Publikationen von H. B. Vonhof

Zeitschriftenartikel (64)

Rogerson, M.; Mercedes-Martin, R.; Brasier, A. T.; McGill, R. A. R.; Prior, T. J.; Vonhof, H. B.; Fellows, S. M.; Reijmer, J. J. G.; McClymont, E.; Billing, I. et al.; Matthews, A.; Pedley, H. M.: Are spherulitic lacustrine carbonates an expression of large-scale mineral carbonation? A case study from the East Kirkton Limestone, Scotland. Gondwana Research 48, S. 101 - 109 (2017)
Schulp, A. S.; Janssen, R.; van Baal, R. R.; Jagt, J. W. M.; Mulder, E. W. A.; Vonhof, H. B.: Stable isotopes, niche partitioning and the paucity of elasmosaur remains in the Maastrichtian type area. Netherlands journal of geosciences: geologie en mijnbouw 96 (1), S. 29 - 33 (2017)
van der Lubbe, H. J. L.; Krause-Nehring, J.; Junginger, A.; Garcin, Y.; Joordens, J. C. A.; Davies, G. R.; Beck, C.; Feibel, C. S.; Johnson, T. C.; Vonhof, H. B.: Gradual or abrupt? Changes in water source of Lake Turkana (Kenya) during the African Humid Period inferred from Sr isotope ratios. Quaternary Science Reviews 174, S. 1 - 12 (2017)
Janssen, R.; Joordens, J. C. A.; Koutamanis, D. S.; Puspaningrum, M. R.; de Vos, J.; van der Lubbe, J. H. J. L.; Reijmer, J. J. G.; Hampe, O.; Vonhof, H. B.: Tooth enamel stable isotopes of Holocene and Pleistocene fossil fauna reveal glacial and interglacial paleoenvironments of hominins in Indonesia. Quaternary Science Reviews 144, S. 145 - 154 (2016)

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Martin, A. N.; Stüeken, E. E.; Leitner, J.; Gehringer, M. M.; Markowska, M.; Weyer, S.; Vonhof, H.; Hofmann, A.: Neoarchean nitrogen isotope variability associated with the upwelling of hydrothermal ammonium on the submerged Zimbabwe proto-craton. In Goldschmidt Chicago 2024, 22651. Goldschmidt 2024, Chicago, IL, 18. August 2024 - 23. August 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Markowska, M.; Vonhof, H. B.; Groucutt, H. S.; Petraglia, M. D.; Scholz, D.; Weber, M.; Gerdes, A.; Albert, R.; Schroeder, J.; Krüger, Y. S. et al.; Meckler, A. N.; Fiebig, J.; Stewart, M.; Boivin, N.; Nicholson, S. L.; Breeze, P. S.; Drake, N.; Tindall, J. C.; Haywood, A. M.; Haug, G.: Exploring the mechanisms controlling dryland hydroclimate in past 'warmer worlds'. In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-11799. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14. April 2024 - 19. April 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Nicholson, S.; Jacobson, M.; Markowska, M.; Schroeder, J.; Vonhof, H.; Haug, G.: Climatic predictors of speleothem deposition in SW Asia. In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-18292. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14. April 2024 - 19. April 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Brömme, S.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Mathe, J.; Leichliter, J. N.; Vonhof, H.; Bobe, R.; Carvalho, S.; Lüdecke, T.: Inter- and intra-tooth variability in enamel-bound nitrogen isotopic composition of modern African mammals from Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. In Goldschmidt Lyon 2023. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, 09. Juli 2023 - 14. Juli 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Markowska, M.; Vonhof, H. B.; Groucutt, H. S.; Petraglia, M. D.; Scholz, D.; Weber, M.; Gerdes, A.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Stewart, M.; Martin, A. N. et al.; Drake, N.; Breeze, P. S.; Nicholson, S. L.; Fleitmann, D.; Haug, G.: Recurrent humid phases interrupt an overall aridity trend in Arabia over the past 8 million years creating windows of opportunity for biogeographic dispersals. In EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023,, Abstract EGU23-9980. EGU General Assembly 2023 , Vienna, Austria, 24. April 2023 - 28. April 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Prudhomme, C.; Fischer, P.; Jöris, O.; Gromov, S.; Vinnepand, M.; Hatté, C.; Vonhof, H.; Moine, O.; Antoine, P.; Vött, A. et al.; Fitzsimmons, K.: Temperature and precipitation reconstruction for Last Glacial Central Europe reveals new insights into continental climate dynamics. In EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023,, EGU23-1447. EGU General Assembly 2023 , Vienna, Austria, 24. April 2023 - 28. April 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Cybulski, J.; Duprey, N.; Connolly, S.; Foreman, A.; Dillon, E.; Vonhof, H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Gracia, B. D.; O’Dea, A.: Coral Geochemical Records Track Millennial-Scale Ecosystem Change and Resilience in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. In Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History / University of Florida, 60 (2). Gainesville, Fla. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Markowska, M.; Vonhof, H. B.; Groucutt, H.; Petraglia, M. D.; Scholz, D.; Weber, M.; Gerdes, A.; Martin, A. N.; Haug, G.: Terrestrial hydroclimate reconstructions of ‘fossil rainwater’ from Arabian arid-zone speleothems. In The warm Pliocene: Bridging the geological data and modelling communities. The warm Pliocene: Bridging the geological data and modelling communities, Leeds, UK, 23. August 2022 - 26. August 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Jung, J.; Zoppe, S. F.; Söte, T.; Duprey, N.; Foreman, A.; Sigman, D. M.; Haug, G. H.; Vonhof, H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes. In Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, 11. Juli 2022 - 15. Juli 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Lüdecke, T.; Leichliter, J. N.; Duprey, N. N.; Stratford, D.; Vonhof, H. B.; Bamford, M. K.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: First enamel nitrogen isotope data of early hominins: Early Pleistocene Australopithecus (Sterkfontein Member 4, South Africa) did not consume significant amounts of animal resources. In American journal of biological anthropology, 177, S. 111 - 112. Wiley, Chichester (2022)

