Publikationen von J. Curtius

Zeitschriftenartikel (34)

Kürten, A.; Curtius, J.; Nillius, B.; Borrmann, S.: Characterization of an automated, water-based expansion condensation nucleus counter for ultrafine particles. Aerosol Science and Technology 39 (12), S. 1174 - 1183 (2005)
Curtius, J.; Weigel, R.; Vössing, H. J.; Wernli, H.; Werner, A.; Volk, C. M.; Konopka, P.; Krebsbach, M.; Schiller, C.; Roiger, A. et al.; Schlager, H.; Dreiling, V.; Borrmann, S.: Observations of meteoric material and implications for aerosol nucleation in the winter Arctic lower stratosphere derived from in situ particle measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5, S. 3053 - 3069 (2005)
Voigt, C.; Schlager, H.; Luo, B. P.; Dörnbrack, A. D.; Roiger, A.; Stock, P.; Curtius, J.; Vössing, H.; Borrmann, S.; Davies, S. et al.; Konopka, P.; Schiller, C.; Shur, G.; Peter, T.: Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) formation at low NAT supersaturation in Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5, S. 1371 - 1380 (2005)
Williams, J.; Drewnick, F.; Hings, S. S.; Curtius, J.; Eerdekens, G.; Klüpfel, T.; Wagner, T.: Firework Emissions for Satellite Validation? Environmental Chemistry 2, S. 94 - 95 (2005)
Burkholder, J. B.; Curtius, J.; Ravishankara, A. R.; Lovejoy, E. R.: Laboratory studies of the homogeneous nucleation of iodine oxides. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4, S. 19 - 34 (2004)
Lovejoy, E. R.; Curtius, J.; Froyd, K. D.: Atmospheric ion-induced nucleation of sulphuric acid and water. Journal of Geophysical Research 109, D08204 (2004)
Rosén, S.; Froyd, K. D.; Curtius, J.; Lovejoy, E. R.: Kinetics, thermodynamics, and ab initio calculations of HS2O7¯(H2SO4)x (x=1-3) cluster ions. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 232, S. 9 - 15 (2004)
Borrmann, S.; Curtius, J.: Atmospheric science - Lasing on a cloudy afternoon. Nature 418 (6900), S. 826 - 827 (2002)
Curtius, J.; Arnold, F.: Measurement of aerosol sulfuric acid, 1, Experimental setup, characterization, and calibration of a novel mass spectrometric system. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, S. 31965 - 31974 (2001)
Curtius, J.; Froyd, K. D.; Lovejoy, E. R.: Cluster Ion Thermal Decomposition (I): Experimental Kinetics Study and Ab Initio Calculations for HSO4-(H2SO4)x(HNO3)y. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, S. 10867 - 10873 (2001)
Curtius, J.; Sierau, B.; Arnold, F.; de Reus, M.; Ström, J.; Scheeren, B.; Lelieveld, J.: Measurement of aerosol sulfuric acid, 2, Pronounced layering in the free troposphere during the second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE 2). Journal of Geophysical Research 106, S. 31975 - 31990 (2001)
Lovejoy, E. R.; Curtius, J.: Cluster Ion Thermal Decomposition (II): Master Equation Modeling in the Low Pressure Limit and Fall-Off Regions. Bond Energies for HSO4-(H2SO4)x (HNO3)y. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, S. 10874 - 10883 (2001)
Meilinger, S. K.; Tsias, A.; Dreiling, V.; Kuhn, M.; Feigl, C.; Ziereis, H.; Schlager, H.; Curtius, J.; Sierau, B.; Arnold, F. et al.; Zöger, M.; Schiller, C.; Peter, T.: HNO3 Partitioning in Cirrus Clouds. Geophysical Research Letters 26, S. 2207 - 2210 (1999)
Schneider, J.; Arnold, F.; Curtius, J.; Sierau, B.; Fischer, H.; Hoor, P.; Wienhold, F. G.; Parchatka, U.; Zhang, Y. C.; Schlager, H. et al.; Ziereis, H.; Feigl, C.; Lelieveld, J.; Scheeren, H. A.; Bujok, O.: The temporal evolution of the ratio HNO3/NOy in the Arctic lower stratosphere from January to March 1997. Geophysical Research Letters 26, S. 1125 - 1128 (1999)

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Curtius, J.; Kürten, A.; Nillius, B.; Borrmann, S.: Design, characterization and measurements of an adiabatic expansion condensation nucleus counter for ultrafine particles. Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (Suppl. 1), S. S643 - S644 (2004)
Kärcher, B.; Schumann, U.; Brinkop, S.; Busen, R.; Fiebig, M.; Flentje, H.; Gierens, K.; Graf, J.; Haag, W.; Hendricks, J. et al.; Mannstein, H.; Marquart, S.; Meyer, R.; Minikin, A.; Petzold, A.; Ponater, M.; Sausen, R.; Schmid, H.; Wendling, P.; Aigner, M.; Frank, P.; Geigle, K.-P.; Gerlinger, P.; Noll, B.; Stricker, W.; Wahl, C.; Schurath, U.; Möhler, O.; Schaefers, S.; Stetzer, O.; Schrems, O.; Beyerle, G.; Immler, F.; Kruse, H.; Döpelheuer, A.; Plohr, M.; Schiller, C.; Bläsner, M.; Krämer, M.; Mangold, A.; Wollny, A.; Borrmann, S.; Curtius, J.; Henseler, S.; Hock, N.; Schneider, J.; Weimer, S.; Arnold, F.; Aufmhoff, H.; Gollinger, K.; Kiendler, A.; Stilp, T.; Wilhelm, S.; Wohlfrom, K.-H.; Timmreck, C.; Feichter, J.; Lohmann, U.; Ström, J.; Rother, T.: Particles and Cirrus Clouds (PAZI): Overview of results 2000 - 2003. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Aviation, Atmosphere and Climate (AAC). Air pollution research report 83, S. 197 - 206 (Hg. Sausen, R.; Fichter, C.; Amanatidis, G.). European Commission, Brussels (2004)
Lovejoy, E. R.; Curtius, J.; Froyd, K. D.: Ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water in the atmosphere: kinetic nucleation modeling with measured thermochemistry. Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (Suppl. 2), S. S1193 - S1194 (2004)
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