Publikationen von Chao Wei

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Wang, J.; Su, H.; Wei, C.; Zheng, G.; Wang, J.; Su, T.; Li, C.; Liu, C.; Pleim, J. E.; Li, Z. et al.; Ding, A.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöschl, U.; Cheng, Y.: Black-carbon-induced regime transition of boundary layer development strongly amplifies severe haze. One Earth 6 (2023)
Liu, Y.; Su, H.; Wang, S.; Wei, C.; Tao, W.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöhlker, C.; Holanda, B. A.; Krüger, O. O.; Hoffmann, T. et al.; Wendisch, M.; Artaxo, P.; Pöschl, U.; Andreae, M. O.; Cheng, Y.: Strong particle production and condensational growth in the uppertroposphere sustained by biogenic VOCs from the canopy of the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (1), S. 251 - 272 (2023)
Liu, L.; Cheng, Y.; Wang, S.; Wei, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöhlker, C.; Artaxo, P.; Shrivastava, M.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöschl, U. et al.; Su, H.: Impact of biomass burning aerosols on radiation, clouds, and precipitation over the Amazon: relative importance of aerosol–cloud and aerosol–radiation interactions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (21), S. 13283 - 13301 (2020)
Tao, W.; Su, H.; Zheng, G.; Wang, J.; Wei, C.; Liu, L.; Ma, N.; Li, M.; Zhang, Q.; Pöschl, U. et al.; Cheng, Y.: Aerosol pH and chemical regimes of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (20), S. 11729 - 11746 (2020)
Chen, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Ma, N.; Wei, C.; Ran, L.; Wolke, R.; Groess, J.; Wang, Q.; Pozzer, A.; van der Gon, H. A. C. D. et al.; Spindler, G.; Lelieveld, J.; Tegen, I.; Su, H.; Wiedensohler, A.: Natural sea-salt emissions moderate the climate forcing of anthropogenic nitrate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (2), S. 771 - 786 (2020)
Cheng, Y.; Zheng, G.; Wei, C.; Mu, Q.; Zheng, B.; Wang, Z.; Gao, M.; Zhang, Q.; He, K.; Carmichael, G. et al.; Pöschl, U.; Su, H.: Reactive nitrogen chemistry in aerosol water as a source of sulfate during haze events in China. Science Advances 2 (12), e1601530 (2016)
Gan, C.-M.; Hogrefe, C.; Mathur, R.; Pleim, J.; Xing, J.; Wong, D.; Gilliam, R.; Pouliot, G.; Wei, C.: Assessment of the effects of horizontal grid resolution on long-term air quality trends using coupled WRF-CMAQ simulations. Atmospheric Environment 132, S. 207 - 216 (2016)
Xing, J.; Mathur, R.; Pleim, J.; Hogrefe, C.; Gan, C.-M.; Wong, D. C.; Wei, C.; Wang, J.: Air pollution and climate response to aerosol direct radiative effects: A modeling study of decadal trends across the northern hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 120 (23), S. 12221 - 12236 (2015)
Gan, C. -.; Pleim, J.; Mathur, R.; Hogrefe, C.; Long, C. N.; Xing, J.; Wong, D.; Gilliam, R.; Wei, C.: Assessment of long-term WRF-CMAQ simulations for understanding direct aerosol effects on radiation "brightening" in the United States. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (21), S. 12193 - 12209 (2015)
Xing, J.; Mathur, R.; Pleim, J.; Hogrefe, C.; Gan, C. -.; Wong, D. C.; Wei, C.: Can a coupled meteorology-chemistry model reproduce the historical trend in aerosol direct radiative effects over the Northern Hemisphere? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (17), S. 9997 - 10018 (2015)
Xing, J.; Mathur, R.; Pleim, J.; Hogrefe, C.; Gan, C.-M.; Wong, D. C.; Wei, C.; Gilliam, R.; Pouliot, G.: Observations and modeling of air quality trends over 1990-2010 across the Northern Hemisphere: China, the United States and Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (5), S. 2723 - 2747 (2015)

Preprint (1)

Liu, Y.; Su, H.; Wang, S.; Wei, C.; Tao, W.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöhlker, C.; Holanda, B. A.; Krüger, O. O.; Hoffmann, T. et al.; Wendisch, M.; Artaxo, P.; Pöschl, U.; Andreae, M. O.; Cheng, Y.: Strong particle production and condensational growth in the upper troposphere sustained by biogenic VOCs from the canopy of the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 22 (2022)
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