Publikationen von Jasper A. Wassenburg
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (11)
14 (2021)
Penultimate deglaciation Asian monsoon response to North Atlantic circulation collapse. Nature Geoscience 2.
34 (16), e8837 (2020)
A comparison of isotope ratio mass spectrometry and cavity ring-down spectroscopy techniques for isotope analysis of fluid inclusion water. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 3.
21 (6), e2019GC008755 (2020)
High-Resolution Proxy Records From Two Simultaneously Grown Stalagmites From Zoolithencave (Southeastern Germany) and their Potential for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4.
269, S. 581 - 596 (2020)
Calcite Mg and Sr partition coefficients in cave environments: Implications for interpreting prior calcite precipitation in speleothems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 5.
46 (13), S. 7614 - 7623 (2019)
North Atlantic Ice-Rafting, Ocean and Atmospheric Circulation During the Holocene: Insights From Western Mediterranean Speleothems. Geophysical Research Letters 6.
46 (15), S. 9042 - 9053 (2019)
Western Mediterranean Climate Response to Dansgaard/Oeschger Events: New Insights From Speleothem Records. Geophysical Research Letters 7.
Nano-Powdered Calcium Carbonate Reference Materials: Significant Progress for Microanalysis? Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research (2019)
46 (23), S. 14093 - 14102 (2019)
How Far North Did the African Monsoon Fringe Expand During the African Humid Period? Insights From Southwest Moroccan Speleothems. Geophysical Research Letters 9.
8, 17446 (2018)
Multi-decadal to centennial hydro-climate variability and linkage to solar forcing in the Western Mediterranean during the last 1000 years. Scientific Reports 10.
476, S. 1 - 10 (2017)
Speleothem records decadal to multidecadal hydroclimate variations in southwestern Morocco during the last millennium. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 11.
468, S. 63 - 74 (2017)
Sr-isotope analysis of speleothems by LA-MC-ICP-MS: High temporal resolution and fast data acquisition. Chemical Geology