Publikationen von P. Jöckel
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Zeitschriftenartikel (79)
259 (1), S. 558 - 564 (2007)
Direct measurement of the radiocarbon production at altitude. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 42.
112 (D9), D09314 (2007)
Global distributions of HO2NO2 as observed by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 43.
7, S. 1313 - 1332 (2007)
Stratospheric dryness: model simulations and satellite observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 44.
7, S. 295 - 308 (2007)
Evidence for a CO increase in the SH during the 20th century based on firn air samples from Berkner Island, Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 45.
7 (21), S. 5585 - 5598 (2007)
Nitrogen compounds and ozone in the stratosphere: comparison of MIPAS satellite data with the chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 46.
7 (11), S. 2973 - 2985 (2007)
Technical Note: Simulation of detailed aerosol chemistry on the global scale using MECCA-AERO. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 47.
7 (19), S. 5061 - 5079 (2007)
Global model simulations of the impact of ocean-going ships on aerosols, clouds, and the radiation budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 48.
7 (10), S. 2527 - 2550 (2007)
Simulating organic species with the global atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: a comparison of model results with observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 49.
7 (24), S. 6099 - 6117 (2007)
A climatology of surface ozone in the extra tropics: cluster analysis of observations and model results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 50.
7 (10), S. 2733 - 2757 (2007)
Global cloud and precipitation chemistry and wet deposition: tropospheric model simulations with ECHAM5/MESSy1. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 51.
7 (17), S. 4553 - 4568 (2007)
Lightning and convection parameterisations - uncertainties in global modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 52.
6, S. 5475 - 5493 (2006)
Influence of different convection parameterisations in a GCM. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 53.
6, S. 5435 - 5444 (2006)
Technical note: the MESSy-submodel AIRSEA calculating the air-sea exchange of chemical species. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 54.
6, S. 5067 - 5104 (2006)
The atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: consistent simulation of ozone from the surface to the mesosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 55.
6, S. 4617 - 4632 (2006)
Technical note: An implementation of the dry removal processes DRY DEPosition and SEDImentation in the modular earth submodel system (MESSy). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 56.
6, S. 3603 - 3609 (2006)
Technical note: Implementation of prescribed (OFFLEM), calculated (ONLEM), and pseudo-emissions (TNUDGE) of chemical species in the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 57.
40 (29), S. 5741 - 5743 (2006)
New Directions: Watching over tropospheric hydroxyl (OH). Atmospheric Environment 58.
6, S. 3557 - 3562 (2006)
Technical note: recursive rediscretisation of geo-scientific data in the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 59.
6, S. 565 - 574 (2006)
Technical note: A new comprehensive SCAVenging submodel for global atmospheric chemistry modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 60.
110 (D18), D18310 (2005)
The 18O isotope exchange rate between firn air CO2 and the firn matrix at three Antarctic sites. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres