Publikationen von Jos Lelieveld

Zeitschriftenartikel (536)

Chen, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Ma, N.; Wei, C.; Ran, L.; Wolke, R.; Groess, J.; Wang, Q.; Pozzer, A.; van der Gon, H. A. C. D. et al.; Spindler, G.; Lelieveld, J.; Tegen, I.; Su, H.; Wiedensohler, A.: Natural sea-salt emissions moderate the climate forcing of anthropogenic nitrate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (2), S. 771 - 786 (2020)
Chowdhury, S.; Pozzer, A.; Dey, S.; Klingmüller, K.; Lelieveld, J.: Changing risk factors that contribute to premature mortality from ambient air pollution between 2000 and 2015. Environmental Research Letters 15 (7), 074010 (2020)
Constantinidou, K.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Zittis, G.; Lelieveld, J.: Sensitivity of simulated climate over the MENA region related to different land surface schemes in the WRF model. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 141 (3/4), S. 1431 - 1449 (2020)
Eger, P.; Schuladen, J.; Sobanski, N.; Fischer, H.; Karu, E.; Williams, J.; Riva, M.; Zha, Q.; Ehn, M.; Quelever, L. L. J. et al.; Schallhart, S.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Pyruvic acid in the boreal forest: gas-phase mixing ratios and impact on radical chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (6), S. 3697 - 3711 (2020)
Forrest, M.; Tost, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Hickler, T.: Including vegetation dynamics in an atmospheric chemistry-enabled general circulation model: linking LPJ-GUESS (v4.0) with the EMAC modelling system (v2.53). Geoscientific Model Development 13 (3), S. 1285 - 1309 (2020)
Georgiou, G. K.; Kushta, J.; Christoudias, T.; Proestos, Y.; Lelieveld, J.: Air quality modelling over the Eastern Mediterranean: Seasonal sensitivity to anthropogenic emissions. Atmospheric Environment 222, 117119 (2020)
Gori, T.; Lelieveld, J.; Muenzel, T.: Perspective: cardiovascular disease and the Covid-19 pandemic. Basic Research in Cardiology 115 (3), 32 (2020)
Lelieveld, J.: Schlechte Luft durch Verkehr, Industrie und Landwirtschaft: Auswirkung der Luftqualität auf die Volksgesundheit. Klinikarzt 49 (01/02), S. 22 - 25 (2020)
Lelieveld, J.; Münzel, T.: Air pollution, the underestimated cardiovascular risk factor: The original manuscript published in EHJ from Jos Lelieveld and Thomas Münzel came in position 72 of the top 100 papers of the Altmetric Top 100 score for 2019. The Altmetric worldwide ranking was the result of tracking 62.5 million mentions of 2.7 million research outputs. The result highlights the popularity of the Lelieveld / Münzel article. European Heart Journal 41 (8), S. 904 - 905 (2020)
Lelieveld, J.; Pozzer, A.; Pöschl, U.; Fnais, M.; Haines, A.; Munzel, T.: Loss of life expectancy from air pollution compared to other risk factors: a worldwide perspective. Cardiovascular Research 116 (11), S. 1910 - 1917 (2020)
Lelieveld, J.; Pozzer, A.; Pöschl, U.; Fnais, M.; Haines, A.; Munzel, T.: Corrigendum to: Loss of life expectancy from air pollution compared to other risk factors: a worldwide perspective [Cardiovasc Res 2020; doi:10.1093/cvr/cvaa025]. Cardiovascular Research 116 (7), S. 1334 - 1334 (2020)
Marno, D.; Ernest, C.; Hens, K.; Javed, U.; Klimach, T.; Martinez, M.; Rudolf, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Harder, H.: Calibration of an airborne HOx instrument using the All Pressure Altitude-based Calibrator for HOx Experimentation (APACHE). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13 (5), S. 2711 - 2731 (2020)