Poster (4)

Auderset, A.; Fripiat, F.; Creel, R.; Oesch, L.; Studer, A. S.; Repschläger, J.; Hathorne, E.; Vonhof, H.; Schiebel, R.; Gordon, L. et al.; Lawrence, K.; Ren, H. A.; Haug, G. H.; Sigman, D. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Sea level change and nitrogen fixation dynamics in the Atlantic over glacial cycles. Goldschmidt 2024, Chicago, IL (2024)
Schröder, J.; Markowska, M.; Vonhof, H.; Scholz, D.; Weber, M.; Boivin, N.; Groucutt, H. S.; Petraglia, M. D.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Krüger, Y. et al.; Meckler, A. N.; Fiebig, J.; Nicholson, S. L.; Haug, G.: Warm mean annual air temperatures during Miocene to Pleistocene central Arabian humid periods. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (2024)
Zachow, C.; Vonhof, H.; Galer, S. J. G.; Foerster, V.; Markowska, M.; Junginger, A.: Indian ocean sea surface temperature control on the 50,000-year strontium isotope Chew Bahir lake record, Eastern Africa. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (2024)
Cybulski, J.; O'Dea, A.; Duprey, N.; Foreman, A.; Sharpe, A. E.; Connolly, S.; Smith-Guzmán, N. E.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Dillon, E. M.; Vonhof, H. et al.; de Gracia, B.; Aizpurúa, I. I.; Sánchez Herrera, L. A.; McMahon, K.: Using marine paleoecological proxies and archaeological evidence to investigate human-environment-ecosystem interactions in the Tropical Eastern Pacific throughout the late-Holocene. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Preprint (5)

Auderset, A.; Smart, S. M.; Ryu, Y.; Marconi, D.; Ren, H. A.; Heins, L.; Vonhof, H.; Schiebel, R.; Repschläger, J.; Sigman, D. M. et al.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Effects of photosymbiosis and related processes on planktic foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotopes in South Atlantic sediments. EGUsphere (2024)
Vonhof, H.; Verheyden, S.; Bonjean, D.; Pirson, S.; Weber, M.; Scholz, D.; Hellstrom, J.; Cheng, H.; Jia, X.; Modica, K. D. et al.; Abrams, G.; van Nunen, M.; Ruiter, J.; van der Does, M.; Böhl, D.; van der Lubbe, J.: Improving the age constraints on the archeological record in Scladina Cave (Belgium): new speleothem U-Th ages and paleoclimatological data. Climate of the past discussions 20 (2024)
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