Publikationen von Arne J. C. Bunkan

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Amedro, D.; Bunkan, A. J. C.; Dillon, T. J.; Crowley, J. N.: Characterization of two photon excited fragment spectroscopy (TPEFS) for HNO3 detection in gas-phase kinetic experiments. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (11), S. 6397 - 6407 (2021)
Amedro, D.; Berasategui, M.; Bunkan, A. J. C.; Pozzer, A.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Kinetics of the OH + NO2 reaction: effect of water vapour and new parameterization for global modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (5), S. 3091 - 3105 (2020)
Amedro, D.; Bunkan, A. J. C.; Berasategui, M.; Crowley, J. N.: Kinetics of the OH + NO2 reaction: rate coefficients (217-333 K, 16-1200 mbar) and fall-off parameters for N2 and O2 bath gases. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (16), S. 10643 - 10657 (2019)
Bunkan, A. J. C.; Gonu, S.; Amedro, D.; Vereecken, L.; Wallington, T. J.; Crowley, J. N.: Products and mechanism of the OH-initiated photo-oxidation of perfluoro ethyl vinyl ether, C2F5OCF=CF2. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (16), S. 11306 - 11316 (2018)
Gonu, S.; Bunkan, A. J. C.; Amedro, D.; Crowley, J. N.: Absolute and relative-rate measurement of the rate coefficient for reaction of perfluoro ethyl vinyl ether (C2F5OCF=CF2) with OH. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (5), S. 3761 - 3767 (2018)
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