzer

Meeting Abstract (15)

Meeting Abstract
Kohl, M.; Chowdhury, S.; Sharma, D.; Cheng, Y.; Tripathi, S. N.; Sebastian, M.; Pandithurai, G.; Wang, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Pozzer, A.: Numerical simulation and evaluation of global ultrafine particle concentrations. In EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023,, Abstract EGU23-12650 . EGU General Assembly 2023 , Vienna, Austria, 24. April 2023 - 28. April 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Oleszkiewicz , A.; Pozzer, A.; Williams, J.; Hummel , T.: Ambient air pollution and olfactory sensitivity in 11 locations across the globe. In Chemical senses, 47 Suppl., 382 (bjac031.300). 44th Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Chemoreception-Sciences, Bonita Springs, FL, 20. April 2022 - 23. April 2022. (2022)

Poster (3)

Martin, A.; Gayler, V.; Steil, B.; Klingmüller, K.; Jöckel, P.; Tost, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Pozzer, A.: Implementation and Evaluation of the Land Surface Model JSBACH in the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry Model. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (2024)
Vella, R.; Forrest, M.; Tsimpidi, A.; Pozzer, A.; Hickler, T.; Lelieveld, J.; Tost, H.: Changes in atmospheric aerosols from reduced BVOC precursors in future deforestation scenarios. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (2024)
Soni, M.; Sander, R.; Sahu, L. K.; Taraborrelli, D.; Liu, P.; Patel, A.; Girach, I. A.; Pozzer, A.; Gunthe, S. S.; Ojha, N.: Effects of Chlorine Chemistry on Atmospheric Composition in Contrasting Urban Environments. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL (2022)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Pozzer, A.: Simulating short lived carbonaceous compounds with an atmospheric chemistry general circulation model. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2007)

Forschungspapier (36)

Karydis, V. A.; Tsimpidi, A. P.; Pozzer, A.; Lelieveld, J.: How alkaline compounds control atmospheric aerosol acidity. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Garfinkel, C. I.; Harari, O.; Ziskin, S.; Rao, J.; Morgenstern, O.; Zeng, G.; Tilmes, S.; Kinnison, D.; O'Connor, F. M.; Butchart, N. et al.; Deushi, M.; Jöckel, P.; Pozzer, A.: Influence of ENSO on entry stratospheric water vapor in coupled chemistry-ocean CCMI and CMIP6 models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Taraborelli, D.; Cabrera-Perez, D.; Bacer, S.; Gromov, S.; Lelieveld, J.; Sander, R.; Pozzer, A.: Influence of aromatics on tropospheric gas-phase composition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Bacer, S.; Sullivan , S. C.; Tost, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Pozzer, A.: Cold cloud microphysical process rates in a global chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Singh, J.; Singh, N.; Ojha, N.; Sharma, A.; Pozzer, A.; Kumar, N. K.; Rajeev, K.; Gunthe, S. S.; Kotamarthi, V. R.: Effects of spatial resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 13 (2020), 21 S.
Tanahrte, M.; Bacer, S.; Burrows, S. M.; Huffman, J. A.; Pierce, K. M.; Pozzer, A.; Sarda-Estève, R.; Savage, N. J.; Lelieveld, J.: Global modeling of fungal spores with the EMAC chemistryclimate model: uncertainties in emission parametrizations and observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 19 (2019), 31 S.
Fischer, H.; Axinte, R.; Bozem, H.; Crowley, J. N.; Ernest, C. T.; Gilge, S.; Hafermann, S.; Harder, H.; Hens, K.; Königstedt, R. et al.; Kubistin, D.; Mallik, C.; Martinez-Harder, M.; Novelli, A.; Parchatka, U.; Plass-Dülmer, C.; Pozzer, A.; Regelin, E.; Reiffs, A.; Schmidt, T.; Schuladen, J.; Lelieveld, J.: Diurnal variability, photochemical production and loss processes of hydrogen peroxide in the boundary layer over Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018), 29 S.
Mallik, C.; Tomsche, L.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Crowley, J. N.; Derstroff, B.; Fischer, H.; Hafermann, S.; Hüser, I.; Javed, U.; Keßel, S. et al.; Lelieveld, J.; Martinez-Harder, M.; Meusel, H.; Novelli, A.; Phillips, G. J.; Pozzer, A.; Reiffs, A.; Sander, R.; Taraborrelli, D.; Sauvage, C.; Schuladen, J.; Su, H.; Williams, J.; Harder, H.: Oxidation processes in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere: Evidence from the Modelling of HOx Measurements over Cyprus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018)
Sander, R.; Baumgaertner, A.; Cabrera-Perez, D.; Frank, F.; Grooß , J.-U.; Gromov, S.; Harder, H.; Huijnen, V.; Jöckel, P.; Karydis, V. et al.; Niemeyer, K. E.; Pozzer, A.; Riede, H.; Schultz, M. G.; Taraborelli, D.; Tauer, S.: The atmospheric chemistry box model CAABA/MECCA-4.0gmdd. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 11 (2018), 31 S.
Tanahrte, M.; Bacer, S.; Burrows, S. M.; Huffman, J. A.; Pierce, K. M.; Pozzer, A.; Sarda-Estève, R.; Savage, N. J.; Lelieveld, J.: Global modeling of primary biological particle concentrations with the EMAC chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018), 33 S.
Zimmermann, P. H.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Pozzer, A.; Jöckel, P.; Zahn, A.; Houweling, S.; Lelieveld, J.: Model simulations of atmospheric methane and their evaluation using AGAGE/NOAA surface- and IAGOS-CARIBIC aircraft observations, 1997–2014. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018), 30 S.
Bian, H.; Chin, M.; Hauglustaine, D. A.; Schulz, M.; Myhre, G.; Bauer, S. E.; Lund, M. T.; Karydis, V.; Kucsera, T. L.; Pan, X. et al.; Pozzer, A.; Skeie, R. B.; Steenrod, S. D.; Sudo, K.; Tsigaridis, K.; Tsimpidi, A.; Tsyro, S. G.: Investigation of global nitrate from the AeroCom Phase III experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Bozem, H.; Pozzer, A.; Harder, H.; Martínez, M.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.; Fischer, H.: The influence of deep convection on HCHO and H2O2 in the upper troposphere over Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Cabrera-Perez, D.; Taraborrelli, D.; Lelieveld, J.; Hoffmann, T.; Pozzer, A.: Global impact of monocyclic aromatics on tropospheric composition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
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