Publikationen von Hubert Vonhof

Preprint (5)

Jung, J.; Zoppe, S.; Söte, T.; Moretti, S.; Duprey, N.; Foreman, A.; Wald, T.; Vonhof, H.; Haug, G.; Sigman, D. et al.; Schindler, E.; Janussen, D.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Coral Photosymbiosis on Mid-Devonian Reefs. Research Square (2023)
Leichliter, J.; Lüdecke, T.; Foreman, A.; Bourgon, N.; Duprey, N.; Vonhof, H.; Souksavatdy, V.; Bacon, A.-M.; Sigman, D.; Tütken, T. et al.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Nitrogen isotopic composition of tooth enamel organic matter records trophic position in modern and fossil ecosystems. (2022)
Prud'homme, C.; Fisher, P.; Jöris, O.; Gromov, S.; Vinnepand, M.; Hatté, C.; Vonhof, H.; Moine, O.; Vött, A.; Fitzsimmons, K.: Millennial-scale Land-surface Temperature and Soil Moisture Reconstruction Derived From Last Glacial European Loess Sequences. (2022)
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