Münzel, T.; Miller, M. R.; Sorensen, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Daiber, A.; Rajagopalan, S.: Reduction of environmental pollutants for prevention of cardiovascular disease: it's time to act. European Heart Journal 41 (41), S. 3989 - 3997 (2020)
Münzel, T.; Miller, M. R.; Sorensen, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Daiber, A.; Rajagopalan, S.: Heart healthy cities: genetics loads the gun but the environment pulls the trigger. European Heart Journal 42 (25), S. 2422 - 2438 (2020)
Münzel, T.; Steven, S.; Frenis, K.; Lelieveld, J.; Hahad, O.; Daiber, A.: Environmental Factors Such as Noise and Air Pollution and Vascular Disease. Antioxidants & redox signaling (2020)
Stolzenburg, D.; Simon, M.; Ranjithkumar, A.; Kuerten, A.; Lehtipalo, K.; Gordon, H.; Ehrhart, S.; Finkenzeller, H.; Pichelstorfer, L.; Nieminen, T. et al.; He, X.-C.; Brilke, S.; Xiao, M.; Amorim, A.; Baalbaki, R.; Baccarini, A.; Beck, L.; Brakling, S.; Murillo, L. C.; Chen, D.; Chu, B.; Dada, L.; Dias, A.; Dommen, J.; Duplissy, J.; El Haddad, I.; Fischer, L.; Carracedo, L. G.; Heinritzi, M.; Kim, C.; Koenig, T. K.; Kong, W.; Lamkaddam, H.; Lee, C. P.; Leiminger, M.; Li, Z.; Makhmutov, V.; Manninen, H. E.; Marie, G.; Marten, R.; Mueller, T.; Nie, W.; Partoll, E.; Petaja, T.; Pfeifer, J.; Philippov, M.; Rissanen, M. P.; Rorup, B.; Schobesberger, S.; Schuchmann, S.; Shen, J.; Sipila, M.; Steiner, G.; Stozhkov, Y.; Tauber, C.; Tham, Y. J.; Tome, A.; Vazquez-Pufleau, M.; Wagner, A. C.; Wang, M.; Wang, Y.; Weber, S. K.; Wimmer, D.; Wlasits, P. J.; Wu, Y.; Ye, Q.; Zauner-Wieczorek, M.; Baltensperger, U.; Carslaw, K. S.; Curtius, J.; Donahue, N. M.; Flagan, R. C.; Hansel, A.; Kulmala, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Volkamer, R.; Kirkby, J.; Winkler, P. M.: Enhanced growth rate of atmospheric particles from sulfuric acid. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (12), S. 7359 - 7372 (2020)
Tadic, I.; Crowley, J. N.; Dienhart, D.; Eger, P.; Harder, H.; Hottmann, B.; Martinez, M.; Parchatka, U.; Paris, J.-D.; Pozzer, A. et al.; Rohloff, R.; Schuladen, J.; Shenolikar, J.; Tauer, S.; Lelieveld, J.; Fischer, H.: Net ozone production and its relationship to nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the marine boundary layer around the Arabian Peninsula. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (11), S. 6769 - 6787 (2020)
Zimmermann, P. H.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Pozzer, A.; Jöckel , P.; Winterstein, F.; Zahn, A.; Houweling, S.; Lelieveld, J.: Model simulations of atmospheric methane (1997-2016) and their evaluation using NOAA and AGAGE surface and IAGOS-CARIBIC aircraft observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (9), S. 5787 - 5809 (2020)
Giannakis, E.; Kushta, J.; Bruggeman, A.; Lelieveld, J.: Costs and benefits of agricultural ammonia emission abatement options for compliance with European air quality regulations. Environmental sciences Europe 31 (1), 93 (2019)
Abdelwares, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Zittis, G.; Wagdy, A.; Haggag, M.: Evaluation of A Regional Climate Model for the Eastern Nile Basin: Terrestrial and Atmospheric Water Balance. Atmosphere 10 (12), 736 (2019)
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